city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 121 Hidden danger

Chapter 121 Hidden danger
"How come the troops of the Frostwolf clan keep coming?" The red-nosed paladin just finished sorting out the things that broke out in the previous wave of teams, and he couldn't help muttering when he saw the troops of the Frostwolf clan popping up not far away.

Another soldier said disdainfully: "Cut! What's the matter, it's not good to rush to deliver the potion to us!"

"Okay, of course." The red-nosed paladin laughed foolishly, swung his long sword of light, and rushed towards the monsters of the Frostwolf clan roaring from afar.

The speaker has no intention but the listener has intention.

In fact, Shen Luoluo and Captain Ax have long been aware of this problem.

It is different from their previous combat methods when performing missions. Before each round of battle, the team would have enough time to rest before continuing to face the next round of battle.

But the battle with the Frostwolf clan was different.

Their support speed was very fast, often after Shen Luoluo and the others wiped out one Frostwolf Clan squad, another squad appeared out of nowhere.

If this continues, there will be great hidden dangers. Due to the lack of time to recuperate, although their team can still hold on in a short period of time, they have already shown signs of fatigue.

Simply put, it is insufficient to return to blue.

In the game, most of the props that replenish blood volume have a long time interval limit.

So generally speaking, things like replenishing blood volume will be handed over to the priest.

But priests can't replenish blood casually, they need mana to release their skills.

Now the blue-return potion used by priests is generally level 45 Jade Dragon Holy Water, and the use interval of this potion is the shortest, only 1 minute.

After drinking this holy water, as long as you enter the state of meditation, you can restore part of the mana.

But meditation takes time, and it cannot be interrupted while meditating.

During this period of continuous fighting, the mana of the four priests in the team has almost bottomed out. Although ordinary priests will prepare some items that can instantly restore mana in case of accidents, these are used to restore the situation at critical moments.

Not to mention the high price, there is also a long period of use interval.

Shen Luoluo frowned. As a pastor, she was the first to realize this problem. This task related to the Frostwolf Clan was far from being as simple as imagined.

However, this is only part of the hidden dangers. Shen Luoluo carefully observed that the troops of the Frostwolf clan they encountered were getting larger and larger...

"Boss, they are here again!"

Just after finishing a wave of the Frostwolf Clan's squad, he poured a bottle of blue-returning potion for meditation, and Shen Luoluo's companion's warning sounded again.

Shen Luoluo raised his head, another wave of troubles from the Frostwolf Clan appeared in front of him, and the number of troops was much larger than before, and this time, an elite monster was the first to bear the brunt.

"Shen Luoluo and Mi Qi withdrew from the battle and returned to blue, and the others adopted a conservative offensive mode, cheer me up! Pay attention to your position, we only have two healers now!" The captain gave the most correct choice, taking advantage of Since the pressure is not too great for the time being, let the two priests exit the combat state and come back, and the four priests will alternately enter the field, so that at least temporarily solve this problem.

Shen Luoluo and the others didn't know that because of Fang Tian's movement in the camp, the number of reinforcements sent by the Frostwolf Clan was already at least half less than normal, and the reason why Shen Luoluo and the others met The reason for the constant attacks from the Frostwolf Clan's troops was the two watchtowers in front of the Frostwolf Clan's gate.

The actions of Shen Luoluo's team have long been known by the sentries on the watchtower.

In the same way, Shen Luoluo and the others' invasion also inadvertently helped Fang Tian and distracted him. Now the guys of the Frostwolf clan can be said to be tired of dealing with internal and external troubles.


About an hour later, Fang Tian finally recovered from the bursting headache just now. His head was still groggy, but at least he was able to think and act.

His right hand is still completely unconscious, and a layer of dark red blood scab has been picked up on his arm, which looks shocking.

This has happened before, and it is said that all the capillaries under the skin have been blasted.

The good news is that there should be only this one elite guard in this secret passage, otherwise, with the sound of fighting just now and more than an hour, the other party should have followed the sound and patrolled over.

In contrast, there is a lot of bad news.

In more than an hour, the fire that was set on it just now should have been controlled by the Frostwolf Clan. If this is the case, how to leave the camp has become a big problem.

Coupled with Fang Tian's current state, he will faint at some point, and it seems that it is extremely difficult to stand up again.

Fang Tian shook his head, and tried his best to restore his fighting spirit. Until the last moment, the outcome will never be finalized, and as long as he gives up, then the game is really lost.

Strongly cheered up, Fang Tian recovered a little bit of strength, stood up again with his left hand supporting the wall, and his right hand naturally hung on the right side of his body.

The one in front of him stood up again, and looked at the ball of light that appeared in front of him again. Fang Tian stretched out his hand to wipe it, and suddenly several new things appeared in the backpack.

Killing elite monsters by leapfrogging, coupled with being killed in the first dungeon, and with the high explosion rate bonus, Fang Tian directly exploded three pieces of equipment.

"Item: Armband of the Frostwolf Clan"

"Explanation: The special armband of the Frostwolf clan, only the bravest fighters in the Frostwolf clan can wear it."

"Item Equipment Level: LV: 50"

"Effect after equipment:"

"Agility +10."

"Strength +10."

After seeing the effect of the equipment, Fang Tian couldn't help but frown. For level 50 equipment, the effect of this equipment on improving attributes is too bad. Anyway, he hasn't reached level 50 yet, so he can't equip it. Throw it into the backpack.

For Fang Tian now, what he needs is some props that can restore blood volume, preferably to heal the injury on his right hand, so that it can recover some fighting power.

What Fang Tian didn't know was that this kind of armband-like equipment is extremely rare in the game, and most players at level [-] have empty barriers. If this piece of equipment is put on the forum, it will definitely be able to Sell ​​for a high price.

Although the effect of this piece of equipment is not good, in the eyes of some players who pursue extreme attributes, it is a treasure!
Fang Tian turned his attention to the next item. When he saw this item, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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