city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1113 Tower of Dawn

Chapter 1113 Tower of Dawn
On the second day after being forcibly taken to the training base, outside a high tower.

Fang Tian raised his head and looked up at the towering tower.

Tower of Dawn.

It is said that a long time ago, the founder of the gods built this tower here.

That strong man is the one who is called one of the Ten Sages.

It is said that before this place, the strong man left something on the top floor of the tower for the descendants of the gods.

In his words, leave it to those who are destined.

This time, for the internal training of the gods, only by passing six assessments and obtaining more than two tokens can one be qualified to enter this tower.

Of course, even if you really enter the tower, you won't be able to get the things left by the legendary strong man in the tower. It's just that in his building, there are elder-level masters from the gods who will conduct one-on-one interviews with the assessors. If you are lucky enough to be appreciated by those elders, you may be rewarded with some good things.

Fang Tian learned these things from Zhong Yan'er, and he didn't know whether everything in this tower was really as useful as Zhong Yan'er said.

But obviously, this news is a great temptation to the vast majority of young people who come here to participate in the trial training.

"Fang Tian, ​​Fang Tian, ​​I've been looking for you for a long time, why are you here..."

Hearing the sound behind him, Fang Tian turned around.

He saw Zhong Yan'er running over panting.

"what happened?"

"Fang Tian, ​​Sister Wan'er got into a fight with a group of people."

Fang Tian frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Take me there."

After spending a day, Fang Tian has passed the first three assessments, and he is currently stuck in the fourth one, the magic one.

Coming to this tower is just to relax.

The specific assessment content is magic.

God's Fate does not require everyone to develop in a balanced manner, but requires everyone to master each subject.

It's a pity that techniques such as fireball are too difficult for Fang Tian.

No matter what, he couldn't change the highly concentrated fireball technique into so many tricks.

He has terrifying potential in manipulating thoughts, but it seems that Fang Tian was born mentally handicapped in terms of magic. Guiding the fireball technique through spiritual perception is as difficult for him as grabbing his right hand and throwing himself out.

"what happened?"

Being dragged away by Zhong Yan'er, Fang Tian still asked about the situation calmly.

"Obviously we went there first, but those brothers insisted on rushing to occupy the trial. We have waited for a long time and wasted several opportunities. Sister Wan'er is really angry today, so..." Zhong Yan Er explained in a panic, somewhat incoherently speaking, "By relying on the large number of people, they clashed with us..."

"Don't worry, speak slowly."

"That's right, it's the trial in the underground puppet maze."

Listening to Zhong Yan'er's narration along the way, Fang Tian seemed to get the outline of something. He remembered hearing Hao Wan complain about this idiot's trial last night.

Among the six trials arranged by the gods, one of the trials called the puppet labyrinth cannot be carried out by multiple people at the same time. Only ten trial participants can go together at a time, and one of them is considered an idiot by Hao Wan. The anti-human rule is that only one player can win at most in the end, and in most cases, the ending is that all ten players will be wiped out, and no one can win.

In addition, this trial must last at least one hour each time, and it may even last for several hours if it is long. In short, it is very troublesome.

So in general, everyone queues up in order according to the rule of first come, first served.

But there are also some practitioners who take advantage of the large number of people in the team, and every time a large group of people swarms over, they take advantage of their own strength to get in the way.

Most ordinary trialists would tolerate it when they see this kind of situation. There are so many trials anyway, so they can come back after a while when there are fewer people.

But these people are very disgusting.

This is the first time Fang Tian has heard that there are such troublesome things in the organization of the gods. He remembered that he wanted to try the trial of the puppet maze yesterday, but later he saw that there were a lot of people queuing up, so he canceled it for the time being. This plan, followed by the next magic trial, and then encountered the enemy of life.

The puppet maze is not far away, and in about 5 minutes, Fang Tian followed him to an open space before the trial of the puppet maze.

Hao Wan and several other practitioners were being blocked outside the cave by a group of people, and Hao Wan was very angrily arguing with these practitioners.

"What? Weren't you crazy before? Didn't you want to enter the trial? Now we have let you in, please go in first, why don't you move? Are you going in?" Several testers The smiling face pointed and pointed, then looked at a group of onlookers, and said to everyone: "Look, it's not that we won't let her in, right?"

Hao Wan clenched her fists tightly.

hateful!These people do it on purpose!
The trial of ten people, these people deliberately wanted to target her!If you enter the trial with them, there is absolutely no possibility of passing it successfully.

"Hey, you're a bunch of low-ranking trash who don't understand any etiquette. You can participate in the trial here? It's really disgusting." Surrounded by the twenty or thirty trialists was a A young man with fair skin, he waved his hand and said with disdain, "Okay, leave her alone, it's a waste of time, let's continue."

"You stop for me!"

Hao Wan was irritated by the words 'inferior trash', and she glared at these people, "What did you say? Try to say it again!"

Seeing Hao Wan's red eyes and desperate appearance, before the fair-skinned young man had time to say anything, those who followed him laughed loudly, "So what if I said it? Look at my Mouth shape, let me say it again, inferior trash! Are you coming to hit me?"

Red firelight condensed in Hao Wan's palm.

This condensed fireball contained Hao Wan's anger, and the temperature around Hao Wan suddenly increased a little.

"What? Do you want to make a move because you can't say it? Didn't you just say you want to be reasonable? Come on, low-ranking pariahs, let me see your strength." Seeing Hao Wan wanting to make a move, those trials The latter even looked like they wanted to fight back, as if they all wished that Hao Wan would do it directly, so that they could have a reason to fight back.

"Sister Wan'er, no."

Seeing this, Zhong Yan'er quickly stepped forward to stop Hao Wan, and shook his head behind her back.

Getting your hands dirty here will cause trouble.

Haowan actually knew very well in her heart that if she did something here, she would be violating the rules, and the consequences of violating the rules would be extremely serious, and she might be directly expelled from the gods. The whole CUIT has spent so much effort to train her, and only then did she have the opportunity to join Only in the interior of the gods can she have the opportunity to get the training method that can make the whole world stronger quickly. How can she give up at this time?

(End of this chapter)

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