city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1044: Ancient Monitor Lizard

Chapter 1044: Ancient Monitor Lizard

Immediately afterwards, a huge coercion came from a distance from the direction of the monitor lizard camp.

Fang Tian felt that the aura on his body was suppressed by the pressure coming from there.

Not only Fang Tian, ​​but also the nearby fifth-order swamp poisonous dragons were also coerced, and they crawled on the spot one by one.

These swamp poisonous dragons were suppressed by high-level forces.

What happened over there?
Judging from the sense of coercion, it looks like a seventh-order creature.

It's interesting. Those people found a seventh-level creature?

Fang Tian narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of the monitor lizard camp where the loud noise came from. Following the violent explosion just now, the entire camp rose into a pillar of fire, and the forest in front of the fire was bright red.

Is it from Jingzhe City?
They are fighting a boss?Or a seventh-order boss?

This is also possible, after all, players in this world already have the strength to kill seventh-order creatures, and they belong to Jingzhe City, one of the four major guilds, so it is normal for the bosses they spawn to be seventh-order creatures.

Fang Tian was moved.

Fang Tian may not pay too much attention to the things that explode after the death of the seventh-order creature, but because of the badge of the beast king, if he can successfully kill the seventh-order creature, his strength value can be increased.

This is what really attracts Fang Tian.

After all, seventh-order creatures are hard to find.

This is an opportunity, since it has been met, there is no need to give up.

Thinking about it, Fang Tian took in the breath of forgiveness and moved quickly towards another camp.

Flames enveloped the monitor lizard camp.

Looking at the three ancient monitor lizards summoned from the altar on a huge rock mountain, the commander of this operation laughed out loud.

As explained in the mission, after killing the entire tribe of giant lizards and then sprinkling their blood on the altar for sacrifice, this approach successfully angered the soul of the ancient giant lizard and summoned the ancient giant lizard.

Ancient monitor lizards are seventh-level special creatures and are very powerful. After killing them, you can not only complete the task and get a lot of rewards, but you can also explode a lot of good things from them.

The seventh-order creatures are all treasures, and it was not in vain that they spent an afternoon slaughtering the entire monitor lizard camp.

"Brothers! Get ready to deal with him!"

This is a time when the team came prepared, a total of six elite teams were dispatched, and one-third of the teams in Jingzhe City were pulled over to participate in this hunting activity.

The players of the elite group reacted very quickly and cooperated well. They had already dispersed when Jinglei gave the order. The six main shield fighters went up to hold the hatred of the three ancient monitor lizards.

This kind of ancient giant lizard does not belong to the category of ordinary seventh-level creatures, but belongs to a special type of creature. It is weaker than ordinary seventh-level creatures, but it is not something that an average player team can handle.


With a deafening roar, the roaring skill of the ancient monitor lizard knocked all the surrounding units into a stun state, and the priest and paladin in the back row immediately caught up with their healing skills, raising the blood volume of the two shield warriors.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

With heavy steps, the entire ancient giant lizard launched a collision skill and rushed towards the location where the team players gathered.

Coupled with the giant lizard's huge size, any player other than the Shield Warrior who is hit head-on will definitely be killed instantly!

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

The captains of each small team gave instructions separately.

These players cooperated tacitly, adjusted their positions quickly, and immediately spread out to the surroundings. The two team shield fighters stepped forward desperately, stuck in the two directions of the ancient monitor lizard's movement, preventing them from having the opportunity to do anything halfway. Make a turn and cooperate to protect your teammates.

With a wave of Jinglei's hand, two scrolls, one green and one blue, were raised from his palm, followed by red light scattered on the whole group.

Divine Grace - Resuscitation.

Increases the maximum health of all players for a period of time, and speeds up health regeneration.

Charism - active.

For a period of time, the recovery speed of HP is increased by 100% and immune to negative effects of petrification.

These are two extremely effective scrolls, designed to deal with the special ability of the ancient monitor lizard - the thorn of thorns.

The thorn of thorns is a very troublesome passive skill. All units that cause damage to the ancient monitor lizard will be attacked by the thorn attribute of the ancient monitor lizard, and have a chance to enter the poisoned state.

If an ordinary player kills an ancient giant lizard and loses 100 health points, he must first lose 10 health points. This is extremely restrictive for fragile output-type professions.

Now with the blessing of these two scrolls, the pressure on the players to face the seventh-order boss is reduced again.

"Tch! A seventh-order creature? It's nothing but garbage!"

Jinglei could see clearly that as long as he kept going and made no mistakes, the three ancient monitor lizards could definitely be taken down.

It's just that the three ancient monitor lizards are seventh-level creatures with extremely strong defense and blood volume. It is estimated that there is no way to deal with them in less than two hours this time.

Jinglei is not in a hurry, they have fought even stronger bosses before, even killing the boss for five or six hours in a row, he is very confident in their team, he has already begun to think that he can get big rewards.

What Jinglei didn't know was that there was another person lurking in the shadow not far away at this time.

Is this an ancient monitor lizard?
Their target is the ancient giant lizard?

Fang Tian quickly observed the creature these players were facing.

According to Fang Tian's understanding, the ancient monitor lizard is a standard flesh-tank creature, relying on its huge size to deal damage. His special skill Thorn of Thorns makes it particularly good at dealing with groups of low-level creatures.

Now, the ancient giant lizard is a bit weak when facing players.

But after all, it is a seventh-order creature, and it is not something that ordinary teams can handle. The two skills of roaring and charging are enough for players to eat a pot.

Sure enough, just as Fang Tian thought, once the ancient giant lizard launched its sprint and roar, there would be some slight chaos among the surrounding players.

This kind of chaos may not be a big deal in the eyes of others, and the elite group can quickly adjust themselves, but in Fang Tian's view, the flaw that emerged in this moment is too big.

This is also normal, the players don't even know that there is an assassin sneaking around.

Fang Tian is not in a hurry. A calm assassin will find a chance to kill him. It seems that these players now have an absolute advantage. It is only a matter of time before they kill these ancient giant lizards, but Fang Tian knows I know that when the ancient monitor lizards enter 10% blood volume, all attributes will have an explosive growth. At this time, they will enter a 10-minute berserk state, and that is the real test.

There is another reason, what Fang Tian needs is to win the chance to kill the ancient monitor lizard, it is too early to make a move, and wait until these players weaken the blood volume of the ancient monitor lizard.

(End of this chapter)

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