city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1146 Locked

Chapter 1146 Locked
"He made a mistake, I am not the son of prophecy."

"Who knows, whether it is or not, it has already come anyway, you can only try, you'd better pray for your luck."

Fang Tian's heart skipped a beat. Although he couldn't use Nian yet, he could clearly distinguish the murderous intent leaked by Xio Tou.

Fang Tian is so familiar with killing intent that he doesn't need to use thoughts to distinguish it.

Standing in front of the huge statue, Xio stood with his hands behind his back, raised his head, released his breath to the surroundings, and at the same time raised his head and said, "Hey, bedbug, wake up."

The sound wave spread out to the surroundings, and was hit by the rock wall to form layers of echoes.

Fang Tian was taken aback, and he suddenly found that the eyes of the dark Hydra statue in front of him suddenly lit up.

The dim yellow eyeballs are extremely conspicuous in the dark cave below.

The Dark Hydra seemed to be given life.

"Irreverent's you again." A deep voice came from inside the stone statue, "You should maintain due respect to the ancient saints."

"An ancient saint? Oh, that's not you." Xio stood on the spot and said with a smile: "Calm down, it's just a remnant soul separated from the ancient consciousness, don't bluff in front of me , I’m not those stupid lizard people who make me unhappy and destroy you directly, I will do what I say.”

The pupils of the Hydra stone statue gradually became angry, but even so, he couldn't do anything about Xio in front of him.

"Tell me why you came, human being." The Hydra stone statue endured the anger in its heart, and said in a deep voice: "Why wake me up."

"He." Xiu pointed to Fang Tian with his chin, "I found the son of prophecy recorded in the inscription for you."

The pupils in the Hydra stone statue moved towards Fang Tian.

"Son of Prophecy..." The stone statue stared at Fang Tian, ​​pondered for a moment, and continued: "Come here."

Fang Tian looked at Xio, stepped forward step by step, and walked in front of the stone statue.

Hugh said, "Put your hands up."

According to what was said, Fang Tian stretched out his hand and gently touched the stone statue.

Fang Tian felt a search force coming into his body from the palm of his hand.


Under the action of this special force, the rune marks on the back of the hand emerged one by one.

It was the same as when the lizard man shaman in the tribe probed his body before, but in a short while, the breath of exploration was absorbed by the chaotic vortex in his body.

There was an anti-shock force from the palm of his hand, Fang Tian was knocked back by the force, and took a few steps back.

"Hey, bug, how's it going?"

The Hydra stone statue pondered for a moment, then said in a deep voice, "It's very similar, but it's not him."

"Tch, I knew it."

Xio didn't have much hope, so he didn't feel much disappointment.

"What a waste of time. Since it's not you, it's useless to keep you here."

Fang Tian was taken aback, he felt an explosive sense of crisis, and his whole body tensed up to the extreme.

He would never sit still. Although he could not make an accurate judgment on Xio's strength, Fang Tian would fight back with all his strength as long as the opponent made a slight move.

Xio slowly raised his palm.


The stone statue of the Hydra interrupted Xio's movements with a low voice, "Forget it, the ancestor has been waiting for too long, we don't have much time, he is not the son of prophecy, but the power in him and the son of prophecy There are some similarities, and I'm willing to give him a chance."

"Oh?" Xio put down the palm that was about to be raised just now, "I said it earlier, how do you want to give it a chance?"

The Hydra stone statue said in a deep voice: "If he can pass the assessment left by the ancestors, he can awaken the ancestors from their deep sleep."

"Assessment? So troublesome? How long will it take?"

"I don't know. This is the assessment left by the ancestors. There are afterimages of the ancestors left there. The assessment was conducted by the ancestors himself."

"Pretending to be a ghost, your ancestors are really troublesome."

The Hydra was not talking, and a red light flashed in his eyes.


Beside the Hydra stone statue, a stone door was lifted up, revealing a space about five or six meters behind.

Fang Tian glanced at the entrance, the area inside didn't seem to be deep, and the rock wall at the bottom could be seen at a glance.

Xio glanced at the entrance with disdain, nodded to Fang Tian and said, "You've already heard it? Go in quickly, don't play tricks."

Fang Tian relaxed his body a little, and quickly thought about the corresponding strategy in his mind.

In fact, Fang Tian was thinking about how to get out of here all the time.

Xio didn't seem to have any defense against himself, but in fact, since Xio appeared, he had already locked himself firmly with his breath.

This was not judged by Fang Tian with thoughts, but an instinct derived from the body.

The breath-like lock is extremely difficult to break free.

It seems that the rescue from outside did not come so quickly, so we need to think of a way quickly.

On the surface, Fang Tian continued to cooperate, and slowly walked forward, stepping into the small door ahead.

Entering the inside of the small door, Fang Tian looked around.

A small space, about six meters in diameter, except for the entrance at the back, the foot, the ceiling, and all directions are bare rock walls without exception.

Is it a test?
What does it let itself in to test?
In doubt, Fang Tian turned his head and looked at the Hydra stone statue outside.


The stone door brushed and fell in front of him, and with a slamming sound, the previous entrance was tightly blocked.

Suddenly plunged into darkness.

Fang Tian frowned tightly. He found that the entrance of the stone gate was tightly attached to the rocks on the ground, and no light from the outside world could penetrate.

This situation is very wrong.

It seemed that this entire narrow space was completely isolated from the outside world, and even the previous feeling of being locked in by Xiu's breath disappeared.

behind the door.

After seeing the entrance close again, Xio narrowed his eyes slightly.

He found that the door was unusual, not only isolating the lock of the breath, but also preventing the penetration of thoughts.

"It's interesting." Xio murmured to himself, "It seems that you are not useless. It must have taken you a lot of effort to build this thing. How long will I have to wait?"

A low-pitched response came from inside the Hydra stone statue, "This is the illusion test left by the ancestor himself, and it contains the influence left by the ancestor long ago. The longer he lasts, the more chance he has to be recognized by the ancestor."

"I sounds like that..."

As Xio said, he walked forward and came to the tightly closed rock wall.

Observe carefully, if you don't know in advance that there is an entrance behind, you can't see what is hidden behind it with the naked eye

Xio knocked lightly on the stone slab, seeming to sense the thickness and hardness of the stone door, and then twisted his neck, "That's alright, I'll just wait."

(End of this chapter)

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