Chapter 1031

It was late at night, and it was not a special preparation period at this stage. There were not many guards in the castle, and the players would not wander around in the castle.

This gave Fang Tian an opportunity.

Fang Tian groped all the way to the stairs on the fourth floor without encountering any obstacles.

At the stairs, Fang Tian's attention was on the two guards.

This was the first problem Fang Tian encountered.

Forget it, Fang Tian didn't want to argue with the guards, so he stepped out of the shadows.

"Shadow Kill!"

A red number burst out from the guard's head, and the other guard hadn't raised his weapon yet, and was knocked into a stunned state by Fang Tianying.

The two guards fell to the ground, and the corpses were not refreshed. In order to avoid being discovered by the passing patrol guards, Fang Tian pulled the corpses back to the corner of the stairs.

These two guards are not of high rank, so Fang Tian can rely on his own explosive force to get rid of them in seconds, but it will be troublesome if he gets into trouble with patrolling guards. Among them are elite guards. It will be troublesome to get tangled up.

Thinking about it, Fang Tian has climbed to the fifth floor.

The magic control room should be there.

Stepping forward, Fang Tian tried to push the door.

The door is locked, but Fang Tian can already clearly feel the magic wave coming from the room.

The magic circle he was looking for was right in front of him.

Fang Tian was not in a hurry, he knew that there was a magician controlling the magic circle in the room.

Standing in front of the door, Fang Tian gently knocked on the door.


Fang Tian said, "I am Fang Tian, ​​the Time Traveler asked me to come here and ask you for some help."

There are two players and three NPCs in the room, manipulating this kind of magic array can gain the experience value of array learning, but the magic power of the players is not enough, so generally three NPCs are needed to assist. Take this opportunity to rest and rest.

"Fang Tian?"

When the player heard this, he immediately stood up.

In the entire Winter Prison City, everyone knows Fang Tian's name, and with this skill of enchanting, he is a popular public figure wherever he goes, and it is absolutely right to have a good relationship with him!

"Is it really you? It's a pleasure to meet you."

After opening the door, the magician showed a smile and was about to introduce himself. Then a dark light flashed in front of his eyes, and a huge number burst out above his head.

The magician is still fragile, and the opponent has not entered a defensive posture at all, Fang Tian can easily kill him instantly with a single blow.

The other player was startled, thinking this is what happened?

Was that magician killed in seconds?
Before he could figure it out, Fang Tian bullied himself and attacked him.

The remaining player froze there, eyes darkened, and his mind was in chaos.

Compared with the players, those npcs reacted much faster. The other three npcs found that Fang Tian was hostile, and then quickly cast the ice gun and fire snake at Fang Tian.

Fang Tian moved extremely fast, with a tinge of dark red flowing under his skin, he immediately entered the parasitic state of the living worm of hell, his blood volume soared, and he forced three magicians to go out and attack the player.

At this time, the player mage just reacted, and raising his hand was a three-shot enhanced ice screen.


Punch out.

Dark shock!

Before the second and third layer of ice curtains were completely condensed, they were smashed by Fang Angel's punch. The fist directly penetrated the ice layer and imprinted on the player's mage's chest.


Red numbers popped out of the head at night.

Player No. 2 was instantly killed, and at the same time, ripples of energy visible to the naked eye were emitted, and three NPC mages were knocked out at the same time.

Turning his head, his eyes swept over the three mages, and Fang Tian stepped forward...

At this time, a weekly routine meeting was going on at the Death Hell Guild headquarters not far from Winter Hell City.

Ouyang Rui, who manages the guild's finances, is detailing the guild's financial situation this week to everyone.

Ouyang Rui, who has always been known for his staid and cold face, smiled at the public meeting for the first time. His attitude has never been better, "Generally speaking, this week's profit is already more than the sum of the guild's last half year. According to the development of this momentum, our amount of funds can provide the guild to do more things, I have compiled a detailed report, please read it.”

The backbone of the guild looked at me and I looked at you, all showing a strange look.

Everyone can already guess without reading this report. The guild is no different this week compared to the past, the only thing is that there is an extra enchanter. After all, in Winter Hell City, that kind of magical weapon It has already spread among the players, and even the enchanter Fang Tian is also known to the players.

No one had ever imagined that an enchanter could generate such a large amount of energy.

The president of the Nineteenth Floor of Hell looked at the people below, and didn't read the report, but just stroked his chin, as if he was thinking about something, and his eyes couldn't help but glanced at the time traveler.

The Time Traveler couldn't sit still anymore and stood up and said: "President, I also mentioned the matter of cooperation with Fang Tian a few days ago. From my observation, I think he seems unwilling to join the guild. In order to prevent him from creating I haven't brought up the rebellious psychology yet, but I think you should come forward and raise it yourself, which can also show our sincerity."

Nineteen layers of hell nodded, as if still thinking.

A team commander said, "I've heard about that enchanter, and Du Qianqiu's Wuxuan sword was also forged by him. At the beginning, Du Qianqiu went to recruit himself and gave enough face, but the kid still didn't agree. You won’t join us easily, even if the president goes there in person, I think most likely he will hit a wall.”

Everyone discussed around, and they all felt that Fang Tian would not easily join the guild, but they were not fools, such a rooster that could lay golden eggs could not simply be let go.

"Then wait a little longer, he can't escape anyway in our hands, and how is the secret investigation of his identity going?"

"It's difficult. His identity is kept secret, but we are already planning to find someone to trace him backwards. It will take a long time."

Ouyang Rui said: "He has stayed in the castle and never went out, did he notice anything unusual?"

"No, this kid is very obsessed with alchemy, and he also fell into the eyes of money. He stays in the room all day to make money by enchanting. His servant is also the same. He has been reconciling with me for the past few days, and the money has to be face to face every day. Pay it off, it really makes me dizzy." Thinking of this, the time traveler made a bitter face.

"Hahaha, let them be happy for a while, the money is only for him to keep temporarily, and we will get it all back." Hearing this, Ouyang Rui felt even more amused and relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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