Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 905 Blood flows into rivers, the turbulent Xingqing Mansion (3 updates completed)

Chapter 905 Blood flows into rivers, the turbulent Xingqing Mansion (end of third update)
Chapter 914

Seven days later, the clan daughter Nanxian who had already been betrothed to Li Qianshun, the lord of the Xixia Kingdom, became Princess Cheng'an, and left Shangjing of the Liao Kingdom, heading for the capital of the Xixia Kingdom.

At this time, the envoys of the Liao Kingdom came again, and the Lord of Xixia finally left his seal on the letter of credence.Xixia ceded the land on the north bank of the Yellow River around Muna Mountain to Liao, and ceded Nuanquan Peak and Zhuolun Village on the eastern frontier bordering Song Ting, and the land of hundreds of miles around Daheng Mountain to Liao.

As soon as this edict came out, the Xixia Kingdom was shaken, and the court was in chaos. At this moment, Wei Mingwu followed the order of Li Qianshun, the leader of the Xixia Kingdom, to arrest Wei Mu, his concubine Suo, and Wuyi. The head of the clan had more than [-] members of his family, old and young, and of course that Chen Wangwei, who was named Yedang, was also locked up and sent to prison.

Three days later, Wei Mingye hanged himself in prison, and his wife, son, and family members were demoted to common people.As for the Wei Mu family, the Feisuo family, and the Meiyi family, more than [-] of their families, old and young, were all executed outside the palace gate.

Charge: treason!
The patriarchs of the Duluo clan, the Baami clan, and the Wuzang clan were also ordered to confine themselves in the mansion to contemplate their mistakes behind closed doors because of their involvement in it, and nearly half of their assets were confiscated.In addition, the four clans have to re-recommend a new patriarch.

The entire Xingqing mansion is filled with corpses and blood, everyone is in danger, even the Dangxiang Ba clan is terrified, not to mention those small and medium clans, they dare not have any other thoughts.

It turned out that the turbulent undercurrent in Xingqing Mansion vanished before Wei Ming Wu and Li Qianshun's ruthless methods like a storm.

Far away in Shizhou, Ren Duo Zongbao, who was struggling with Yinzhou, which was occupied by the Song army, had gained hundreds of silver hairs in order to recapture Yinzhou, after hearing about the upheaval in the capital.

He stayed alone in the room without speaking for a long time.

"How long has your lord been in there?"

"Go back to Privy Envoy, Your Excellency has been staying inside for a whole morning, even the food delivery person was scolded, I really dare not bother."

"It's okay, I just go there by myself." After Pochao Xinde waved his hand, he strode towards the room with the closed door.

After the door was knocked again, Ren Duo Zongbao shouted impatiently. "Go away, the old man said, don't let anyone disturb you."

"Master Zhongshuling, I am here to deliver the decree by His Majesty's order..." Po Chao Xinde outside smiled awkwardly, cleared his throat and said.

"Is it the Privy Councilor?" Soon, there was a rush of footsteps in the room. After the door was opened, the haggard face of Ren Duo Zongbao was revealed.

"Come in... I wonder what His Majesty's intentions are?" After reluctantly bowing to Po Chao Xinde, Ren Duo Zongbao turned around, walked to the desk and sat down, his tone extremely depressed.

"Zhongshu Ling, it has only been less than ten days, why have you become so haggard..." Pochao Xinde looked at Renduo Zongbao with some disbelief.

"My Great Xia has lost troops and generals, and the country is in danger. At this time, there are still people in the country who have evil intentions and intend to rebel? Those people, are they still members of our party? I really don't understand why they are so stupid." Ren Duo Zongbao Shaking his head in frustration, he sighed.

"It's no wonder to others. Speaking of it, it's not because some people have been deceived, thinking that His Majesty's blood is impure, and my Great Xia will be today because of the influence of Liang's Han blood..." Quite Xinde also sighed helplessly.

"This group of obsessed fools, bastards, what reason are they doing?! It's simply unreasonable. Just because of their selfishness, I, Daxia, was hit hard again at such an extraordinary time."

"Nowadays, people in the army are panicked, the generals have no fighting spirit, and the soldiers have no morale. How can we fight this battle? When will I, Daxia, be able to regain Yinzhou?!"

Renduo Zongbao angrily slapped the table and roared angrily, but he could only endure the veteran driver's spit to comfort the furious Zhongshu Ling.

After venting for a while, the Renduo Zongbao, who was finally feeling a little better, calmed down, and asked about the reason for coming, which was quite super-faithful. Naturally, it was with the three clan heads of Nawei Mu, Fei Suo, and Wuyi. It has something to do with Yukou being killed.

The imperial decree meant that His Majesty was merciful and decided not to involve anyone other than the family of the three chief clans.

In addition, after the battle of the Liaoxia Allied Forces, His Majesty will simply select the person with outstanding achievements from among the three clans as the patriarch.

After hearing the content of this imperial decree, Ren Duo Zongbao finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Your Majesty, your sage, in this way, we will eliminate the scourge of the court and reunite the army, and when the time comes, we will be able to promote those who are loyal to the country..."

"Yeah, after all these ordeals, His Majesty's growth is also very amazing." Po Chao Xinde was also a little depressed after announcing the decree. "But having said that, I, Da Xia, really want to cede land to Liao?"

"What else can I do if I don't cede the land?" Ren Duo Zongbao naturally also received the news from Xingqing Mansion, and before His Majesty agreed, he also sent someone to ask for his opinion.

Ren Duo Zongbao's opinion is almost the same as that of Wei Ming Wu, that is, at this time, Da Xia has no other choice but to agree.

However, the cession of the land is the cession of the land, and the lord of the country also used this to ask for a large amount of supplies from the Liao Kingdom as a dowry for Princess Cheng'an.

When Princess Cheng'an arrives, a large amount of supplies will be enough to allow Xixia to survive this winter safely, and it will be able to organize another 2 people's equipment, at least to allow Daxia to face the surrounding Tibetans. It still has enough powerful shocking power.

"My lord, you have been in Shizhou for a while, how is the situation here?" After Po Chao Xinde nodded, he asked another question.

"The situation here is not bad, but the situation in Longzhou in the south is getting worse." After Renduo Zongbao nodded, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"How is Longzhou? Could it be that even Longzhou is going to be lost?" Quite super-xinde's expression could not help but change, and he said in a dejected manner.

"Longzhou is adjacent to Yan'an Mansion in the Song Dynasty. The terrain is dangerous and easy to defend but difficult to attack. In the past, when the Song army attacked from south to north, they all returned with broken halberds."

"But it's different now. Yinzhou in the northeast has fallen into the hands of Song people, and Niuxinting, an important link between Longzhou and Yinzhou, has also fallen. In the west, the ancient city of Wuyan and Hongzhou are all in the hands of Song people. Afterwards, the entire Longzhou has been surrounded by the Song army."

"The northern part of Longzhou is full of mountains and mountains. If the army wants to ask for help, there is nowhere to go. We can only hope that General Wei Baowu can stick to Longzhou until the end of this war. Maybe there will be a chance. "

"What about Yinzhou?"

"Yinzhou City, since it was occupied by the Song people, the Song army has been strengthening the city. Now there are [-] troops stationed in the city. If you want to take it, how can I take it back with the [-] demoralized and defeated soldiers under my command? ?" Ren Duo Zongbao smiled wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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