Chapter 1215
The worst result is to trigger the explosion of the central energy body. If Lu Zhen and Chi Long can be eliminated one by one, it can buy time for more people. Maybe they can...

"You crazy bastards!"

Lu Zhen was furious and shouted. Under the threat of death, he frantically poured his mind energy into the red dragon at his feet, and he activated the red flames to the extreme.

Fang Tian frowned.

The limit has been reached!

After all, they have not stepped into the holy rank yet, and under the influence of the symbiosis contract, Zhong Yan'er and Lu Zhen have already stepped into the middle stage of the holy rank, and the quality and quantity of the thoughts between the two parties cannot be compared.

Because the thoughts in the body have been exhausted, the power of chaos cannot be transformed, which directly causes the power of dragon flame controlled by Chaos and Zhong Yaner to be unable to maintain, causing violent fluctuations.

And the fluctuation caused the energy sphere in the center to be unable to maintain the original balance.

Lu Zhen's pupils widened suddenly, and when he encountered something, he shouted, "No!"

The next moment, a huge explosion swallowed up his voice.


Hot black balls exploded in front of them.

Fang Tian stared ahead.

The intertwined colors of dark awn and red awn gradually filled the world in front of Fang Tian.

Fang Tian felt his hand being held tightly by Zhong Yan'er beside him.

Are you going to die?
The thoughts were completely exhausted, and Fang Tian felt that he could no longer support his body and continued to open his eyes. He was about to be swallowed up and fall into coma.

That is……

The second before he closed his eyes, a black shadow flashed across Fang Tian's eyes amid the dark and red light.

Fang Tian felt wrapped in a powerful force.

In the next second, a violent explosion shattered and collapsed the entire upper layer of Dragon Cliff.

Outside, there was an explosive roar behind Yu Qiu and his group who were running forward rapidly, and the entire Dragon Cliff was instantly reduced to ruins.

Looking back, the entire Dragon Cliff was submerged in the explosion.

Suddenly, a young man noticed something, pointed to a certain location in the explosion, and shouted, "Mentor! Look! What is that!"

That is? !
Dragon Heart Fragment? !
When Yu Qiu stretched out his hand, he caught a fingernail-sized fragment.

Due to the violent explosion, three-quarters of the dragon heart fragments collected by Lu Zhen before were broken up again, forming smaller fragments than before, and scattered in all directions.

Apparently the Initiate and other organizations have made this point as well.

In order to compete for the pieces of the dragon's heart, a battle begins again!


"Little girl, you have asked this for the third time. Let me answer you again. His condition is very good, and his physical fitness is much higher than that of ordinary humans. Coupled with the assistance of the Dragon Soul Stone, he will be dead before sunrise tomorrow. You must wake up."

" Fang Tian is seriously injured..."

Two very familiar voices came vaguely to my ears.

Fang Tian felt that his eyelids were heavy. He tried hard to open his eyes and saw the two people next to him clearly through the dim light coming from the outside world.

Is it Zhong Yan'er?
So, are they still alive?

It seemed that he and Zhong Yan'er had very good luck, and they couldn't die in such a situation.

Fang Tian thought to himself.

"Brother Fang Tian! Uncle, Brother Fang Tian is awake!" Zhong Yan'er was delighted to see Fang Tian wake up, and happily knelt down beside Fang Tian, ​​"How is Brother Fang Tian? Do you want a drink?"

"I told you a long time ago, little girl, that with the Dragon Soul Stone, nothing will happen to him."

Fang Tian's lips were a little dry, he took the water from Zhong Yan'er's hand, and swallowed it all in one gulp.

With Zhong Yan'er's help, Fang Tian quickly checked the situation in his body.

Immediately, Fang Tian felt a little surprised.

I used all my strength to urge the power of chaos to the extreme before, and I thought that my body suffered great trauma, and it would take at least a week or two of cultivation to fully recover.

But what didn't arrive first was that the injury in his body was suppressed now, and he was still recovering quickly.

There is a warm current in the chest that is constantly releasing gentle power and nourishing the body.

This is……

Fang Tian couldn't help stretching out his hand and placed it on his heart.

He touched a fist-sized red spar from his coat pocket.

"Do not move."

Fang Tian was startled, turned his head, and looked at the place where the voice came from, his pupils shrank slightly.

Ai Luo, wearing a black windbreaker, stood beside Fang Tian.

"Airl? You..."

Ai Luo nodded to Fang Tian, ​​"The thing in your hand is the Dragon Soul Stone, which is the treasure of our giant dragon family. It can help you suppress your injuries and quickly recover from internal injuries. Without him, you will be in trouble. "

Fang Tian stretched out his hand to touch the small stone on his chest, his eyes were full of surprise.

This is the Dragon Soul Stone? !
In fact, Fang Tian had heard of this kind of dragon treasure when he was a child. This kind of treasure has extremely strong vitality and can speed up the healing of injuries. Slow recovery.

"I thought that the Dragon Soul Stone had completely disappeared in the Dragon Realm, but I didn't expect to find it in the Emerald Dreamland this time."

It was also a coincidence that Ai Luo got this dragon soul stone.

When Fang Tian heard this, he obediently put the Dragon Soul Stone back into his pocket. He knew that the injuries in his body were not healed yet. He was only temporarily suppressed by the power of the Dragon Soul Stone, and the healing was accelerated under the power of the Dragon Soul Stone. Judging from the current situation, , it is impossible to do anything with others.

Take a look around.

Fang Tian discovered that they were sitting on the back of a giant dragon, flying rapidly at high altitude.

The person who spoke just now was...

Fang Tian lowered his head, it was Chrisman, the elder of the Red Dragon Clan, who was standing under his feet!
Chrisman said in a deep voice: "You are lucky, kid. You were injured so badly. If we hadn't been lucky enough to find the Dragon Soul Stone, no one would have been able to save you."

It seems that my luck is really good?
Fang Tian raised his head, frowned, and asked, "What happened after that explosion? What about the others?"

"You have a lot of problems." Airl's gaze seemed to be able to penetrate the cloud in front of him, and he said in a deep voice, "There are more important things waiting for us to do now, and we don't have time to care about other people."

Fang Tian tried to support his body and stood up from the red dragon's back, "What do you mean? Where is the heart of the dragon?"

"Due to the previous explosion, the Dragon's Heart has been broken into small pieces. When we left, the humans were fighting for the pieces. It was extremely troublesome to collect them again. Like I said, we don't have much time to deal with these. Something happened."

Ai Luo's words made Fang Tian frowned, "I don't understand, what is more important than the fragment of the dragon's heart? Don't you need the dragon's heart to unlock the Emerald Dream? Also, where are we going? "

"I will explain slowly." Ai Luo turned around and said: "I fought against the Red Dragon, one of the four ancient dragons. Because the power of the dragon's heart in my body was destroyed, I was unable to exert my full strength. Both sides were injured by the Red Dragon. He was seriously injured and had to leave temporarily as a last resort.”

(End of this chapter)

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