city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1142 Prophecy

Chapter 1142 Prophecy
In the meeting hall of the lizardmen tribe, Ulysses was listening to the boring and lengthy analysis reports of several lizardman shamans.

On the seats on both sides, most of the lizardmen elders had tiredness and impatience on their faces. After all, the elders were all older. It was even more embarrassing to be called over at such a late night to listen to such boring things. Want sleep.

"Enough, Adelaide, just skip these things, we don't care about the data you provided, we just want to hear the final point." A vicious lizardman elder with two scars on his face Interrupting Adelaide's long speech, he said in a deep voice: "One thing I want to know is that human, Fang Tian, ​​what is the situation in his body, and is it the prophesied son recorded in the ancient inscriptions?"

There was an eerie silence in the conference hall for a moment.

Everyone, including Ulysses, turned their attention to the lizardman shaman in the center of the venue.

"According to the results obtained from the analysis, this human being has at least 6 imprints at the same time, and it is very likely that he is the Son of Prophecy that we have been trying to find."

As soon as the words fell, the entire council hall was in an uproar.

After getting a definite answer, Ulysses was also in a trance for a moment, followed by hearing buzzing in his ears.

This is a record that has been preserved in the ancient inscriptions of the tribe a long time ago. It is said that the dark ancient Hydra opened the nine sealed doors before falling into silence. According to legend, the Son of Prophecy will open the final door.

The children of the prophecy are considered to be people who possess the power of multiple marks at the same time.

After opening the dusty door, the Son of Prophecy will awaken the sleeping dark ancient Hydra, reunify the entire swamp world, and lead the swamp race to glory again.

This legend has been passed down in the tribe, and even in the entire ancient swamp world.

However, no one ever thought that the legendary Son of Prophecy would be a human being.

"This is ridiculous! How could the Prophet's Son be a human?" A lizardman elder was the first to express dissatisfaction. "I think this is just an accident! An accident!"

"The ancient inscriptions have never said that the son of prophecy must be a lizard man." In addition, some lizard men raised objections, "Is it just a coincidence that this human came here suddenly? I think it is the ancient nine-headed man. The reason for the fulfillment of the prophecy of the serpent."

"You mean to let an alien human rule our swamp world?"

"If he is really the Son of Prophecy, then I am willing to follow the guidance of the blood..."

For a while, the meeting hall was divided into two factions, and the members of both parties were at loggerheads.

"Everyone be quiet." Hearing the quarrel between the two sides, Ulysses felt a little headache. He waved his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet, thought for a moment, and continued: "What everyone said has some truth, and I agree with your concerns." Understand, the problem now is that we are still not sure whether he is the real Son of Prophecy, and there is no point in arguing about it now."

All the lizardmen nodded frequently, thinking that the patriarch had a reason for what he said, and there was really no point in arguing now.

An elder lizardman who had never spoken before stood up and said at this time: "If that human visitor is really the son of the prophecy mentioned in the ancient inscription, he should be able to open the dungeon where the dark ancient hydra sleeps and awaken the spirit of the ancestors." Soul, if he can really do something..."

"I suggest taking him to the ruins immediately to confirm this."

"But his physical condition is very bad now, I'm afraid he can't..."

"Then wait for a few days, tens of thousands of years have already been waiting, do you still care about these few days?"

While he was talking, a young lizard man suddenly rushed in outside the door.

"what's up?"

The lizardman looked nervous and half-kneeled on the ground, "Patriarch, that human is missing."


Ulysses' expression changed, and he immediately thought of something, "No, the news must have leaked!"

The whole hall was noisy again.

Ulysses had already noticed about the theft of the sacred artifact last time.

There are enemy spies in the tribe.

The spy must have gotten the news that he wanted to take Fang Tian away!
who is it? !
Those who can get the news must not be ordinary clansmen, but the elders present...

Is it him? !
Ulysses immediately ordered: "Go! Go after him!"


Before the lizardmen had time to leave, a member of the lizardmen rushed in from the outside.

"Patriarch, the lower prison in the clan was invaded by outsiders, the guard was knocked out, and the prisoners in the prison have escaped..."


At this time, Fang Tian was very distressed.

The person holding him hostage is not strong, but his current situation is very bad, and it is almost impossible to make effective countermeasures.

Fortunately, the attacker had no intention of killing himself.

So Fang Tian chose to cooperate temporarily, pretending to be knocked out by the opponent.

In the dark night, although Fang Tian could see the appearance of the other party clearly, Fang Tian really couldn't distinguish the subtle surprises between the individual lizardmen. He could only roughly judge that the other party was a middle-aged lizardman.

The lizard man who attacked him was very smart, he didn't leave the lizard man camp immediately, but lurked in the dark.

But for a moment, the entire camp was in chaos.

Countless torches were lit, and the lizardmen in the camp gathered in groups and began to track the trajectories of the fugitives.

Taking advantage of the chaos, the Lizardman led Fang Tian out of the camp through a trail.

The direction of this route is to lead to the ruins of the ancestors?
While Fang Tian pretended to faint, he kept judging the surrounding situation.

It's really a relic of the ancestors.

In the dark night, Fang Tian recognized the strange inverted triangle building he had seen during the day.

With the cover of the night, the lizardman led Fang Tian into the side of the building quickly, easily disposed of the two lizardman guards outside the ruins, and then stretched out his hand to press a stone slab on the ancient building.

The slate was pushed down, and the organ was touched, revealing a dark entrance.

The lizard man looked around and made sure that no one was chasing him. Then he immediately led Fang Tian and the two lizard man guards who were knocked unconscious into the ruins of their ancestors.


The slate behind it clicked shut.

There are blue candle lights flickering in the ruins, and the sight is quite clear.

The lizard man thought that Fang Tian was still unconscious, so he left Fang Tian and the two lizard man guards behind him on the spot, then slowly walked forward, muttering some unknown language in his mouth, and at the same time looked around.

There is nothing special near the entrance of the ruins. Fang Tian observed for a while, then simply closed his eyes and continued to adjust the flow of thoughts in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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