city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1077 Level Up

Chapter 1077 Level Up
Skill: Soul * Undead Mark (LV: 4)

Skill description: Passively increase the player's basic attributes by 8 points, passively increase the player's perception by 4 points, and passively increase the player's mind attribute by 4 points.

Additional Note: This skill level cannot be improved through conventional means.

However, within 3 minutes, the notification sound in the ear began to slow down until it stopped ringing.

"It's over, you can come out, my friend."

Fang Tian walked out of the sarcophagus and looked around.

The breath of the undead in the hall was completely absorbed, and the corpses of the ancient kings on the ground had also been dried into dry bones.

"How is it? Does it feel good?"

"is acceptable."

As Fang Tian said, he clenched his fist lightly and felt the changes in his body.

"Let's go to the next room."

Following Kahn, Fang Tian returned to the main hall and used the dark shock again to open the second hall where the six-pointed star was located.

According to the previous process, directly smash the magic circle above the hall, defeat the revived ancient power king, and finally let Kahn unlock the magic circle in the sarcophagus.

Fang Tian lay down in the sarcophagus again, absorbing the dark breath.

Step by step to absorb the breath of death in each small hall, until Fang Tian crawled out of the fifth coffin, the level of the mark of the dead had been raised to LV6.
Kahn stared at Fang Tian motionlessly.

"what happened?"

Fang Tian frowned, he didn't know why Kahn stopped, they had already wasted a lot of time here.

"It's much faster than I thought, you should have reached LV: 6 mark of the undead, right?"


Fang Tian hummed lightly, just after that, his undead breath level has been raised to LV: 6.
"It will be much more convenient in this way. We will have to face the Queen of the Night later. Judging from the current situation, the power of the priest in ancient times is stronger than I imagined. I think there is still a kind of power." It is necessary for you to get acquainted first."

Fang Tian looked at Kahn curiously, "Power? What do you mean?"

"Of course it's the power of the undead." Kahn said with a smile, "Do you still remember the ancient magic circle in the ancient tomb?"

"Remember." Fang Tian nodded.

"Why don't you try to engrave that magic circle on your hand, so that you can directly absorb the breath of death here."

Kahn said it very easily, "In fact, other death breaths can also be absorbed using this method, but you must be careful when using this method, and you must pay attention to the speed of absorption, otherwise you will be backlashed if you are not careful."

Kahn suddenly thought of something and added: "Oh, by the way, remember, you must not absorb the breath of death belonging to others. This will lead to breath confusion, which will be a disaster for you now."

After hearing Kahn's explanation, Fang Tian gradually understood.

To put it bluntly, this method of absorbing breath is similar to the way the dungeon mark absorbs the ability, except that the death mark is transformed through this magic circle, and the death breath absorbed can only be the ownerless death breath.

"Go, aren't you in a hurry."

Fang Tian nodded to express his understanding, then walked to the sarcophagus and carefully observed the undead rune marks on the sarcophagus.

In fact, it is very difficult to copy a magic circle.

Despite Kahn's guidance, Fang Tian already understood the structure of the entire magic array, but he still encountered huge problems when actually drawing the magic array. Fang Tian failed three times in a row.

"Don't worry, Fang Tian, ​​the power of the holy light on her body is still very strong, I believe she will be fine in a short time." Kahn tried to make Fang Tian not be so anxious, and persuaded, "Slow down, anyway, you can pass now You can't help them, can you?"

Fang Tian took a deep breath. Indeed, perhaps because he was too concerned about Hesna's safety, Fang Tian became a little anxious.

After calming down, Fang Tian continued to focus on the magic circle in his hand.

In fact, the rank of Fang Tian's magic circle is already very high, but the magic circle of the ancient undead system is the most obscure of all the magic circles.

If you really want to copy successfully, you need some luck in addition to a high enough understanding of the magic circle.

Fortunately, Fang Tian's luck is not bad. After dozens of consecutive attempts, Fang Tian finally successfully burned the magic circle in the palm of his hand.

This magic circle is only temporarily left on the palm of the hand, and it will gradually fade over time, but at least Fang Tian will not use it again in a short time, and Fang Tian has already engraved the structure of the entire magic circle in his brain , if he encounters a special situation in the future, he will also consider using this magic circle.

"Good job, my friend." Kahn praised, and walked towards the hall while speaking, "Now let's try to see how the magic circle works."

The wall of the sixth hall was blasted away, the magic circle on the ceiling was cleared, the sarcophagus opened with a bang, and the ancient kings, whose whole body was filled with the black breath of death, walked towards Fang Tian step by step.

"It's your turn, Fang Tian." Kahn stared at the ancient kings not far away, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, "You should be much stronger than him, use the magic circle in your hand to swallow him directly !"

Fang Tian raised his hand, revealing the magic circle just burned into the palm of his hand.


Under the urging of Nian, the black magic circle circulated rapidly, generating a huge suction force, and the surrounding death breath rushed into the imprint in the hand frantically.

"Reminder: The player absorbs the breath of death, and the player gets the experience value of the soul * undead imprint 282."

"Reminder: The player absorbs the breath of death, and the player gets 282 experience points for the imprint of the soul * undead..."

The ancient kings standing opposite Fang Tian roared at Fang Tian, ​​and let out an unknown cry from their mouths.

Fang Tian quickly inhaled the breath that enveloped the ancient kings.

The ancient kings rushed towards Fang Tian, ​​and slashed forward with a knife.

It's a pity that the knife was drawn on the phantom, and Fang Tian had already appeared more than four meters away from him.

Staring at the ancient kings, Fang Tian frowned. Different from what he thought before, while absorbing the breath of the undead, the ancient kings were still able to attack, and compared with the speed of infusing the breath of the undead just now, This kind of absorption speed is too slow.

Seemingly seeing Fang Tian's inner doubts, Kahn explained to Fang Tian: "It's normal to be slow, after all, the sarcophagus was originally used to absorb the breath of the undead, and I used the Book of Paine just now, so I need to speed up the process." The efficiency of the undead magic circle will not be so fast if you absorb it yourself."

Fang Tian nodded to express his understanding, and continued to stretch out his palm to open to the ancient kings. He felt the familiar breath of undead pouring into his body along the palm of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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