Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 979 That's Great, I Almost Mistakenly Accused Wang Wushan (Part 1)

Chapter 979 That's great, I almost blamed Wang Wushan by mistake (first update)
Chapter 988

"Officials..." Hearing such a tone, and seeing the emperor's face full of gratified admiration, Zhao Ji couldn't help feeling hot, and his eyes almost turned red.

"If you can have Wang Wushan as your teacher, then you should study hard. I dare not say that you can learn all his skills. As long as you can learn these skills that benefit the country and the people well and know how to use them, then, You are my hero of the Song Dynasty."

"Well, thank you for the official teaching. I understand, and I will definitely live up to your expectations." Zhao Ji nodded and laughed, with a simple and honest smile.

"By the way, how is your kid? I'm busy with government affairs these days, so I don't have time to visit, but you can let my younger siblings take my nephew to the palace to walk around a lot, let a few children get together , it's also lively and lively."

"With the Empress and the Concubines, you should also move around more..."

"Well, my brother knows. After today's business trip is over, I will bring my wife and dog into the palace for an audience." Zhao Ji looked at the elder brother who was far more mature than himself, and replied with a nod.

Seeing Zhao Ji's hesitant appearance, Zhao Xu couldn't help laughing. "Why, is there anything you want to tell me? Just say it if you want to."

However, Zhao Ji still glanced at Ma Shang. After Ma Shang glanced at Emperor Zhao Xu and got his approval, Ma Shang wisely walked out of the room, leaving this space to the brothers, and then he lowered his voice. The voice asked in a low voice towards Zhao Xu. "Guan Jia, have you made any progress these days regarding your mother-in-law's appointment as the Empress Dowager?"

The smile on Zhao Xu's face couldn't help but stiffen, he sighed, and shook his head helplessly. "There is no progress for the time being. There is a strange atmosphere in the court now, and I cannot take the initiative to mention it at this time. After all, my mother also needs to be comforted..."

Zhao Ji had no choice but to nod his head. "What the official said is true. It seems that this matter needs to be discussed in the long term to see if we can find a suitable opportunity. Then what, since your Majesty is so difficult, why don't you ask Mr. Ce Yu?"

Zhao Xu touched his nose and said helplessly. "I have been writing to you for many days, but I haven't heard back yet. First of all, this matter is originally a dilemma. No matter what you do, it will cause great disputes. Thinking about it, Wang Wushan must also be very headache..."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden knock on the door. Before Zhao Xu could frown and ask, he heard Ma Shang's impatient voice coming from outside the door. "Your Majesty, Mr. Wu Shan's [-] miles hastened..."

Emperor Zhao Xu stood up immediately. "Come in!"

Ma Shang pushed open the door, hurried over with a wooden box containing letters in his hand, and handed it to Zhao Xu respectfully.

Zhao Xu opened the wooden box as quickly as possible and picked up Wang Yang's handwritten letter inside. His hand when opening the envelope suddenly slowed down, and his expression became a little worried.

Because he hoped that Wang Yang could come up with a good plan for him, but he was also afraid that when he opened the letter, the content inside actually told him that there was nothing he could do.

Seeing Zhao Ji's urging gaze from beside him, Zhao Xu gritted his teeth, opened the envelope, and took out the letter paper to read.

"...This, wonderful, hahaha, I'm just saying, I'm just saying that Wang Wushan will not disappoint me, good, great, this method is good, it is really good..."

Shaking the letter in his hand, Zhao Xu burst out laughing a little disregarding his image, his laughter was wild and wild, which directly made Zhao Ji beside him dumbfounded.

Could it be that this guy has been stimulated to suffer from Laughing Sickness?Zhao Ji widened his eyes and looked at Zhao Xu worriedly.

This guy laughed wildly for a long time and finally noticed the expressions of the people around him. He coughed twice in embarrassment and quickly handed Wang Yang's letter to Zhao Ji. "Come, come, Eleven Lang, let's take a look at Wang Wushan's ingenious strategy..."

"...Empress Dowager Mother, Empress Dowager Mother, this, this is really, Mr. is really unparalleled, so like this, I am afraid that no one can really say anything." After Zhao Ji took it over, he carefully looked at it for a long time, Can't help but whispered in surprise.

The content of the letter was very clear and explained the reason in detail, that is, when the prince ascended the throne as emperor, it meant that he had become orthodox and should not be equated with the common son.

In this way, since the son of heaven is the most respected in the world, it is natural that the mother should be honored by the son. Therefore, in order to show the legitimacy of the son's blood, it is very natural to respect his biological mother as the empress dowager.

However, the late emperor's queen was revered as the empress dowager, and now the emperor's biological mother must also be revered as the empress dowager. How to solve this problem when there are two empress dowagers?
Simple, the first emperor's empress dowager, respected as the first mother empress dowager, means that she is the first emperor's empress Zhengshuo.The birth mother of the son of heaven is respected as the birth mother empress dowager, which represents the dignified status of the empress dowager, because she gave birth to the son of heaven, so Er respects her as the empress dowager.

In this way, not only the emperor's duty of filial piety was satisfied, but at the same time, sufficient respect was expressed for the late emperor's empress.

"In this way, even if there are people in the court who oppose it, I'm afraid there will be no trouble. Tsk tsk tsk, as expected of Mr. This move is really powerful, it can almost be called the best of both worlds." Zhao Ji The melon seeds in his little head were dangling, as if he had taken ecstasy.

"Okay, great. I almost blamed Wang Wushan wrongly. I didn't expect that he actually gave me such a big surprise." Emperor Zhao Xu walked excitedly in the office, naturally speaking of Wang Yang's words. The veteran driver repeatedly praised the good idea.

"Okay, so why don't you just continue with your business, as a brother, I have to go back to the palace first, so I have to report the good news to my mother first." After walking around for a few times, Zhao Xu hurriedly greeted Zhao Ji After that, he rushed directly to the palace.

Seeing how excited his elder brother was, he naturally wouldn't force him to stay. He personally sent Zhao Xu to the gate of the Military Weapons Supervision, and watched the group of people drift away.Zhao Ji couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, showing a relieved smile.

Zhao Ji is really happy for the emperor Zhao Xu, because not only because the emperor Zhao Xu is close to him, but more importantly, the gentle and gentle Concubine Zhu is also kind to him in nurturing him.

Zhao Ji's biological mother was surnamed Chen, who was smart and dignified since she was a child, and was selected as a royal attendant in Ye Ting.Later, because she gave birth to Zhao Ji, she was named a beauty.

After the death of Emperor Shenzong, the Chen family guarded the mausoleum of Emperor Shenzong. Because she missed the old kindness of Emperor Shenzong, she was overly sad and fell seriously ill, but refused medicine and food, and even left a message. "If I could serve the late emperor early, I would be satisfied."

As a result, Chen, who went on hunger strike and refused medicine, died not long after the death of Emperor Shenzong, leaving only the young Zhao Ji.

And because his son Zhao Xu became the emperor, he was pulled by the empress dowager Gao Taotao to raise and educate him.

Concubine Zhu, who was feeling empty by her side, was already familiar with Mrs. Chen. She took pity on her when she was still young, so she kept her by her side and treated her like her own child.That's why the relationship between Zhao Xu and Zhao Ji seems so close.

(End of this chapter)

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