city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1056 Enchantment

Chapter 1056 Enchantment
Who is Valentina?
Hearing the old elf's narration, Jie still felt a little puzzled. The key issue now is not here. Destroying the passage and protecting the whole is what he needs to do.

"Then please tell us how to destroy this passage?"

"You want to destroy the passage?" The old elf's face changed suddenly, and he said in a deep voice: "No! The passage is my last hope! I will never allow you to destroy the passage! I don't think so!"

Fang Tian and Jie looked at each other, and he felt strange.

Didn't it mean that the pre-mission tasks have been completed?Why is this weird old elf unwilling to cooperate?
There is not much time. People in the four major cities should have received the news by now. Their people should come to support soon. They need to find a way to destroy the passage as soon as possible.

Fang Tian could feel that the life of the old elf was coming to an end, he would not live long, this kind of vine was constantly absorbing the vitality of the spirit, relying on the vitality of the old elf to survive.

Fang Tian turned his head to look at Jie, "Will the channel be closed automatically as long as he is dealt with?"

"Well, it's not wrong to say that, the elves are the source of the power of the alien channel, but to be on the safe side, we'd better destroy the entire channel, lest they find new energy substitutes, which will be very troublesome." Jie said in the Searched in the room, "The entrance to the passage is nearby, let's look for it."

Hao Wan's eyes were sharp, and she quickly noticed something, pointing to the wall over there, "This way!"

There's a strange indentation in the wall into which something seems to fit.

By the way, it's something like this, Jie said as he took out a black rune from his pocket, stepped forward, and stuffed the black rune stone into the depression.

When the old elf man saw this scene, his eyes showed disbelief, " actually found the runes?"

"Tch, old man, it took us a lot of work to find these runes." Jie didn't have much affection for the old elf, and a smug flash of pride flashed across his face. Fangtian spent a lot of time outside these days, and he did a lot of work. With the surveillance of the four major cities on his back, he sneakily completed tasks in the western continent in order to obtain these four keys and open the passage of the portal.

After some searching, all four imprint grooves on the wall were found, and four imprints of different colors were stuffed into the grooves.

Fang Tian squinted his eyes, he felt a subtle magic wave flowing around him.

Was it the magic circle hidden inside the stone wall?
It has to be said that this is really a relatively high-end technique, which effectively prevents the magic circle from being considered damaged.

Under the urging of the magic circle, the stone wall in front moved aside, revealing an ancient altar hidden behind.

Fang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly.

Behind the stone wall is an altar, and there is an intact portal in front of the altar.

A stone portal with two pillars.

The portal channel in the middle of the column is emitting a long blue light.

Fang Tian took a few steps forward and focused his attention on the two pillars.

Some ancient characters are engraved on the pillars.

Strangely, from the style point of view, this is definitely not the portal of the elves, but more similar to the portal handed down from ancient times.

"Haha, I finally found you!"

Jack was overjoyed, after spending so much effort, he finally saw this portal. As long as he is completely destroyed, the entire Eastern Continent will be safe again.

He only needs to complete the last step, and he can become famous...

In just a few seconds, Jie's thoughts had flown far away, and he had even thought of receiving the commendation after returning to the Eastern Continent.

Only the last step is needed to destroy it.

Jie thought he had already stepped forward, raised his long sword, and slashed at the pillar fiercely.


At the moment of cutting, a black awn glowed from around the portal, revealing a barrier enchantment.

The long sword collided with the enchantment mountain, and the bursting purple light instantly bounced the long sword away.

Jie only felt a numbness in his hands, and his mind was thrown out as soon as his mind was empty.

He hit the rock wall behind with a bang, and opened his eyes again, and found that he had a negative status of 'blasphemy' on his body, and his blood volume dropped sharply.

Jie's face turned pale and he wanted to shout, but Hesna had already poured a holy light healing on his head, lifting his blood up.


Almost died here!

Jieda breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like he was on the verge of death, and sure enough, he couldn't relax until the end.

"Don't try, there is no way, you can't break this seal, this is the seal that Valentina personally set."

The old elf turned his head, looked at the crowd, and sighed heavily.

"Fraud! Who is Valentina?"

Jie felt that he was being laughed at, and stepped forward to ask, but the old elf had already shook his head and closed his eyes.

With that determined look, it seemed that no matter how much he asked the old elf, he would not continue to speak.

Jie hated his teeth itching, thinking whether to just get rid of this old elf.

At this time, Fang Tian was studying the enchantment beside him.

The caster of the enchantment is very strong, to a certain level, Fang Tian can be sure that the opponent's level is at least in the category of seventh-level creatures.

The seventh level does not refer to the level of thoughts, but the level of living organisms.

No, it should have been a long time since the formation of the enchantment. It can still have such an effect until now, and the opponent's ability has even exceeded the seventh level.

When Fang Tian was puzzled, Hesna came up and whispered in Fang Tian's ear: "Fang Tian, ​​I feel a familiar force, the power of this seal is somewhat different from the power erupted by players from the Western Continent." similar."

Fang Tian was startled.

He scratched his head, looked into Hesna's eyes, and asked suspiciously, "Hesna, are you referring to the Evernight Goddess?"

Hesna nodded slightly.

Fang Tian turned his head and moved to the elf next to him, "Is Valentina also a follower of the Evernight Goddess?"

The old elf closed his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep, and stopped answering Fang Tian's question.

Not answering?
This does not prevent Fang Tian from guessing.

Fang Tian had personally experienced the skill of surge of life, and at the time he found it strange that it seemed to be a reverse way of using vitality.

As for the use of vitality, there is nothing better than elves.

Are the elves related to the Evernight Goddess?

This may be just speculation, but at least the passage here is inseparable from the Evernight Goddess.

Jie talked around the old elf for a long time, seeing the old elf's reluctance, he had no choice but to come over and interrupt Fang Tian's thinking, "Fang Tian, ​​how is it? Is there a way to break him open?"

Jie didn't know much about this. He felt that this kind of seal and enchantment were similar things. Since Fang Tian was a well-known alchemist in the Western Continent, he should have a way to deal with this kind of thing.

(End of this chapter)

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