city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1126 Trying

Chapter 1126 Trying
"What? The power of chaos?"

Fang Tian showed doubts. He didn't know what the source of the power in front of him was, and how he could try to control this power. Just judging from the power felt in the palm of Yu Le's hand in front of him, it was similar to the divine weapon. The power of the dagger Qianhunyu is very similar.

Is it from the same kind of Chaos type power?

Thinking about it, Fang Tian couldn't help stretching out his hand, and the artifact dagger Qianhunyu appeared in the palm of his hand.

A cloud of black mist condensed into the shape of a dagger.

"Damn it?" Seeing the Qianhun Yu in Fang Tian's hand, Yu Le's eyes straightened immediately, "You are amazing, little brother! I knew you were not an ordinary person, and you can even take such a high-level artifact casually." Come out, we are really destined, so you have already tried the power of chaos?"

Yu Le felt more and more that Fang Tian had some fate with him. How could ordinary people have access to such things as the power of chaos?He also came into contact with a little bit of chaotic power in an accident a long time ago, and was deeply attracted by the power of chaotic power.

It's just a little source of chaos power, but it can release ten times the strength of ordinary power.

From that moment on, an unstoppable thought popped into Yu Le's head.

What would happen if you could transform the thoughts in your body into the power of chaos?what result?
Is it invincible?
From then on, Yu Le got deeper and deeper, and kept moving forward along this train of thought until he reached a point of no return.

"Both are forces of chaos, so their origins are the same?" Seeing that Yu Le did not speak, Fang Tian continued to feel the power emanating from Yu Le's palm, and at the same time felt puzzled.

"Yes, yes, you are absolutely right. The power of chaos is the fusion of various forces. It does not belong to any kind of power, but it has very powerful characteristics. Generally, it can only be triggered under very accidental circumstances. You can find The artifact that contains the power of chaos is so lucky that it explodes." Yu Le explained to Fang Tian.

Fang Tian frowned, he felt that something was wrong, he carefully compared the power he felt from Yu Le's palm and the power he felt from Qian Hun Yu, and asked suspiciously: "But why, your power sense Looks weaker than the one on my dagger?"

"Hey hey hey, little brother, how do you talk, show some respect to your big brother." Yu Le coughed lightly, then his face turned black, thinking that little brother, you still think I'm weak?See if I don't slap you in the face!

But in the face of Fang Tian, ​​Yu Le felt that he had to maintain his inscrutable image, so he continued: "What do you know, I only have less than [-]% of the power of chaos on my body now. The power needs to be combined with the power of various imprints to be stimulated. It is very difficult to truly control the power of chaos. In theory, adding a mark every time will make the power of chaos more stable. Now the power of chaos on my body passes through four kinds of imprints Reminding, now being able to maintain this kind of intensity is considered very powerful."

Fang Tian blinked blankly, and the four kinds of imprints were triggered at the same time?
"It's useless to talk to you so much about theoretical things. Let's try it in practice. You will know what's going on after a while. Look, what I explained is so complicated, but it's actually easy to do. Just try it." Then merge the power of all the imprints on your body together."

"Fusion?" Fang Tian was even more at a loss, looking at Yu Le, "How do I fuse my medicine?"

"About this point..." Yu Le licked his lips, and looked at Fang Tian with a malicious look, "You have to be mentally prepared, this fusion process is not so easy."

"not easy?"

Yu Le stretched out his hand and spread it out, revealing a fist-sized black block of wood from his open hand.

Fang Tian squinted his eyes, and he exuded a breath from the black block.

It is the power of chaos. Although it is very weak, you can still clearly feel the existence of this power.

Fang Tian looked at Yu Le very much, then broke off a small piece from the wooden block with heartache, and listened to him say: "The power of chaos cannot be condensed by itself, it can only be introduced into the body from the outside through a special method, you are lucky kid , This piece of rotten wood that contains the power of chaos is extremely rare, I spent a lot of effort to get it back then, if it was someone else, I would not be willing to give it to him."

Fang Tian reached out and took the rotten wood the size of a fingernail from Yu Le's hand, and asked in confusion, "Then what? What should I do?"

"Easy, swallow it." Yu Le pointed at Fang Tian, ​​making a gesture to eat it.

Fang Tian didn't think too much, he stuffed the rotten wood into his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.

After all, this piece of rotten wood is too small, and the power of chaos contained in it is extremely rare. Fang Tian didn't realize the danger contained in it.

Swallow the rotten wood in one gulp.

At this time, Fang Tian suddenly realized something, and raised his eyebrows.

The block of wood was located in the lower abdomen, jumped up suddenly, and then entangled in the center of the chest.

What's this?The power of chaos?

Fang Tian's complexion changed immediately, he felt the weak chaotic power entrenched in his chest suddenly withdraw, and then formed a vortex in his body.

The inside of the body couldn't help but agitated, it was actually being sucked in continuously by this vortex.

At that moment, Fang Tian actually found that he had lost control of the thoughts in his body.

He can't control the thoughts in his body, let alone the vortex in his body!

The black vortex is only the size of a fingernail, but it keeps absorbing thoughts in the body, like a bottomless black hole, swallowing all thoughts and powers in it!

"Hahaha! Here we come! Here we come! Don't be nervous! Little brother! I'm here!" Yu Le laughed beside him, and stretched out his hands to press Fang Tian's shoulders.

Fang Tian felt a strange force of chaos flowing into his body from the outside, and then rushed towards the vortex in his body.

One blue and one blue, two special forces, one left and one right respectively merged into the vortex in the body.

Under the action of these two special forces, Fang Tian found that the two vortices gradually stabilized, and he began to gradually take back the control of the thoughts in his body.

Fang Tian breathed heavily, and as the speed of the vortex in his body became smaller and smaller, it gradually calmed down, and even began to shrink gradually, with a tendency to disappear.

"Don't stay here! Just take advantage of this moment! Hurry up!" Yu Le suddenly shouted, "Pour the thoughts in your body into it!"

Only then did Fang Tian realize that the two forces that Yu Le helped him integrate into his body before had been completely swallowed by the vortex.

Don't think about anything else, Fang Tian obeyed what Yu Le said, circulated his thoughts, and actively poured his brain into the vortex.

(End of this chapter)

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