city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1183 Absorption

Chapter 1183 Absorption
Klissman and his team noticed that the Black Dragon Clan was blocked by the light curtain constructed by the Book of Dragons, and saw that the opponent was constantly attacking the light curtain. They roughly judged the opponent's thoughts, and immediately rushed forward along the broken hole. Assist the black dragon clan to block the group of bone dragons chasing from behind.

Fang Tian frowned.

It looks like a thin layer of golden light is unexpectedly strong, and after withstanding hundreds of impacts, there is still no sign of damage.

The Black Dragon Clan has a high fighting spirit, and in the face of continuous failures, they hit the barrier again and again.

After one failure, Red Eye floated in the air again.

Just about to launch another attack, Fang Tian suddenly heard Hydra's excited cry.

"Silly boy! Don't waste your efforts! Use that! Where is the Jiulongyuan I gave you!"

Fang Tian was slightly surprised, then thought of something, stretched out his hand, Jiulongyuan appeared in the palm of his hand, and held it tightly.

Infusing the power of the dragon imprint into it, a roaring dragon pattern appeared on the Jiulong Xuanchang knife in his hand.

The body of the black dragon family is extremely strong, but their perception ability is relatively weak. In addition, the red eyes are all focused on Ai Luo and the bone dragon behind him, so he does not perceive the existence of the breath of the hydra.

Holding the knife in both hands, Fang Tian raised it above his head, and stood behind the red eyes, his eyes were fixed on the golden barrier in front of him.

"Take me there! Red Eye!"


Chiyan let out a roar, and rushed towards the barrier with Fang Tian.


The blade flashed away.

The tip of the knife pierced the barrier hard.

The golden light flickered on and off, flickering frequently.

Immediately, a black wave of energy was released from the long knife.

The dragon-shaped patterns on the body of Jiulongyuan Dao circulated and continuously released different lusters.

That belongs to the dark power of the Swamp Hydra!

Including Red Eye, the Black Dragon Clan sensed this power that made them extremely uncomfortable.

Similarly, the power originating from Hydra also has a mutual restraint effect on the Book of Dragons.

How could Jiulongyuan, which took tens of thousands of years to refine by the dark hydra, be an ordinary thing!It was designed to absorb power!
Fang Tian clearly felt that Jiulongyuan in his hand was drawing power from the shield, drawing the power belonging to the dragon mark!

There was a stalemate in mid-air for a few breaths, and the entire golden barrier exploded in front of everyone.

The barrier disappears, and Airl and the Book of Dragons are in sight!

"That's him! Fang Tian! The Dragon Book! Pierce it!"

The hydra's excited shout suddenly sounded in my ears.

Fang Tian's pupils suddenly shrank.

Until now, Fang Tian finally understood.

All along, Hydra's goal is the Dragon Book!The destruction of Longyu doesn't care!So what if the world is destroyed? !He would not be so kind to help those dragons!His goal has already been determined!
Book of Dragons!
So what if you know?

Now, are there any other options?
It doesn't seem to be.

Fang Tian's eyes sank slightly, and he said coldly, "Red eyes!"


Chiyan let out a roar as if responding, and led Fang Tian to attack the location of the Dragon Book.

Fang Tian turned to Jiulongyuan in his hand.

He stabbed towards the book of dragons.


Without any hindrance, Jiulongyuan runs straight through the entire Dragon Book.


Black awns mixed with golden awns continued to explode.

The Dragon Book was hit hard, and the golden iron chain protruding from the page was hit hard, flying in the air, retracted from Airl, and quickly retracted into the page.

Fang Tian could clearly feel that the power of the dragon contained in the Book of Dragons was being extracted from Jiulongyuan at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, the undead bone dragons hovering over the entire dragon tomb let out painful soul roars!
Without the power of the Dragon Book, these undead bone dragons who were summoned to revive from their homeland also could not continue to survive.

"Bang! Boom!"

Undead bone dragons burst into pieces in the air!
The golden light dissipated.

has it ended?

Fang Tian felt that Jiulongyuan in his hand had stopped absorbing the power of the dragon's mark from the Dragon Book, so he withdrew the long knife.


To his surprise, after drawing out the long knife, the hole punctured by Jiulongyuan healed itself very quickly.

In just a moment, the entire Dragon Book remained intact in mid-air.

How could this be?

Before Fang Tian could think too much, in the next second, a huge force exploded in front of Fang Tian's eyes.

After getting out of trouble, Airl was suspended in mid-air, and the aura belonging to the Dragon King clan exploded from him.

The surrounding fog of undead centered on Airl, as if seeing a natural enemy, it retreated rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ai Luo stared at Fang Tian and the red eyes of the black dragon under his feet, and said in a deep voice: "Black Dragon Clan, help me tell Longzu that I, Ai Luo, owe you once."

"Without the guardianship of the Black Dragon Clan, has Long Yu been reduced to this point?" Chiyan snorted disdainfully, "Long Zu is very dissatisfied with you, these words, wait until you settle the matter of Long Yu." Tell the Dragon Clan yourself."

Airl clenched his fist lightly. This failure was a great insult to the proud Dragon Clan. He restrained his anger, suppressed his inner unwillingness, and looked at the position of Chrisman and his party, coldly He shouted: "Chrisman! Let's go! Back to Longquan!"

Saying that, Arrow waved his hand.

The Dragon Book was sensed and flew into Airl's hands.

Ai Luo took the Dragon Book, and suddenly his heart moved. He felt that the power in the Dragon Book seemed not right.

what happened?

This strange thought flashed through Airl's mind,

But just for a moment, Arrow put the matter behind him.

By the way, it must be that the Dragon Book released too much power before, and was hit hard afterwards. The Dragon Book may fall into a sleep state because of this, and it will take a while to recover.

Seeing that Ai Luo quickly left with the rest of the Dragon Clan, acting swiftly and resolutely, Chiyan snorted softly, and said softly: "It's still a bit of a leader."

Fang Tian took a deep breath, seeing Ai Luo leave, he felt a little relieved.

It seems that Airl didn't notice the abnormality of the Dragon Book, otherwise there would be trouble.

But it's strange to say, why did Jiulongyuan stop halfway through drawing power just now?
Could it be that Hydra has another problem?
Thinking about it, Fang Tian touched Jiulongyuan lightly, took him back, then stretched out his hand to lightly touch the runestone on his waist,

He wanted to make sure there was nothing wrong with the Hydra soul hidden in the runestone.

"Hey, kid, what are you worried about?" Hydra sensed Fang Tian's emotions, and his voice rang in Fang Tian's ears, "Learn, young man, stay on the line when doing things, I kept a very small part of it before. The power remains in the Dragon Book, and Airl will only think that it is a natural reaction after the Dragon Book has been severely injured, and will not find out, you just don't want to show your feet like an idiot."

(End of this chapter)

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