city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1119 Backdoor

Chapter 1119 Backdoor
Like a curious baby, Yu Le watched and praised, "Little brother, you have something. You are worthy of being pushed by the waves behind the Yangtze River..."

Fang Tian didn't listen to Yu Le chattering beside him, he opened a bag of red powder, poured out a little and put it into a water glass.

With the slight shaking of the wrist, the medicinal powder quickly dissolves in the water glass, and the water in the water glass quickly turns red.

With a flick of his wrist, a compiling knife appeared in Fang Tian's hand.

Seeing this compiling knife, Yu Le seemed to realize what Fang Tian wanted to do, and his eyes lit up, "Oh? You can burn a magic circle?"


Fang Tian hummed lightly, with a focused expression, and gestured for a long time at the magic circle on the ground with the Zan Dao, as if he was taking some tests.

Seeing that Fang Tian was so serious, Yu Le couldn't help holding his breath, and followed by watching seriously.

In about 10 minutes, Fang Tian had already constructed the outline of a magic circle in his mind, his eyes flicked aside, and he swung the knife to engrave on the ground.

The floor was extremely hard, and the Zuan knife didn't leave marks on the ground, it just left marks after rubbing the floor with its tip.

This is a special magic imprint.

In just a moment, a simple elementary magic circle was burned on the floor.

"Ah?" Looking at the basic magic circle, Yu Le was stunned, "What's the matter? I made such a big battle before, now I just mess around a few times and it's over?"

Fang Tian didn't answer, but stretched out his hand to press on the magic circle, and felt it carefully.

"Hey, little brother, I asked you a question, you have to answer me, it's polite, do you understand?" Yu Le leaned over again.

"Yeah." Fang Tian hummed lightly, sensing the mental fluctuations coming from the magic circle, raised his head and said, "Come and try."

"try what?"

"Try to release thoughts and see if you can perceive anything from this magic circle."


At first glance, Yu Le was still confused, but he still followed what Fang Tian said, walked to the magic circle, stretched out his hand, and pressed him against the magic circle.


After absorbing Yu Le's thoughts, the magic circle on the ground began to operate immediately, emitting a faint red light on the ground.

The moment he stretched out his hand to press on the magic circle, Yu Le frowned. He seemed to have sensed something, raised his head, and looked at Fang Tian in surprise, "Hey, little brother, what the hell is this?"

Yu Le clearly felt that there was a wave of thought in the magic circle, and this wave was extremely powerful.

"Explain, we are now inside the Tower of Dawn. What is certain is that the entire Tower of Dawn is covered with a special magic circle. The effect of the magic circle is similar to sealing and weakening. It is trapped in the magic circle. Want to It is difficult to break through the magic circle outside from the inside."

Fang Tian slowly narrated, in fact, not long ago, Fang Tian was trapped in a giant sealing magic circle, in that place, he had thought of many ways to escape.

Yu Le looked at Fang Tian with a look of confusion.

"The kind of confinement we have encountered is to suppress the flow of thoughts from the outside and reduce the activity of our thoughts." Fang Tian explained to Yu Le, while trying to clear his mind, he said: "This is a simple magic circle that I set up. In my initial conception, I found the interface of the external sealing magic circle, and then disguised my modified magic circle as a part of the external sealing magic circle to deceive the outside world. The magic circle..."

Yu Le was stunned, with a blank expression on his face, "What the hell? Then?"

"Then I wanted to see if I could guide the energy in the magic circle and turn it into a force we could control, but it failed. I just guided a hole so far, and there is no way to use these forces."

"Cough cough." Yu Le couldn't understand at all, and coughed lightly, "Can you explain it a little bit more clearly?"

Fang Tian frowned, and explained again: "That is to say, I use this small magic circle to integrate into the entire large magic circle. Once successful, this magic circle will continuously absorb energy from the entire magic circle. If the energy supply of the magic circle is not available, the entire magic circle will fail."

"So powerful?" Yu Le didn't know if he understood, and blinked his eyes, "Why don't you hurry up? Extract all the energy inside?"

"Unfortunately, the energy in the magic circle is too large, and it is constantly being replenished."

Yu Le blinked his eyes, as if he couldn't understand what you were saying.

Fang Tian could only give an example: "For example, it is equivalent to a giant tire that is constantly inflated. I just pierced a small hole in it, which does not affect anything at all. Even after a long time, the tire will repair itself. "

Yu Le snapped his fingers, "Stupid, then you can make a few more holes!"

"No, it won't work." Fang Tian shook his head and explained: "Not to mention that I don't have the materials to do this, and the magic circle itself has very small flaws, and the location of the hole is not so easy to find. Currently, through this internal transmission Array, I just found a 'back door' in this magic array and opened such a small opening."

Yu Le stepped forward, looked at the magic circle emitting energy, tried to understand Fang Tian's words, and then asked, "Hey, what do you think, should we dig this hole bigger?"

"How?" Fang Tian looked at Yu Le suspiciously.

Yu Le rolled his eyes, sighed, and patted Fang Tian on the shoulder, with a painful expression on his face, "Little brother, you are the one who controls the magic circle, I just give you an idea, probably the hole is still the same , find a way to make him bigger, how to make it depends on yourself.”

"It's hard." Following this line of thought, Fang Tian thought for a while, and said, "The magic circle itself is very limited, and the amount of magic energy he can flow out of it is limited."

"Then..." Yu Le rolled his eyes and said, "As you just said, what if we install a blower in the hole blown by the pinhole and pump out the energy from inside?"

"Oh?" Fang Tian was a little surprised, and glanced at Yu Le, "You mean trying to absorb the energy inside?"

"Yes, yes, that's what it means."

This kind of proposal is similar to the idea of ​​using external force to influence the enemy. Fang Tian has limited ability in this regard, so he made a gesture of invitation, "I have poor control over energy, why don't you try it?"

"Uh...can't it be done with magic circles, for example, make a few magic circles that consume a lot of energy, summon two demon gods..." Yu Le said as he walked up, trying to lightly place them on the magic circles One click.

(End of this chapter)

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