city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1110 The Covenant

Chapter 1110 The Covenant
"who is it!"

One of them shouted, and his voice pierced the silent night sky.

Fang Tian punched forward.

Feeling the strong wind on his fist, the expression of the young guard changed slightly.

Step back a little.


The fist bombarded the air and exploded on the touch.

Qi Jin exploded in all directions, and the two retreated backward at the same time in a panic.

Fang Tian's goal has been achieved, he just wanted to push the two of them away, and just took advantage of the short few seconds to run forward.

Only then did the two young guards realize something. They found out that they had been tricked, and they immediately felt ashamed and angry. One of them shouted, "Chase!"

The two immediately chased outside.

After escaping, Fang Tian immediately hid in the bushes beside him, then sneered up a tree, exited the living parasitic state of hell-originated insects, endured the pain all over his body, restrained his breath, and entered the stealth state.

The breath was sealed very well, at least in the current situation, Fang Tian had the confidence to hide it from these two young guards.

Sure enough, the two young men below didn't notice Fang Tian who was hiding in the big tree at all, and ran along the path all the way.

ran away.

Fang Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense spirit relaxed a little.

The current state is not good, I am here to rest for the time being, and I will think of other ways to escape from here after waiting for a while.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly, the hairs on Fang Tian's back stood up, and he felt a breath sticking to his back.

At the same time, a voice rang in the ear.

"Little devil, the injury has healed so quickly, and you just woke up and wanted to sneak away?"

Fang Tian immediately felt his scalp explode.

What does he seem to come from! ?

At some point, Zhong Cang actually sat on the branch next to him like this.

I didn't feel any breath of him!
Fang Tian frowned, this was what he found most incredible.

Although the physical condition is extremely bad, it is not impossible to feel nothing...

Fang Tian thinks that Zhong Cang's strength needs to be further evaluated.

"Hey, boy, what about talking to you? Didn't your master teach you? Don't be so rude to your elders." Zhong Cang yawned as he spoke, and said very casually, "I'm sorry for your little thoughts. It is very clear. I remember that when I was a child, I was very naughty and refused to train. I just wanted to sneak around and play. Later, when I was caught by the master, I would be honest after a beating. If you are disobedient, I won’t be bothered Let me tell you, if I see you running once, I will catch you once, and once I catch you, I will beat you once, what do you think of this trick?"

Fang Tian felt that Zhong Cang's tone was slightly teasing, but he did have this ability.

"I have other important things to do and I don't have time to waste here."

"What are you talking about? Is it a waste of time here? Hehe, I don't know what it means." Zhong Cang smiled disdainfully, "Staying with a group of ants for a long time will lower your horizons."

Fang Tian frowned.

Zhong Cang waved his hand, "Okay, since you despise the training here, how about we make a bet?"


"Three days, as long as you can successfully complete all the training, after three days, you can go wherever you want. Instead of stopping you, I will help you find your little lover. What do you think?"

Fang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I might as well tell you that the people who came to participate in the trial this time are all talents that the gods have collected from various realms over the years. Compared with them, you are just a simple ordinary person." Zhong Cang stretched out a finger to Fang Tian and shook it back and forth in front of Fang Tian, ​​"Don't think that you are strong, it's because in your position , what I encountered was just some scum.”

Looking at Zhong Cang, Fang Tian's expression became serious.

"Is what you said true?"

"Of course, you are a junior, why should I lie to you? You must know that the most indispensable thing in this world is geniuses. Some of these people are older than you, and they have undergone the most rigorous training since they were young. You, the foundation is still Not bad, but..."

"I'm talking about the agreement." Fang Tian interrupted Zhong Cang, and said in a deep voice, "I will complete all the training within three days. At that time, please don't stop me from leaving here."

Seeing Fang Tian's serious expression, Zhong Cang blinked his eyes, stood still for a long time, then rubbed his belly and laughed loudly, "Hahaha, Fang Tian, ​​you are so interesting! You are more interesting than my senior brother. The ones who come here are even more crazy, okay, just three days, your injury is still not healed, I will not take advantage of you, I will give you one more day!"

Nodding to Zhong Cang, Fang Tian took a deep breath and exited the stealth state.

A sense of dizziness came, Fang Tian tilted his head and leaned back directly.

"Hey! You kid!"

Zhong Cang hurried forward, reached out to pick up Fang Tian who was about to fall from the tree, and held him on his shoulder.

Just as he got down from the tree and stood still on the ground, Zhong Cang noticed a black shadow emerging from the ground in front of him.

The black shadow condensed into a human form from the ground, and stood in front of Zhong Cang, blocking his way.

"Cough cough." Zhong Cang coughed lightly, and said to the black shadow, "It's okay, I'm a nephew, I drank some wine and went crazy with it, so I brought it back."

"There is a curfew after dark. Forget it this time. If you follow the rules next time, I will take him to be punished."

The black shadow nodded towards Zhong Cang, and then slowly dissolved in front of Zhong Cang.

Zhong Cang licked his lips, and said disdainfully: "Grandma, you used to think of ways to punish me, but now you have to punish me even my nephew?"


The next day, it was past noon when Fang Tian woke up.

There is no one in the room, and there are meals on the table.

Fang Tian found that the medicine on his body had been changed again.

After a lot of tossing last night, Fang Tian felt that it was almost impossible to escape from here.

There is a big gap between the two sides, at least Fang Tian will not make such meaningless attempts until his body recovers.

However, what makes people curious is what does Zhong Cang mean by passing the trial?
Judging from Zhong Cang's performance, it seems that these trainings are not simple.

Fang Tian tried to move his body on the bed.

His physical condition is much better than last night, at least he can already complete some basic activities, unlike last night when he was trembling with pain even walking.

I haven't eaten for a long time, and I feel a sense of hunger in my stomach.

Fang Tian got off the bed, walked to the table, and ate in small bites.

The food was already cold, but Fang Tian was not picky and quickly filled his stomach.

Seeing that Hao Wan didn't come back, Fang Tian opened the door, went to the yard, and tried to do some basic recovery training.

These auxiliary exercises can better help the body recover.

(End of this chapter)

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