Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 909 Why Did You Forget This Thing (Part 1)

Chapter 909 Why Did You Forget This Thing (Part [-])
Chapter 918

Soon, the distressed messengers came to report that the city wall near the east gate was blown up by the Song army with gunpowder and collapsed several feet, and a large number of Song troops were pouring into the city through the gap.

After hearing the news, the first thought in Jie Yuyu's mind was that it was over. Baichi City would definitely not be able to defend it.Because those loud voices shouting for Wansheng of the Song Dynasty, and the sound of hoofbeats like rolling thunder, indicate that the main force of the Song army that he fears has already come to cover up and kill him...

The defenders near the bombed city wall at the east gate will be directly blown to the sky, or will be injured, deafened, or stunned.

There are also quite a few Xixia soldiers who were a little farther away, just dropped their weapons and ran away with their heads in their arms.With the frenzied influx of three thousand armored Yuanyou soldiers, they directly stopped the Xixia reinforcements who were just rushing here.

"Go to me! Hurry up! Take down the east gate, open the city gate, and welcome the army into the city!" Zhe Keshi lifted the visor, wiped the sweat from his face, and viciously raised the bloody long knife shouted sharply.

Hundreds of Yuanyou soldiers followed the direction he pointed, like a red-hot knife piercing butter, piercing through the lines of Xixia soldiers who wanted to block the gap, and then headed towards the city without stopping. to the location of the door.

Yuanyou soldiers from the rear rushed in frantically, filled the empty space, and continued to expand the battlefield inward...

When Jie Yeyu led his soldiers to the east gate, he heard a burst of excited shouts from Da Song Wansheng, and suddenly looked up, the bloody battle flag of Da Song had already been planted on the tower on the east gate, and At this moment, the east gate is being slowly pushed open.

Looking outside the east gate, which had been opened nearly ten feet wide, there were figures of the Song Army's iron cavalry who were riding on their mounts, wearing heavy armor and holding spears.

Jie Huayu no longer hesitated, and immediately turned the horse's head around. "Send me an order to open the west gate, and the whole army will retreat, retreat!"

The Song army broke into Baichi City like wolves and tigers, but the Xixia soldiers and horses had no fighting spirit and morale. The resistance encountered by the more than [-] Song troops in Baichi City was almost negligible.

In less than an hour and a half, Baichi City had changed hands, and all four gates were under the control of Song Jun.

However, seeing that the opportunity was not good, Jie Huaiyu, the old slicker, ordered to retreat westward. In addition to the deep night, the goal of Zhongshi and Zhe Keshi was to capture Baichi City, which allowed Jie Huaiyu to lead the remnant soldiers to walk safely.

Even so, there were more than a thousand corpses left inside and outside Baichi City.When the sky was bright, all the remnants inside and outside Baichi City had been wiped out, and Baichi City once again returned to the warm and fiery embrace of Song Dynasty.

"White Chi City, Zhe is back again..." Standing on the top of White Chi City, his face was full of exhaustion, but he still couldn't hide his excitement.Zhe Keshi was in a very comfortable mood. This battle was fought with great joy and cleanliness.

"It's a pity that the knot and the defenders of Baichi City got away..." Compared with the modesty, the way of being a teacher seems to be a bit unsatisfactory.

The [-] army captured Baichi City and captured the city, but they didn't kill many enemies. This is also a small regret.

"Just run away. Anyway, Baichi City and Tiemenguan are all in the hands of the Song Dynasty." Zhe Keshi smiled, feeling that it was good for a man like him to be easily satisfied.

However, after only being happy for a long time, Zhe Keshi's expression became helpless again, and he patted the city wall of Baichi City with some annoyance. , is not a magnitude.

"Taking Baichi City, but this is only half of the goal. When the reinforcements from the Liao Kingdom arrive, we still have to go back to Shiyou Prefecture. At that time, this place may be reoccupied by those Xixia bandits."

Hearing the words, Zhong Shidao couldn't help laughing. "Take it back? Then they must have the courage. Didn't we receive the military report before? There is already a large army on Qinfeng Road in the south that is threatening the south of Xingqing Mansion."

"At this time, they still dare to divide their troops, unless Li Qianshun, the leader of Xixia, really thinks that the soldiers and horses in his hands are still the Xixia elites who have experienced hundreds of battles and have brave fighting spirit last year."

This is true, most of Xixia's elite soldiers and horses are squatting in the prisoner-of-war camps of the Song Dynasty, eating candied vegetables every day, and they have to pick up hoes and throw their youth and sweat for the infrastructure construction of the Song Dynasty.

There are not many remaining elites now, and I am afraid that they are the only ones with a complete organizational system, and only the garrison is the army that defends Xingqing Mansion, the capital of the Xixia Kingdom.

Nowadays, many of Xixia's troops are temporarily recruited, and many are veterans who have retired.Although they are experienced, they are too old.

There is a saying, the older you are, the less courageous you are. Those veterans who have retired long ago and are forced to enlist again because of the current crisis in Xixia think more, I am afraid it is not how to win, but how to win. To be able to survive, go back home to nurse grandchildren and raise them for the rest of their lives.

As for those young people from Xixia who were drafted into the army at a young age, they were typical young melons who could support themselves until they became mature and seasoned battlefield elites. I am afraid it would take more than ten wars and bloody lessons to mature.

"The most troublesome thing for us now is not that those Xixia people will come to capture Baichi City, but how to restore the city wall of Baichi City to its original state. Don't forget, there is a section of the city wall in the east city that you blow down. gone."

"What's the matter, use Yuanyou cement, it's the most easy to use that stuff."

"Hmm...that's too true, but Zhong wants to ask you, where did we get Yuanyou cement?" Zhong Shidao looked at Zhe Keshi in front of him with a look of appreciation for the mentally handicapped.

Zhe Keshi was stunned for a long time, and then he gently slapped his ear braces. "Damn, his grandma's, when he came here, he even brought a lot of gunpowder with him, how could he forget this thing..."

Seeing this guy's appearance, Zhong Shidao shook his head helplessly. "Forget it, General Xu, you lead your troops to Xinyanzhou. Go there and ask them to deliver some grain, grass and supplies, especially Yuanyou cement, at least a thousand bags. Do you understand?"

"The last general obeys." General Xu happily took the order, and then galloped south with a thousand cavalry from his headquarters.

On the third day, when the militiamen were heading towards Baichi City along the road, carrying a large amount of supplies, the 20 reinforcements from the Liao Kingdom finally arrived at the middle and lower reaches of the Wuding River Xiazhou.

At this time, the [-] reinforcements from the Shaanxi Road of the Great Song Dynasty had also arrived in Hongzhou. At this moment, Longzhou, which was surrounded by Song troops from all sides, was already in danger under the violent attack of tens of thousands of Song troops.

The [-] imperial troops of the Song Dynasty have arrived at the north of Hedong Road at the fastest speed. The [-] troops of the north of Hedong Road finally let go of their hands and feet at this moment. Under the command of Han Zhongyan, they moved towards the left The commander of the Xiang Shenyong Army pounced fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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