city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1094 Sealing Plan

Chapter 1094 Sealing Plan
There is a qualitative change between fifth-level units and fourth-level units. Their health, attack power, and agility have all been greatly improved compared to before.

At the beginning, there were only a small number of lemurs mixed in the group of long-horned evil spirits, which did not attract too much attention from the players in the four major cities, but as time went by, as the number of lemurs continued to increase, the players in the Western Continent began to feel the huge pressure.

Units like ghouls are too agile and short. If there are enough of them, they can even besiege a player with seven or eight ghouls at the same time. There are many, but all of them are crowded together, and there are not many diseases that can really get close to attack.

The pressure ahead began to increase, and the players in the four major cities felt something was wrong.

"That's an inferior demon." Seeing the situation on the field, the eighteenth floor of hell said in a deep voice, "the fifth-order creatures in hell, and their number is increasing, this is not good news for us. "

"What happened in this mine, why are there so many hell creatures." Jing Zhe whispered, more like talking to himself.

Hearing Jing Zhe's voice, the Eighteenth Floor of Hell said, "God knows what he's doing inside. I don't know if you've discovered it. The hell creatures are starting to become stronger and stronger."

"Have the two invited people not come yet?" Zhan Feng asked.

Du Qianqiu responded: "Hurry up, Magister Miria is already on the way here. Hearing that there are hell creatures appearing here, Magister Miria rushed over immediately."

"Tch, Milia, she still cares so much about the so-called apocalypse prophecy, and some people will believe such deceitful things. It really makes people feel like an idiot." Eighteen hells are very disdainful.

"What are you talking about with a game setting? Anyway, wait, don't say it in front of her. I still need her help."

The Eighteenth Floor of Hell snorted, and asked again: "Then what about the Sword Master of the Wind? What about him?"

"I don't know. Boss Li will invite you in person. There should be no problem."

"Go ask, the villians have already appeared. If the villians evolve into crazy demons, it will be enough for us to eat a pot."

"how is this possible."

Jing Zhe gave a disdainful laugh, but in fact, he felt a little uneasy in his heart. The inferior demons have appeared, so will the sixth-order creatures from hell appear?Who can guarantee [-]% of this?
Not far away at this time, Fang Tian's eyes were beating with soul fire, and lines of messages about inferior demons appeared in his eyes.

hell lemur
Equal rank: 5st rank.

Biological characteristics: violent, soul-eating.

Skill Description - Berserk: Hell lemures are born in a berserk state, unable to restore health. As the health decreases, all attributes will be increased by a percentage, up to 300%.

Skill Description - Soul Eater: The soul of the unit killed by the hell lemure will be swallowed by the hell lemure, converting it into soul energy. After swallowing enough soul energy, the hell lemure will evolve into a hell madman, (swallowed soul energy Part of it will be absorbed by the master.)

This is the evil.

Fang Tian clenched his fist lightly.

The power of the lemure is obvious, but what concerns Fang Tian the most is the supplementary explanation in the Soul Eater skill.

The devoured soul energy is absorbed by the master.

The master is himself.

Fang Tian hadn't figured out what the so-called soul energy was until the lesser demon killed a player by chance.

"Reminder: The evil demon kills the player - banana belly, absorbs part of the soul, and the player gets soul*hell mark experience +3."

Can it be converted into the experience value of the mark of hell?
Fang Tian frowned, he clearly knew the importance of the soul to the players, the souls of the players killed by the lesser demons were damaged, at least they would have to lie at home for a few months before recovering, and if it was serious, it might lead to the loss of their souls from now on. For a madman.

Games can affect reality. Even if the opponent enters the game through the game, part of the opponent's spirit, or soul, has also entered this world. Therefore, when the evil spirit kills the opponent, it also seizes and devours a small part of the opponent. soul.

Different from other race imprint promotion methods, the hell imprint promotion method lies in killing.

Killing is the fastest and most direct way!
Thinking about it, Fang Tian lowered his head and continued to set up the evil summoning array.

With the increase in the number of summoning arrays under their feet, the number of lemures began to gradually replace the huge long-horned demon units.

People in one of the four major cities have gradually encountered a crisis and have begun to gradually reduce their staff.

Compared with the horned devil, the abilities of the lemure have been fully improved.

Under the command of the team, the team has already begun to retreat.


The nineteenth floor of hell cursed secretly, he really wanted the high-level player elites behind to block those inferior demons, but if this happened, wouldn't Fang Tian also join the battle circle?

The elite players between the two sides are like a kind of nuclear weapon that is not easy to use. They all rely on creatures to fight by default. Once one side joins the battlefield, the other side will also join the battlefield. Judging from the fight just now, neither side can get a bargain. I also suffered a little here.

What's more, they still have plan No. [-], etc. If the Sword Master of the Wind has no way to deal with Fang Tian, ​​their elite group may be able to make a surprise attack by then. God won.

In short, it can't be shot now!

Extremely troublesome!

Zhan Feng also had the same idea. He said: "We can't let these inferior demons break in, and we can't continue to retreat. Let the reserve team go up together. At least Fang Tian must not find the sealing magic circle we are going to arrange outside the cave entrance. These sacrifices are worth it."

Although everyone was reluctant to make sacrifices in this regard, there was no good way at this time, so they accepted Zhan Feng's suggestion with half-pushed half-heartedness, and sent their men to stand up to withstand the offensive of the evil spirits.

Such a situation surprised Fang Tian, ​​he couldn't figure out what these players in the Western Continent were doing for a while.

However, none of this has much to do with him. Now that he has an advantage on the scene, he has not only achieved the purpose of delaying time, but the damage caused by the lemurs has also slowly increased his hell mark experience.

Not to mention that during this period of time, the Snow Dance Lion in the rear has also begun to bring people to transport ore into the portal, and send the carts of ore back to the Eastern Continent through the portal.

Everything seems to be going in the best direction.

It was strange to say, maybe because everything went so smoothly, Fang Tian vaguely felt something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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