Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 984 What is taking, the old man is just curious (Part 2)

Chapter 984 What is taking, the old man is just curious (second update)

Chapter 993

My own son of the Song Dynasty really had nothing to do with him, after all, this matter involved the Queen Mother, and his uncle stood up to speak for the Queen Mother, and no one could say anything.

And because he is an elder, even if Zhao Xu wants to lose his temper, he can't easily lose his temper.

"I very much agree with Wang Yangwang's strategy!" After Xiang Zongliang stood up, he turned around and glanced at the civil and military officials of the court, and then replied loudly.

"..." In an instant, the court where there had been whispers before fell into dead silence, including Li Gefei and others who were highly motivated.

Because of his words, Comrade Li Gefei's neck clicked when he turned his head too hastily, and almost missed his neck.

"Are you sure?" Son of Heaven Zhao Xu stood up in Yuan, stared blankly at the uncle for a long time, and then asked hesitantly.

Hmm... This is the third time the Son of Heaven Zhao Xu has asked, are you sure?

"I am very sure, and very sure, that Wang Jinglue is mature enough to seek the country, and this strategy is the best strategy. I believe that if this strategy is successful, it will not only ease the relationship between the Tian family, but also prevent the people of the world from raising objections. ..." Xiang Zongliang nodded again, and then replied loudly.

Listening to Xiang Zongliang's words, all the civil and military officials in the court remained silent, and none of them objected, and they all retreated dully.

What else could they do?Who is Xiang Zongliang?Xiang Zongliang is the elder brother of the Empress Dowager, he can almost become an invisible person in the court, and he is very low-key.

Because everyone knew very well that Xiang Zongliang didn't have much talent, so he was very self-aware and never spoke up.

However, once he opens his mouth, he must pay attention to it. It must represent the meaning of the person behind him, the Queen Mother. In addition, why Xiang Zongliang, who has hardly ever shown his face, is so active these days.

Naturally, he stood up on behalf of the Queen Mother, and at the same time attracted strong opposition from the gang officials to Su Dongpo's proposal.

But now, he once again stood up and made a clear statement that he agreed with Wang Yang and Wang Wushan's strategy. Now, the biggest objection in the court has disappeared, and the opposition of others is of no use. ?
At this moment, just now, Liu Zhi who was secretly annoyed why he couldn't think of such a solution that had the best of both worlds, rushed away with very quick steps, and saluted the emperor Zhao Xu.

"Your Majesty, I also feel that Wang Jinglue's words are old-fashioned, so I agree with Mr. Xiang..."

Soon, more and more old party bigwigs came to their senses. Yes, the Queen Mother gave in and stood up. Although they couldn't help the situation, it was icing on the cake anyway. No wonder that old driver Liu Zhi was the first Jump out, damn it, you are indeed a traitor.

No wonder he was able to become the prime minister, and while thinking about it in his heart, he came out enthusiastically to express his views and attitudes to His Majesty.

He was a quick talker, so naturally he first talked about conforming to God's will and public opinion to show that they also agreed.If you don't speak well, just say directly that I support Wang Jinglue and I support Wang Jinglue.

Even if Wang Yang Wang Wushan was regarded as a bunch of stinky screws that people hate dogs in the past, now everyone can only pinch their noses and praise Wang Yang Wang Wushan's stinky feet.

Seeing this, almost all civil and military officials from the dynasty jumped out to express their approval and support. Emperor Zhao Xu's eyes couldn't help but turn red, of course he was excited.

He really didn't know whether to cheer or cry to express his inner joy. His greatest hope was finally resolved, even if it was the empress dowager, the birth mother, but the problem was that she was also the empress dowager.

Taking a look at Xiang Zongliang whose painting style suddenly changed, the reason why this uncle suddenly changed his point of view must have been the instruction from the Queen Mother.

As a result, Zhao Xu's mood really relaxed a lot, at least it proved that the Empress Dowager also acquiesced to this result, and the Empress Dowager did not object, while the imperial grandmother remained neutral.

Most of the ministers agreed, that is to say, this matter is almost a certainty.As long as the next operations can be carried out in an orderly and stable manner, then, next year, Concubine Zhu should be honored as the birth mother, the Empress Dowager.

This matter has a lot to do with it, even though most of the ministers here have expressed their approval, they still have to tell the world...

Soon, Wang Yang and Wang Wushan's memorial was copied and published in the court's residence newspaper, and sent to all states in the Song Dynasty.

Naturally, it is rare to pass the mansion report back to Shaanxi Road, just when a group of civil and military officials from Shaanxi Road are squatting in Wang Yang's mansion to eat mutton hot pot.

The mansion newspaper was delivered directly to the mansion, and Su Dongpo, who was already half full, shook his head repeatedly while holding the mansion newspaper. "I said you kid, you must have figured out a way. Because I criticized you a few times at that time, you deliberately hid the solution from me and let me show your shame, right?"

As soon as these words came out, several officials who squatted together and were full of greasy mouths laughed and laughed. Naturally, they knew that the relationship between Su Dongpo and Wang Yang was very good, and only this old driver could talk to Wang Yang like this. joke.

Daguan Wang had a black line on his face, and it took him a long time to shake his head helplessly. "... Uncle, can you stop burying your nephew like this?
If my nephew could really think of a way at that time, how could he still hide it from you, after my little nephew thought of this idea on the spur of the day, didn't he come here specially to ask you to help polish it..."

"Hehe, I don't believe it. Only if you give the spirits that you have hidden before to the old man and others to have a good meal, then the old man will believe your words." Su Dongpo hehe, stroking his long beard and challenging Wang Yang provocatively. raised eyebrows.

Such blatant extortion, I am afraid that only this old man Su, Wang Yang really does not know how to describe it except for the word submissive.

"Spirited wine? What kind of spirits?" Zhe Keshi's eyes lit up with that kind of teacher and the three members of the army, and all the eyeballs fell on Wang Yang's body.

Wang Yang also looked at Su Dongpo in front of him with a confused face. "What liquor? How can I have any liquor?"

"Oh, you kid, you are pretending to be stupid for me again, right? You have forgotten that I was hanging out at your place that day and saw the small bottle on your office desk. That's not wine. ?”

"I..." Wang Yang's nose almost crooked in anger. "I said Uncle Su, that's the medicinal wine that my nephew was going to use to sterilize wounds, okay, unexpectedly, you took it away? It made me search for two days, I..."

"What do you mean by taking? I'm just curious, so I can take it by hand so I can refer to it in detail, um..." Su Dongpo's old face flushed slightly, but then his face became serious. It is said that the old driver has thick skin, not to mention that Su Dongpo's driving experience is at least A 30-year veteran map gun.

It's the kind where both civil and military officials in court are not flushed or out of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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