city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1069 Underground passage

Chapter 1069 Underground passage
Kama gasped heavily.

She looked at Fang Tian and secretly admired them. The same two people had persisted for so long. Fang Tian not only shouldered the task of output, but also had to deal with the attacks of evading the tomb guards. But until now the battle is over. , Fang Tian's breath is still as stable as before.

Hesna released the Holy Light to heal everyone, and she also began to recover her blood.

"What's going on here?"

Karma finally found time to ask what was wrong.

Fang Tian didn't quite know what happened. As soon as he came in, he saw that Hesna was besieged, so he turned to look at Hesna.

"I don't know either. I followed the route on the right and entered this hall. The stone door at the back fell down and trapped me in it. A large number of resentful spirits made it impossible for me to move. Then Fang Tian came .”

Fang Tian nodded to Karma, "I came a little earlier than you, I broke the hole in the wall."

Karma nodded, roughly understanding everyone's experience.

Fang Tian didn't ask too much about Karma's experience, and she could guess a general idea after thinking about it. She probably ran all the way, and then heard the sound, followed the sound and found the hole in the wall, and finally found the hole in the wall. The two Fang Tian were fighting hard.

"Then what about the exit? Do you have any clues?" Karma was more concerned about this issue.

Hesna shook her head, obviously not understanding, but Fang Tian was looking inside the room. He had heard from Shen Luoluo before that it was similar to the special scene they encountered in Xianza. The general task idea was to find and correspond to Test, if you can pass the test, you can usually get rewards quickly, or find clues related to customs clearance.

While the few people were talking, there was the sound of machines running in the hall.

The previously closed stone door was opened again.

Then, Fang Tian noticed a slight tremor under his feet.


Karma found something.

With the sound of the mechanism operating, the stone slab was lifted from the ground in the center of the room.

Finally, the sound of the mechanism stopped.

Fang Tian walked to the front of the stone slab. Below the slate was a passage leading to the ground.

Karma also joined in.

"No wonder I couldn't find the exit after walking around inside for so many times. I think the real exit should be under the ruins."

Hesna also nodded slightly beside her. Judging from what she felt, the breath of the undead really spread from the bottom of the ancient tomb, which is definitely not wrong.

"Let's go down and see, Hesna, can you?"

"I'm OK."

It took time for Hesna's Holy Light to recover slowly. It took a little time when she was besieged by three ancient tomb guards, but it was still within the tolerance range, and there was not much loss in combat.

"let's go."

Now that the exit has been found, there is no reason to waste time here. Fang Tian doesn't know how long Hao Wan and the others in the mine can last, and he wants to speed up.

With that said, Fang Tian took the lead to enter the passage.

The red pupils lit up, and Fang Tian could clearly see the situation underground even without any light.

Hesna released a ball of light suspended in the air, illuminating the passage leading to the front.

A straight passage, Fang Tian can probably feel that he is constantly advancing towards the position below.

The three of them fumbled forward to the end, and the front diverged again, one left and one right, and two different forks appeared.

Which direction should I go?

A few people lost their minds for a while.

The aisle is a bit narrow, and it can only accommodate three or four people side by side at the same time.

Hesna felt the breath nearby, and she could only feel a powerful undead breath spreading from her feet. As for which direction the real source of the undead breath came from, Hesna had no way of feeling it.

In this way, it will be a little troublesome.

The previous situation was special, and everyone decided to act separately. In fact, it was a bad choice to act separately under this situation.

The time of the scroll amulet is only 24 hours in total. Karma didn't want to waste any more time here. She glanced at the two passages for the last time and said, "How about..."


Fang Tian made a gesture to be silent and whispered: "Do you listen?"

Kama immediately closed her mouth, held her breath and listened quietly.

That is……

Karma heard a rustling sound not far away, which seemed to be the kind of sound made when something rubbed against the wall.

This sound makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.


There was a loud bang, and it seemed that something hit hard from a long distance away?
Judging from the impact sound, it should be a huge creature.

This thought flashed through Karma's mind.

"Sand, rustle..."

The sound of friction became more and more clear, and it seemed that something was rapidly approaching from the end of the aisle.

Karma turned her head to look at the side of the fork, and she clearly saw a huge snake-like creature with a strange ornament on its head rushing towards the crowd.

The giant snake's huge body almost filled the entire passage, and the rustling sound that was similar to skin grinding was the sound produced when the giant snake's skin rubbed against the floor quickly!

Kama yelled and immediately ran towards the other side of the side road.

Fang Tian frowned.

He felt a huge and powerful breath of death from the giant snake, which was much stronger than the tomb guards upstairs before!
This is also a creature affected by the breath of death! ?

Fang Tian didn't want to fight this kind of undead snake, so he turned around immediately, and the three of them ran towards the other side of the fork.

Karma stepped forward, using her speed to the limit. She turned sideways, and several silver weapons similar to armbands appeared in her hands, and she threw them towards the back.

This is not a hidden weapon used by ordinary players, but used by players in the sixth-level burning state. Karma has infused powerful thoughts on the armband.

"Bang! Boom!"

The armband hit the weird golden ornament on the snake's head, and it exploded instantly.

The golden giant snake didn't seem to be affected, and his speed became a bit faster.

Fang Tian noticed Karma's behavior and frowned.

Among the three, Fang Tian and Karma, who are both assassins, faintly surpassed the giant snake chasing behind, but Hesna couldn't. Pulling down, both Kama and Fang Tian slowed down intentionally.

The distance between the three of Fang Tian and the giant snake behind them is rapidly being shortened.


It can't go on like this!

Find a way to stop it.

Before the giant python came close, Fang Tian began to think.

(End of this chapter)

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