Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 997 Da Song Financial Institution Preparatory Committee (Part 1)

Chapter 997 Da Song Financial Institution Preparatory Committee (first update)
Chapter 1006

However, since it is only a trial now, Wang Yang hopes to act in a low-key manner first, without going through the court, and first set up a start-up organization on Shaanxi North Road: the Preparatory Committee of Dasong Financial Institutions.

The main function of this preparatory committee is to first draft a bank law, and then use this draft bank law to establish a private bank.

The rules and regulations of private banks will be formulated by the Preparatory Committee of Financial Institutions, and then tried out among private banks.

For example, if a private person takes money to the bank to keep, then the private person needs to support a small amount of storage fee from the bank. For example, if he deposits ten guan, then he needs to pay a monthly custodian fee of [-] yuan, and the minimum deposit amount is [-] guan. The minimum storage fee is one dollar per month.

As for loans, they are divided into commercial loans, industrial loans and agricultural loans. Goods circulate quickly, so the loan period is not long, but borrowing and lending will be frequent, so the interest rate of commercial loans will be the highest, reaching a monthly loan The interest is 220 yuan, and there is also a [-]% handling fee. That is to say, if you borrow a loan and return it after one month, you will need to pay [-] yuan in interest and handling fees.

As for industrial loans, or handicrafts for factory construction or commodity production, their loan period will be relatively long and relatively stable, so their interest will be slightly lower than that of commercial loans, that is to say, the monthly interest is 150 yuan, of course there will be an additional [-]% handling fee...

When you get an agricultural loan, it is a loan with the nature of benefiting the people. That is to say, for Daiyiguan, the monthly interest is 120 yuan, plus [-]/[-] of the handling fee. The capital and profit of money.

In this way, all three industries can obtain loan support, but they are differentiated, and at the same time, they conform to the political view of the court that emphasizes agriculture.

"These are not the most important thing. The important thing is that the Dasong Financial Institution Preparatory Committee will first assume the functions of a state-owned bank. That is, in the future, every tax collected by the localities of Dasong , will be deposited into the treasury of the preparatory committee of various institutions."

"Of course, food and silk items don't need to be deposited. Only gold, silver and copper coins will be stored here. And every transaction stored in the bank will have an entry and exit account."

In this way, if some officials or staff want to embezzle property, it will be difficult for them to get the chance.

Moreover, the banking system and the government do not belong to the same institution, and the government wants to invade?Hehe, is it possible?
After listening to the emperor's spitting and star-studded explanation for a long time, the wise Queen Meng also understood the benefits of this.

"I'm afraid this is no longer the Qingmiao method. This is completely an unprecedented new method created by Mr. Wushan based on the model of the Qingmiao method." Meng was shocked by Wang Yang's ambition, or in other words, he established the Song Dynasty The impact and shock that the financial system will have on Song Dynasty in the future.

"That's right, for the country, for the people, for industry, and for business, it's all big gains... The court legislates, the court supervises, and the bank is self-contained and not subject to local constraints. However, he lost the government. He has no administrative ability, so he is not capable of forceful buying and selling..."

"Such a good law, if it can be implemented, it will be a blessing to the Great Song Dynasty." Emperor Zhao Xu stood up, walked quickly with his hands behind his back, and said impassionedly.

"It seems that your majesty is also very satisfied, but why do you say that Mr. Wu Shan has given you a big problem?" Looking at the excited husband in front of him, Meng couldn't help asking.

"That's because this good strategy will have a huge impact on the old vested interests... Well, this is what Wang Wushan said in the letter. It means that it will have a huge impact on those who rely on usury to follow the common people. The interests of those wealthy businessmen and gentry who have collected wealth in their hands have had a great impact."

"Maybe my lady doesn't know that in the Song Dynasty, usury has always been a headache for the court. In many places, the interest of borrowing money is at least [-]%, or even as high as [-]%. Two hundred/two..."

Hearing the emperor's words, Meng couldn't help but gasped, her lovely eyes widened. "Two hundred percent, that is to say, if you borrow a loan, after one month, you will have to repay the principal with interest three times?"

"That's right, but many people can't do anything about it. After all, when they can't make ends meet, they can only bite the bullet and borrow money. However, I, Da Song, don't have a good way to stop it."

"And this naturally led to many people who couldn't repay the loan sharks had to go bankrupt, lost their land and houses, and became refugees. They either had to become tenants or sell themselves into slavery... "

"After all, they can only borrow from each other, and Mr. An Shi's Youth Law in the past is to weaken the rampant usury among the people. It is a pity that the intervention of the government has made the government a vested interest. Therefore, those virtues have Officials and servants who have lost money will also try their best to profit from it, causing public resentment."

"In the end, the late emperor had to terminate the implementation of the Young Crop Law..." Having said this, Emperor Zhao Xu couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion, and he also deeply realized that Wang Yang's being too cautious about the reform did have his reasons.

But this time, his proactive attack will indeed bring extremely heavy pressure to the court, or to him, the emperor.

Precisely in view of this, Wang Yang decided to work quietly without shooting. He first said hello to himself, the emperor of the Song Dynasty, secretly, and then quietly implemented it on the North Shaanxi Road.

First, it can minimize the pressure from the court, and second, it can use the results to reduce the pressure after the achievements are made.

After all, if there are achievements, then if he, the emperor of Song Dynasty, wants to support him, then he will become confident.

As for the pressure from the people, um, private banks just gave those rich businessmen and gentry who like to lend usury a vent.

After all, after the lending laws and regulations are in place and the private usury is judged illegal, at least everyone can still borrow from private banks.And those wealthy businessmen and gentry who have endless money to spend can invest in the establishment of private banks.

In this way, the lending industry can be regulated in an orderly manner and the interests of all classes in the Song Dynasty can be guaranteed.At least, the majority of the class will stand on the court, or on the side of the emperor, and the pressure on the emperor Zhao Xu will naturally be much less.

"That is to say, what Mr. Wu Shan and the others are doing will be hidden from the court... This, a little careless, I'm afraid..." The Meng family also understood, and couldn't help but frowned. There are still a group of ministers of North Shaanxi Road who are worried.

"My lady, don't worry. If there is such a day, I will definitely not let them bear such consequences." Seeing Queen Meng's worry, the emperor Zhao Xu walked up to Queen Meng and held her soft and tender. Catkin said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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