Chapter 1185

Airl let out a violent roar, and his figure rapidly expanded in the air until it evolved into the body of the descendant of the dragon king.

Descendants of the Holy Dragon - Arrow.

Under the continuous infusion of Longyan, the green barrier finally showed slight changes, and the bombarded point spread to the surroundings, revealing a small opening.

The opening continues to expand outward.

After ten seconds of stalemate, the expansion seems to have reached its limit.

"I can't hold it anymore! Right now!"

Feng Yuan frowned, shouted loudly, jumped off the back of the black dragon, and ran towards the opening of the broken Emerald Dream.

Fang Tian frowned slightly.

At this moment, Fang Tian hesitated.

Should we follow up?

The purpose of coming to Longyu this time is to rescue Qiansu and Yu Le who fell into a deep sleep.

Now that Yu Le has been saved, perhaps it is the best choice to bring Qian Su back now?

This thought flashed in Fang Tian's mind.


Not to mention agreeing to the Black Dragon Clan to solve the troubles of the Emerald Dream, thinking that Yu Qiu and Zhong Yan'er might also be in the dream, Fang Tian no longer hesitated.

"Red eyes! Let's go!"


Chiyan let out a roar, and his speed increased in an instant, thinking about breaking through and sprinting away.

One second before entering the mouth, all dragons stopped spraying dragon flames.

At the same time that Long Yan stopped, the opening of the Emerald Dream merged rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Almost at the same moment when Longyan stopped releasing, Ai Luo transformed into a human form and disappeared in place, taking the lead to step into the Emerald Dreamland.

Followed by Feng Yuan, followed by Fang Tian's red eyes.

Just before it was about to close, Chrisman, the dragon elder in human form, rushed in through the gap.


The entire Emerald Dream entrance is completely closed.

At the same time, Fang Tian felt that the spiritual connection with the black dragon outside him was cut off instantly.

The entire black dragon clan relied on the spiritual connection with Fang Tian to locate and specially summon here. Once the spiritual connection was cut off, magic arrays appeared under the black dragon's feet outside the Emerald Dream, and the summons disappeared after the reverse.


Before everyone could see the surrounding situation clearly, another green light flashed from the sky, and the distance of the Emerald Dream suddenly expanded a lot, and the green barrier in front of everyone suddenly disappeared.

Looking around in a daze, Fang Tian found himself in a dense forest.

Everything seemed extremely ordinary, as if they were here in the first place.

If he wasn't sure that he had just broken through the barrier, Fang Tian would even doubt whether he was having a dream.

"What's going on?" Feng Yuan was puzzled, and looked back at Ai Luo, wanting to get an explanation from him.

"This is the Emerald Dream created by the phantom dragon. We have stepped into the dream, and our feet are the former dragon domain." Ai Luo explained: "The interior of the dream is completely closed. I can't find it, and I need to use other methods to get out of here."

Feng Yuan heard the words and nodded thoughtfully.

Red-eyed Garden flapped his wings and rose into the air, trying to see the surrounding scene clearly.

After a while, it flew down from the sky again.

"I can't see clearly, there is a forest all around." Chiyan didn't seem to find anything, he looked at Airl and asked, "Airl, what should we do now? How can we stop the spread of the entire Emerald Dream?"

Hearing this, Ai Luo closed his eyes, sensed the fluctuations around him, then raised his head, looked in a direction, and said: "The Emerald Dream can only expand so quickly by relying on the increase of the Dragon King's Heart. Calm, we need to find the Dragon King's Heart before the change happens, as long as I can regain the power of the Dragon King's Heart, I will be able to re-close the Emerald Dream and take you all out of the Emerald Dream."

"In that case, what are you waiting for? I don't have much time."

At least now that there is a goal, Fang Tian stepped on the back of the black dragon again, and everyone quickly swept towards the direction of the rising sun.


Over the Emerald Dream, the red dragon Lucius flew forward as fast as he could.

It's a pity that too much vitality was consumed before. Lucius could feel his vitality being continuously consumed. He knew that his life was about to come to an end.

faster!Hurry up!
Following the perception, the scene in front of him gradually overlapped with the picture in his memory. Seeing the familiar mountain peak in the distance, Lucius seemed to see himself when he was young.

Just as he was thinking about it, two figures appeared in front of Lucius, one on the left and one on the right.

One is fat and the other is thin.

The aura of these two people made Lucius feel that something was wrong and he became vigilant.

"Hey, Mr. Lucius, don't be nervous. We are sent by the Spiritual Enlightenment Society to meet you. We have been waiting for you here for a long time. Your strength alone may not be able to completely seal the magic circle. We come here according to the order of our superiors. Helping you." Brother Tony smiled with kindness on his face, "Congratulations on successfully opening the Emerald Dream, are you ready to welcome the arrival of a new era?"

"People from the spiritual meeting? Take me there."

Hearing that the other party belonged to the Spiritual Enlightenment Society, Lucius felt relieved, nodded, and slowed down to follow the two forward.

There is no doubt that the person who reached a cooperation agreement with Lucius is the Spiritual Enlightenment Society.

According to the previous agreement between Lucius and the Spiritual Enlightenment Club, after using the power of the Dragon King's Heart to completely open the Emerald Dreamland, they will look for the spiritual body of the magic dragon in the Emerald Dreamland.

With the help of the power of the dragon's heart and the special sealing scroll handed down from ancient times, Lucius will completely seal the phantom dragon's spiritual body and pull its spiritual body into a special domain.

At that time, the magic dragon's spiritual experience thinks that he has been sealed by a special power and enters a dormant state, without any changes to the existing dream.

As a result, the fantasy dragon will fall into a special 'sleep' in another sense.

This kind of dormancy is undoubtedly the safest for Lucius and the entire Emerald Dream!
But at the same time, doing so is undoubtedly extremely dangerous. While the mental body of the Phantom Dragon is in danger, it is likely to cause violent fluctuations in the entire dream.

Lucius has done calculations, and the danger is there, but it is within the controllable range.

If everything is successful, the Emerald Dreamland will remain safe forever, and the entire Dragon Realm will return to its original state.

Although Lucius clearly knew that they were only living in an illusory dream, so what?
It was his dream to get the Dragon Clan back to that place, and for this, he was willing to pay any price, even his life.

(End of this chapter)

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