city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1197 Shrink

Chapter 1197 Shrink
Inside the mine.

Fang Tian, ​​who was in stealth mode, stood beside the black egg.

Once the Hell Origin Worm enters the state of evolution, it cannot be reversed.

Either it succeeds and completely evolves to become a perfect body, or it fails to evolve and dies completely.

In terms of the degree of danger, the Hell Origin Insect has entered a stable state. The mortality rate due to evolution failure due to devouring is almost non-existent, and because there is no limit to the evolution time, Fang Tian can slowly find the source of devoured energy.

The black egg in front of him kept beating, as if it was gestating something inside.

The hell worm inside the egg is devouring, which is a way for the hell worm to absorb biological energy.

As far as the degree of defense is concerned, the hellworm in the egg state can be completely immune to low-level magic attacks, and can also have a considerable degree of immunity to high-level magic attacks.

Of course, all of this is based on the consumption of its own energy. Once the energy is completely consumed, it means that the evolution of the hell-originated insect has failed and it will die completely.

Fang Tian could clearly feel the joy coming from the Hell Origin Worm, and he was devouring and absorbing energy with all his strength.

For the hellworm, the absorption of the sleeping ancient dragon is simply amazing.

First of all, he is a living creature. Unlike those dying creatures, the energy contained in the living body is extremely high. Secondly, it is in a deep sleep and can be easily wrapped and completely swallowed by the hell-origin insect without struggling. It is really waiting for the ancient dragon. When it really reacted, it had already lost the ability to resist. The most important point, his strength was extremely strong, at least the strength of this ancient dragon was already at the peak of the seventh rank.

The young disciples of the God King organization around looked at the wriggling and struggling eggs, and all of them had weird expressions on their faces.

That is a deep fear of insect eggs.

Until now, they still don't know what caused this situation to happen, but they can clearly feel that there seems to be a living body struggling in the huge insect eggs!
After a period of struggle, the black eggs regained their composure, retracting and letting go, like a beating heart.

Such calm was maintained for a full seventeen hours.

The younger generation of the God King organization who gathered around the black egg to observe has changed two batches.

Everyone can feel that something is being conceived in the eggs.

What could it be?

There was a tinge of anticipation, but also a tinge of fear and anxiety.


The beating speed of the black eggs is getting faster and faster!

Gu Bin felt that his heart was also driven by this strange beating, and it beat faster.


With a slight sound, an extremely tiny opening appeared at the top of the egg.

This slight sound was especially harsh in the quiet cave.


Gu Bin shouted.

Everyone was shocked, and they all took a few steps back in unison, subconsciously trying to keep a distance from the egg.

What exactly is in the eggs?
The eggs on the outer layer fall off layer by layer, like a ripe melon or fruit.

Everyone held their breath and put on [-]% vigilance. If they encountered danger, they would leave here as soon as possible.

"That is……"

Gu Bin's pupils shrank, and he rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Is there anything inside the broken eggs? !
What about the original Elder Dragon?

The huge ancient dragon didn't even have any bones left?

For a moment, Gu Bin didn't know what to say, and looked at the organization members beside him.

Everyone's expressions were almost blank.

In fact, no one noticed that a group of black shadows had already left along the shadow of the eggs when the eggs broke open, and got into the sleeve of Fang Tian who was sneaking aside.

After entering the evolutionary state, the energy consumption of the Hell Origin Insect is reduced, and he cannot maintain the body state, and can only enter the shadow state.

Fang Tian tried to establish a spiritual connection with the Hell Origin Worm, and simply sensed the other party's condition.

Indeed, after absorbing and devouring the ancient dragon, the hell-originated worm gained a lot of energy, but this energy is far from enough for the hell-originated worm to evolve.

The Hell Origin Insect in the evolved state seemed to be extremely weak. In order to conserve energy, it fell into a deep sleep state immediately after entering Fang Tian's cuff.

He seemed to be digesting and absorbing the energy he had just absorbed.

scary creature.

Fang Tian temporarily cut off the parasitic connection with the Hell Origin Insect, and glanced around.

There was silence.

A bold young man stepped forward, approaching the broken egg fragments, trying to figure out what happened.

Unfortunately, they couldn't find anything.

The remaining black egg fragments quickly melted, forming a pool of black pus.

Gu Bin suppressed his nausea, took out a bottle, and filled part of the black pus into the bottle.

"You don't need to stay here, let's report to the elders."

Seeing Gu Bin and others leave, Fang Tian also quickened his pace to follow.


Outside the grotto, Mr. Pang had a dignified expression.

Gu Bin clasped his fists and said, "Yes, that's what happened in the cave. We didn't find any signs of other people's existence."

The middle-aged man looked at the fat elder, saw the confusion on his face, then shook his head and said: "You are also tired, please rest first."


Gu Bin clasped his fists and took a group of young people who had just come out of the grotto behind him to rest aside.

After working so hard for so long, the main reason is that the mental pressure is too great. Who knows if the black egg will suddenly change, and something strange will come out of it.

They had to give their full attention.

Taking advantage of the time when everyone was resting, the middle-aged man picked up the bottle he got from Gu Bin earlier, lifted the cap and smelled it.

There was a sour smell coming from the bottle.

The black slime appears to be the remnant tissue of some kind of organism.

Just looking at it, middle-aged people can't see much. If you take it to the organization's scientific research institute for further testing, you can get more information from it, but in this case, don't talk about going back to the organization. Emerald Dream is pretty good.

The middle-aged man put away the bottle and whispered in Mr. Pang's ear: "Mr. Pang, something doesn't seem right, that kind of black egg is almost unheard of, and it's hard to tell what it is from this kind of pus. The disappearance of the ancient dragon also reveals the strangeness."

Mr. Pang was also thinking hard, nodded, and looked at the middle-aged man, "What guess do you have?"

"I don't know, but I still feel that all of this may be related to the young man I met before. He was sneaky and refused to reveal his true colors, and he has not left the cave until now. In my opinion, his purpose is only Possibly the Elder Dragon."

(End of this chapter)

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