city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1019 Soul Control

Chapter 1019 Thousand Soul Imperial

Emily also had nothing to do with this nephew, so she pulled him, "Fabian, don't be unreasonable."

Fabian ignored Emily and continued: "Uncle, you are so powerful, why don't you give it a try?"

However, Fang Tian became very interested in this, "Is there any more?"

"Um, the above is the exhibition area, not for sale." At this time, Charles had to stand up and say, "There is indeed a special artifact dagger, but..."

"Just what?"

Fang Tian's mind was already on the dagger.

"It's just that so far, no one has ever been able to use that dagger."

What did Xiaoyu Xiaoyu think of, "Mr. Charles is talking about the legendary dagger?"

"Yes, that's it."

The legendary dagger! ?Fang Tian became even more curious!

Under the strong request of Fabian and Fang Tian, ​​Charles smiled wryly and took everyone to visit the seventh floor.

"Three years ago, the players from the entire continent and various forces gathered together to finally seal the evil god buried underground. At that time, it was said that a total of four pieces of equipment were released. Three of the four major guilds took one of each, and the last guild I chose all the materials released by the boss, and because no one could use this dagger, and no one chose it, it finally fell into the hands of the NPC city lord at that time, and it has been placed on the top floor as an exhibit." Xiaoyu Xiaoyu said in Fang Tianer Bian explained in a low voice, "It's not for sale, even if it can be sold, we can't afford it."

The more Xiaoyu Xiaoyu talked, the more interested Fang Tian was in this dagger.

The seventh floor is a large exhibition hall. The entry threshold for the equipment exhibited in it is epic, and only epic equipment with distinctive characteristics is eligible to be displayed here.

Looking around, the various rays of light emitted by the artifact equipment almost blinded Xiaoyu Xiaoyu's eyes. She couldn't help thinking that if she could get rich that day, she would also collect so many treasures like the Chamber of Commerce. High-level artifact, no need, just show off!
Walking all the way, Fang Tian's attention was focused on the legendary dagger, and he didn't pay too much attention to these high-level artifacts.

In the most central position, there is a crystal table.

The texture of this crystal table is extraordinary, and it reveals magical light and shadow under the illumination of the magic lamp.

Seven-color crystal?

Fang Tian admired the generosity of the owner of the auction house in his heart.

The reason why this kind of material can be recognized is because the seven-color crystal is one of the materials used to make the door of the sanctuary. Shen Luoluo spent a lot of effort to collect some, and the price was extremely high. At that time, Fang Tian often heard Shen Luoluo complained, so she was more impressed.

Now, Fang Tian has been attracted by the ordinary-looking dagger on the seven-color crystal.

It looks unpretentious. If Fang Tian hadn't been told in advance that it was an artifact, Fang Tian might have thought it was just an ordinary level 10 dagger.

But the more ordinary the appearance, the less breathable it is, the more interested Fang Tian is in this dagger.

"This is the highest-level weapon here. It is the highest-level weapon in the entire continent. So far, no one in this position has successfully picked up this dagger." Charles said with a slight sense of superiority , "The city lord likes to collect all kinds of equipment the most, and also likes to make friends with powerful players. He once said that if there is a player who can use this dagger, he may give this dagger to that player."

Fang Tian frowned, "Really?"

"Mr. Fang Tian, ​​if you are interested, you can give it a try. If you can pick it up, the city lord will not be stingy with such a dagger, but I still want to remind Mr. Fang Tian, ​​just try it, don't force it , or you will die." Charles reminded, obviously, he did not believe that Fang Tian would be able to hold this dagger at all.

Of course, not only Charles, but no one present believed that Fang Tian could afford this dagger.

Xiaoyu Xiaoyu also knows the value of this dagger. The price is 1000 million yuan for the word "sacred weapon".So she was sure that Fang Tian would not be able to hold this dagger.

Fabian, on the other hand, had a mentality of watching the show. If the assassin couldn't hold the dagger, then he would have to ridicule him and see how he made such a fool. Wasn't it great just now?He also said that the dagger of the chamber of commerce is not working, why is it not working now?Can't even pick up a dagger?

If he could pick up the dagger, then he would give the old man the city lord a good go. That old man, whose eyes are above his head all day long, is not a good thing!Let him have a good heartache!
Fang Tian was extremely curious about this dagger, and reached out to take the dagger on the seven-color crystal.

At the same time, Fang Tian frowned.

Weapon: Soul * Shadow of Chaos - Qianhun Yu (unidentified master).

Rank: Artifact.

Rating: 99
Description: Only those with special powers are eligible to wear it

Additional skills: ? ?
Additional Notes: In the current state, it cannot be put into the backpack, and it must be dropped after death.

After a cursory glance at the game prompt, Fang Tian frowned.

A soul-level artifact! ?

Before he could figure it out, he suddenly felt a special force coming from his hand.

There seemed to be a strong attraction protruding from the dagger, trying to break free from Fang Tian's grasp.

Naturally, Fang Tian would not let the dagger break free easily, and held the dagger tightly.

It's strange to say that after being held by Fang Tian, ​​the seemingly ordinary dagger continuously emitted various colors of light.

At the same time, even Fang Tian himself didn't notice that the mark on the back of his hand kept appearing and disappearing.

Fabian covered his mouth with his hands, and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. No one could really hold that dagger before. He really did it?

Charles also stared at Fang Tian, ​​a strange solemnity flashed in his eyes.

Xiaoyu Xiaoyu also looked at Fang Tian intently, thinking in his heart, is he going to get rich again?
After being in a stalemate for more than ten seconds, Fang Tian felt that the power to break free in his hand was constantly increasing. He tried hard to control it, but the power seemed to be stronger than imagined, and he couldn't suppress it.




Red numbers popped out of Fang Tian's head. Fang Tian frowned. He felt that he was still one step away from controlling the dagger, but it was just this step that made him There is still no way to fully grasp the dagger.

When the blood volume was less than 30%, Fang Tian let go of the dagger.

Everything returned to the original state again, everyone looked at Fang Tian, ​​and fell silent for a while, even Fabian, who was about to taunt Fang Tian, ​​stood obediently by the side.

(End of this chapter)

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