Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 967 Zhu Guangting Can Be Counted as a Successful Curtain Call (Part 3 of 2)

Chapter 967 Zhu Guangting Can Be Counted as a Successful Curtain Call (Second of Three)
Chapter 976

The dispute between the two parties seemed very exciting, while the emperor squatted leisurely behind the imperial case to watch the play, and the Shu party squatted together to open their minds.Of course, there are also some neutrals who have a none-of-my-business expression, commenting on which side of the debate is more sharp-tongued and whose body language and expressions are richer.

In the end, after a full half an hour, the Emperor Zhao Xu, who had satisfied his desire to watch a play and learned a lot of fighting language and skills from this debate, finally cleared his throat.

Ma Shang and Eunuch Ma immediately strode forward with understanding, and shouted in his sharp voice. "quiet!"

The sharp voice, very penetrating, quickly made those old and new party officials whose blood gauges and mana points were about to drop to the critical point to return to each other through this step, and of course they did not forget to exchange harsh words to show threats.

"Your gentlemen are worried about state affairs, that's good, but there's no need to be so noisy all the time, it's okay to argue with reason, but making trouble for no reason, that's not advisable..." Emperor Zhao Xu began to speak in an official tone.

At this moment, another one stood up and saluted Emperor Zhao Xu who was speaking. "My minister Li Gefei has something to play..."

Emperor Zhao Xu couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, then nodded with a gentle smile and said, "What's Li Qing going to tell you?"

"I think that I have little talent and little knowledge, and I am afraid that I will not be able to shoulder the important responsibilities. I would like to ask Your Majesty to choose another virtuous person and entrust him with the post of offering wine to the Imperial Academy..." Li Gefei took a deep breath and said to the emperor Zhao Xu.

"???" At this moment, Huang Xili's question marks popped up in everyone's minds, what the hell is this operation?
"Are you sure?" Emperor Zhao Xu wanted to slap himself in the face after asking this question, as if he was the emperor, why is he acting like a fool today, always saying that you are sure...

"Chen, I'm sure..." After saying this, Li Gefei turned his head and glanced at Zhu Guangting with a cold and proud look, as if to say, you old boy, you must be there again. Thinking of some bad tricks to arrange the old man, do you think the old man will be fooled by you?Hehe, don't even think about it.

Zhu Guangting got mad right away, what the hell is wrong with you?Uncle Zhu, I was finally persuaded by my old friend. For the sake of the overall situation, I decided to recommend you regardless of the previous suspicions. How dare you abandon the old man's kindness at this time?
"Master Li, don't make a mistake!" Zhu Guangting took a deep breath and tried to tell himself to stay calm and not to have a dispute with this idiot at this time. It would be better to convince others with virtue.

"Master Zhu, do you think Mr. Li doesn't know what you think?!" Li Gefei smiled and retorted without showing weakness.

"..." Emperor Zhao Xu finally came to his senses and sat behind the imperial cabinet dumbfounded. He really didn't know what words to use to express his mood at the moment.

Fortunately, Emperor Zhao Xu, who understood the intentions of Zhu Guangting and other old party officials, and also understood the reason why Li Gefei took the initiative to refuse, would naturally not let this dispute continue, because there were still a group of new party bosses confronting him. This position is coveted.

Therefore, Emperor Zhao Xu decided to take the initiative. "Li Qing's family, you are a loyal minister of my Great Song Dynasty. I have always heard that you don't care about people's likes and dislikes, and always discuss things based on facts..."

As expected, Li Gefei straightened his back instantly and said a few words of humility as soon as the emperor flattered him.

"Now, Mr. Zhu recommends you regardless of past grudges, but Li Qing, you are not even willing to give it a try because of everything in the past?"

Praise first, and then use the aggressive method. Although this method is very obvious and clumsy, if it is used on other old drivers, those guys will definitely not be fooled.

It's a pity, who is Li Gefei, he is a gentleman, he likes the gentleman who Kong said to be benevolent, and Meng said to get righteousness, and he can't listen to others questioning his character and morality.

But now, the emperor is actually suspicious, which immediately made Li Gefei emboldened, and he threw away the exhortations of his friends from the Shu Party before Jiu Xiaoyun, of course, with a stalk in his neck, he spoke impassionedly.

"Since the court needs it and His Majesty has his orders, I will definitely repay the Emperor's kindness even if I am lacking in talent and virtue."

"Sure enough, I've been fooled again..." A group of big bosses from the Sichuan Party were full of black lines and helplessness, while the emperor Zhao Xu showed a look of satisfaction on his face, and he really took the bait.

"Then if that's the case, this matter is settled!" Emperor Zhao Xu slapped the imperial case with his slap, which was considered a final decision on this matter.

After Li Gefei returned to the shift in a daze, the gang of Shu Party bosses around him still sighed and sighed, feeling the care of a group of colleagues, Li Gefei was moved, but also a little embarrassed.

"Then what, you don't need to say any more, since Li has already promised His Majesty about this matter, even if it is a sea of ​​swords and swords, Li must make a breakthrough."

"Brother Ge Fei, don't worry, our Shu party is united, if there is any problem, if we work together, we can always find a solution. Isn't it just a Guozijian sacrificial wine? Zhu Guangting can do it, why can't Brother Ge Fei do it."

"That's right, that's the truth."

The matter of Zhu Guangting's appointment as an official finally came to an end after a period of painful struggles. Sure enough, Zhu Guangting's last series of goodwill performances in his official career.

The emperor Zhao Xu was very satisfied, so he decided to allow him to serve as an official, and to serve as a bachelor of Baowen Pavilion.The so-called taking a post to serve as an official, this can be regarded as a kind of grace.

Generally speaking, when an official takes office, he must resign and be relieved of his official position in the Second Pavilion and the Secret Pavilion.That is to say, when you retire, you will not retain any official positions.

But during the Shenzong Dynasty, officials began to be allowed to take their original positions to serve as officials. However, this is a means of grace, which is more gracious.

For example, the Bachelor of Duanmingdian, Wang Su, Shangshou of the Ministry of Industry, or the Bachelor of Guanwendian, Shangshou of the Ministry of War, Ouyang Xiu, Zhicaizhou, etc... are all those who have made contributions to the country and society.

As for Zhu Guangting's grace, it was naturally because he had successfully completed the peace talks with Xixia, so he was able to serve as a Bachelor of Baowen Pavilion. The party boss took his post and went to work.

After the imperial edict, Zhu Guangting's eyes were filled with tears, and all the civil and military members of the old party praised the emperor Zhao Xu's behavior and sang praises.

As for the new party members, one or two of them were resentful. However, the fact that Zhu Guangting accepted bribes from the Xixia envoys was not exposed. Therefore, Zhu Guangting received such a commendation for his successful mission, even though they felt uncomfortable in their hearts. , but he could only hold back his breath.

And after Li Gefei was promoted to the Imperial Academy Jijiu, he did not dare to slack off at all. He worked hard every day and was careful, for fear that he would make a mistake and fall into the trap set by Zhu Guangting's enemy.

Once the matter of Zhu Guangting was settled, the court temporarily returned to tranquility, but the problem was that there was a bigger matter that needed the emperor Zhao Xu to worry about.

(End of this chapter)

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