Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 959 Finally Knowing Its Power at This Time (Part 2)

Chapter 959 I finally know how powerful it is at this time (second update)

Chapter 968

Rather than struggling to get nothing, it's better to accept the result happily, just like Zhao Tingzhi who was also forced to retire from office. Although he is far away from the court, he still has a group of old party leaders and colleagues as friends.

"It's best if you can figure it out on your own. Alas..." Besides sighing, Liu Zhi really couldn't think of any other words he could use to comfort his close friend.

It would be great if there were more smart people with knowledge and interest in the world. At least, it would be much better to be smart.

"Now, what I am worried about is the reaction of those colleagues who don't know the truth tomorrow..." After the two left the palace, when they were about to part, Liu Zhi stroked his long beard and looked at the depressed man in front of him. Zhu Guangting said.

Looking at Liu Zhi's awl-like gaze, Zhu Guangting still didn't understand what was going on. After thinking for a while, he bowed deeply to Liu Zhi. "Don't worry, brother, I will definitely not let this happen."

"Then Brother Lao Xian, take care..." Liu Zhi sighed, then turned around and boarded the sedan.

Watching Liu Zhi's sedan chair drifting away, the howling autumn wind hit, a withered yellow leaf just passed Zhu Guangting's eyes, then circled and continued to fly towards the south.

"Master, it's freezing cold, you can get into the sedan chair quickly..." The servant next to him hurried over to persuade him.

"I know, go back home..." Zhu Guangting held the wooden box given by the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao tightly in his hand, and then got into the sedan and ordered.

Early the next morning, the Great Song Dynasty Conference was held as usual, and Zhu Guangting, who had already put on his brand new official uniform, appeared in the court hall as expected.

After stepping up to the front of the steps, he presented the letter of peace of the Xixia Kingdom to Zhao Xu, the emperor of the Song Dynasty who was sitting firmly behind the imperial case.

Under the sign of the emperor, Ma Shang began to read out the Western Xia’s peace letter in public. Soon after the reading was completed, under the leadership of Liu Zhi, all the civil and military officials in the court bowed down in unison to the emperor. Asahi.

Listening to this low-pitched Xixia Guoshu, and seeing all the civil and military officials of the court bowing down on the court and congratulating him, the emperor Zhao Xu looked so high-spirited.

Feeling proud and proud, this is definitely something to be proud of. Last year, Xixia was still very murderous and mobilized troops to plunder the Shaanxi Road of the Song Dynasty. However, in just less than a year and a half, Xixia had been reduced to a cripple and was struggling to survive. Xixia was so humble and groveling. , groveling.

This is something that has never happened since the founding of the Song Dynasty. All of this is due to the contributions of Su Dongpo, Wang Wushan and others.At least that's what Zhao Xu, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, thought so.

However, it was naturally impossible to say this in the court. After Zhao Xu cleared his throat and asked the ministers to excuse themselves, he expressed his inner joy and encouraged the ministers in the court.

He also praised the meritorious deeds of all the civil and military personnel on the Shaanxi Road, and declared that this victory is related to the national fortune of the Song Dynasty.Through this war, it not only demonstrated the national prestige of Da Song, but also made Da Song realize his strength.

At the same time, I also remind everyone that if you encounter trouble, don't be afraid of it. What about being tough?As long as we, the Northern Song Dynasty, can unite as one, even if we face the two powerful enemies Xixia and Liao who come together to attack, the final victory will definitely belong to the Song Dynasty.

After taking advantage of this victory to secretly complain about those important court officials who encountered foreign conflicts, except for spending money to negotiate peace, they simply couldn't come up with a coping strategy like a big country, Zhao Xu's gaze It landed on Zhu Guangting's body.

"Where is Zhu Guangting?"

Hearing Zhao Xu's call, Zhu Guangting felt chills in his heart, but he also knew very well that at this moment, there was no other way to think about it. After slightly nodding his head to meet Liu Zhi's gaze, he went straight out of the queue and walked towards Zhao Xu. Xu Yili. "The minister is..."

"Zhu Qing, it seems that you have suffered a lot during this mission to North Shaanxi Road, and your face looks so haggard. Can you bear it with your bones?" Zhao Xu tried hard to hide the disgust in his heart, Asked with a concerned look.

After Zhu Guangting coughed a few times on the fake horse ghost day, he fell to the ground deeply, with a grateful expression on his face. "Thank you for your majesty's concern, old minister, since I went to Shaanxi North Road, I have experienced a lot of wind and frost all the way, and after arriving in Hongzhou, I finally understand what is the bitter cold in Saibei..."

Under Zhu Guangting's vivid language description, the bitter cold place in the north of Shaanxi Road is really not a place for ordinary people to stay. However, the soldiers and civilians of the northwest of the Song Dynasty were able to unite as one and block the hundreds of thousands of Liao Xia with weak troops. The army made amazing contributions to Song Dynasty.

Protected the safety of the northwestern frontier of our Great Song Dynasty, and was able to make contributions frequently and achieve miraculous victories under such a difficult situation.

And destroyed the fighting will of the Xixia country, and let Beiliao see the determination and will of the Song Dynasty...

Confused... This adjective has now become the most appropriate adjective for the civil and military expressions of the Song and Man dynasties.This flattery was filmed so well that the old party bosses and new party bosses were completely confused.

What happened to this guy, could it be that he was hit hard on the head, causing his political views to deviate?Or is this guy obviously pretending to be a war faction, isn't this f*cking too unscientific?
Could it be those civil and military ministers, even Zhao Xu, who was sitting behind the imperial case, was in a daze, what the hell is this guy doing?Could it be that after being threatened by his own secret decree, he was punished by the emperor's grandmother.

Already frenzied, ready to break the pot, make a big scene, say good things first, and then make a big reversal, causing a big earthquake in the court?

Next, Zhu Guangting changed the subject again and stated that after arriving at Shaanxi Road, he became seriously ill, had trouble sitting and sleeping, and was confused. It was difficult to keep a clear mind even with such an important task as negotiating with the Xixia envoys.

Fortunately, the son of heaven, Shengming, handed over the important task of presiding over the peace talks to Wang Yang and Wang Wushan, a young talent in the Song Dynasty. Only now, Zhu Guangting was able to settle down and recuperate in Hongzhou.

Later, when Wang Yang and Wang Wushan presided over the negotiation work, they showed great power and forced Xixia into a poor alley. In the end, they had to succumb to the great reputation of the Song Dynasty, and finally offered the land of Shizhou for peace.

"...After this trip to Shaanxi Road, although I have fulfilled His Majesty's entrustment, I also know that I am old, frail and sick, and I can no longer bear His Majesty's trust. Therefore, I am taking this opportunity today to ask Your Majesty The old minister Enzhun resigned from his official position, so that he can go home to entertain his grandchildren and raise them happily..."

"Your Majesty, please grant me permission..." Zhu Guangting said with a sad tone and bowed deeply to the ground.

At this moment, Zhao Xu stared blankly at Zhu Guangting who had laid out so many preludes, but returned to the business at the last moment.

"This old man finally knows how powerful he is at this moment..." Liu Zhi, who was beside him, looked at Zhu Guangting who was prostrate on the ground, and couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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