Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 916 Let the Empress Dowager Zhu be promoted to Empress Dowager (Part 2)

Chapter 916 Make the Empress Dowager Zhu Shi Also Promoted to Empress Dowager (Second Change)

Chapter 925

"Don't you forget, how did that old woman treat you and treat you all these years? How could you forget all of this? The Aijia is your mother's empress who chose you for you. You always push back and forth. Now It's a good thing, I actually drove him to study medicine..."

"You are so worried about the person that Ai's family chose for you, but you are worried about the woman that the old woman you hate so much?"

"In your eyes, do you still have the mother-in-law of the Ai family?"

The queen mother's voice was extremely low, but the low growl of extreme pressure made the pot of residual flowers in front of her tremble.

After venting for a long time, the Empress Dowager Xiang sat down on the couch in a slump, stared blankly at the pot of residual flowers for a long time, and then let out a long sigh with exhaustion on her face.

Originally thought that the emperor Zhao Xu was in charge of the court, and Gao Taotao, who had always been at odds with Zhao Xu, would naturally become more and more quarrelsome with the emperor.

But who would have imagined that the development of the matter far exceeded his own estimation. He watched helplessly that his own son had a relationship with the old woman who had been oppressed since he married into the palace. Getting better and better.

This really made the Empress Dowager Xiang extremely uncomfortable. What's more, the emperor's biological mother, the Empress Dowager Zhu, was still alive, so she could only be the Empress Dowager in name of the Son of Heaven, and had been trying to get closer to the Son of Heaven.

However, the emperor's attitude towards him has always been respectful and courteous, but he is not close enough, and the more he grows up, the more obvious it becomes.

On the other hand, Gao Taotao, who used to be in the same situation as the emperor, but since the emperor came to power, the relationship between them has miraculously changed, and the relationship is so close that the queen mother is jealous and jealous.

But he was helpless, and just a few days ago, the Empress Dowager Xiang heard the news from the Spring and Autumn Palace that the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao was already thinking about whether to let the Empress Dowager Zhu be promoted to Empress Dowager...

Hearing the news, the Queen Mother stayed behind closed doors for a whole day, and the next day, she went to see the Empress Dowager, but the Queen Mother talked about him, and avoided paying attention to this topic at all.

It made Empress Dowager Xiang feel more and more resentful, which led to today's trip, but she did not expect that her good intentions would be declined by the emperor again.

However, there is nothing the Queen Mother can do. After all, there is an Empress Dowager Gao Taotao who is far more prestigious than herself, so what can I do?
"Officials, if you do this, you will really offend your mother..." The gentle and quiet Concubine Zhu held the hand of the emperor Zhao Xu, and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Mom, just relax, I am the emperor of the Song Dynasty. Besides, it is enough for me to have only one Meng family. Why are there so many women around me? Even the Empress Dowager ignores this matter. As a result, who would have thought that the Queen Mother would come up with this trick again."

Zhao Xu laughed and said disapprovingly. This is quite true. The Empress Dowager has no objections. So what if you have objections to the Empress Dowager?The most I can do is not refute your face in person, and I am already very worthy of you.

"But officials, this matter has a lot to do with it. You have only mentioned it to the Empress Dowager now. The Empress Dowager is already like this. If it is reported in the harem, then this matter may be..."

Concubine Zhu sighed lightly, and lovingly smoothed the messy hair around the cheeks of Emperor Zhao Xu. "Don't hurt the harmony of the monarch, ministers and the palace because of the matter of the mother and concubine."

"Mother and concubine, don't worry, I will leave everything to my son. Manchao civil and military, haha..." Zhao Xu couldn't help but feel a burst of emotion when he thought of fighting wits and bravery with him during this period of time, but he was so bullied that he couldn't find the north. dark cool.

Seeing the emperor's insistence, Concubine Zhu shook her head helplessly. "Forget it, you're the emperor of Song Dynasty now, and I'm too lazy to talk too much, but with the Meng family, you need to move around more. Once a woman is pregnant, it's easy to think wildly, which will affect the body and the baby in the womb."

"Concubine Mother, my son knows, and will definitely spend more time with Zi Tong." Zhao Xu nodded, opened the box he brought with a smile, took out a pair of new shoes and said. "By the way, Zitong made this for you and the emperor's grandmother some time these days. You can try to see if it fits..."

"Excellent workmanship, really comfortable, just thank the queen for me." After putting on new shoes and walking a few steps, Concubine Zhu couldn't help smiling a little more on her face.

"By the way, where is the Queen Mother?"

"The empress also made a pair for the empress dowager. After two days, when the child goes to pay her respects to the empress dowager, then send it to her." Zhao Xu said helplessly.

"This is what should be done. She is the queen mother after all. As the emperor of the Song Dynasty, you should be an example for the world. Don't lose your reputation of filial piety because of these trivial things."

"My child understands..." Facing Concubine Zhu's earnest words, Zhao Xu was surprisingly patient.

"By the way, Wang Shi, the concubine of His Royal Highness Duan Wang, is probably due to give birth too? As a brother, don't forget..."

"My child knows that a few days ago, I specially selected a few old women from the palace, and a doctor went there. I heard that there will be about a month to give birth."

"Speaking of which, Eleven Lang is now working hard in the Military Weapons Supervision, and he has done a lot of achievements. With him watching over the Military Weapons Supervision, the child can rest assured."

"It's not like those courtiers who always think of ways to embarrass the child."

"That's right, brothers who fight tigers, father and son soldiers..."

"Over there, how is that Mr. Wu Shan doing now? There is news."

"Of course there is, it's all good news, but my son heard that Wang Wushan was tired of staying in Nayou State long ago, and wanted to personally lead the army to attack Tiemenguan and Baichi City, but no one dared to agree. Sent him down."

"Before I wrote to my son to complain about this matter, I thought he should be given the rank of general for a man who is both civil and military, so that he can fight for me..." Speaking of this, Zhao Xu himself wondered He grinned happily.

Concubine Zhu was also amused for a long time. "Not allowed, not allowed, this Wang Wushan is a rare genius, the pillar of the country, which cannot be compromised."

"Don't worry, baby, I will definitely not agree to his unreasonable request." Zhao Xu nodded in agreement. "However, the boy also told him that in the future, when I, the Song Dynasty, invaded Liao and regained the old land of the Han and Tang Dynasties, I would naturally entrust him with military power."

"You, this bait is long enough." Concubine Zhu shook her head dumbfounded. In Concubine Zhu's heart, Da Song's desire to attack Liao was probably just a joke.

The peace of more than a hundred years has already made the Song court and the people forget the reality and cruelty of that kind of war.

"Believe me, it won't be too long. Please believe me, my concubine. On this day, not only you, but even the Empress Dowager may see it."

(End of this chapter)

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