Chapter 896: The warring parties who come and go without showing weakness to each other (second update)
Chapter 905

"But my lord, you should be very aware of your majesty's temper. I, Daliao, have suffered such a big loss. Your majesty is definitely not willing to negotiate a peace, and there is a very high possibility that he will even try to win back." The subordinates around couldn't help it. Stay advised.

"My lord, I'm afraid that if you hand over this memorial to His Majesty, not only will it be useless, but it will also affect His Majesty's treatment of you..."

"So what if it affects you?" Xiao Wuna shook his head helplessly. "If we don't withdraw our troops again, our Daliao's losses will only increase. At least, the old man should remind His Majesty first. It's better than seeing my Daliao Tiger Ben continue to die in vain for His Majesty's face."

Seeing that Xiao Wuna insisted on doing this, several of his subordinates had nothing to say and could only let Xiao Wuna, the stubborn old man, continue to write furiously.

However, Xiao Wuna, who was far away from the Brave Army Commander in the left chamber, did not expect that at this moment, the Sanchakou, which was originally guarded by [-] soldiers and horses, was already billowing thick smoke in the sky.

The three thousand soldiers and horses had already been killed and scattered away, and those militiamen also scattered in all directions.All the supplies in the stronghold at Sanchakou were taken away if they could be taken away, and those that could not be taken away were all doused with kerosene by the Song army without reason, piled up with inflammable materials and burned.

Even the simple dock at Sanchakou was burned into a pile of ruins on the Wuding River by the cavalry led by Zhong Shidao.

Zhong Shidao looked at the sky anxiously, while urging his soldiers and horses to move faster, faster, and throw all the ignitable materials into the fires that were burning more and more prosperously. .

When the soldiers under his command reported to Zhong Shidao that it was past noon, Zhong Shidao resolutely ordered the whole army to evacuate from Sanchakou. Regardless of the large amount of supplies scattered, [-] elite cavalry headed for Wanjingkou in the northwest direction. .

At this moment, Zhe Keshi was still urging the soldiers to continue their journey, they were still more than 30 miles away from the mouth of Wanjing, and they might not be able to arrive until nightfall.

Xiao Shen didn't expect that the Song army, who had been on the defensive before, would take the initiative to attack his camp today as if he had been beaten to death.

Such a sudden move caught the Liaoxia coalition army by surprise, but fortunately, after reacting, they stabilized the line of defense, and the Song army's attack lasted almost all morning before slowly retreating.

The sudden move of the Song Army also made Xiao Shen realize that although his own army was far more numerous than the opposing Song Army, there was still a powerful Song Army watching behind him.

With the defeat of Yelu Jinping under the city of Youzhou, it seemed to indicate that if he was not careful, this powerful army might very well become a turtle in the urn.

For this reason, Xiao Shen decided to send additional reinforcements. After gathering the soldiers and horses under Yelu Jinping's command, the Liaoxia Allied Forces with a total of [-] people marched towards Youzhou City step by step again.

As for him, he commanded the main force of the army and continued to stand in a stalemate with the Song army led by Su Dongpo.At this time, he sent two memorials to Emperor Yelu Hongji of Daliao in succession.

One is naturally to impeach Yelujin and lose troops, while the other one is a request for help...

"We are now, after Yelu Jinping's defeat, our troops are no longer superior. If we want to win, we can only ask Your Majesty to support our troops and supplies." Xiao Shen was not in a good mood, and with the generals in the central army tent expresses his point of view.

A group of generals also nodded deeply in agreement. Originally, they thought that the army of the Shaanxi Road in the Song Dynasty would be as weak as everyone thought. Apart from being good at defending the city, they would lose in field battles.

Therefore, this is the reason why Xiao Shen decided to go south in a big way, but he never expected that Su Dongpo, a literary prime minister with no knowledge of military strategy, would lead hundreds of thousands of Song troops and block the Liao tigers in the ancient city of Wuyan. One line.

Unexpectedly, today the Song army would actually take the initiative to attack instead. With such a move, Xiao Shen was also the leader after all, and quickly realized the imminent crisis hidden by the Liaoxia coalition army.

The generals had no choice but to agree with Xiao Shen's strategy. After all, even if Xixia was helping, the problem was that Xixia was extremely weak now.

Now, reinforcements from Qin Feng Road of the Song Dynasty are advancing towards Xishou Baotai Military Division and Jingsai Military Division. Xixia, which has suffered successive defeats, does not even have enough troops to defend itself, and it simply does not dare to send any more soldiers from the west. reinforce.

As for the east, once Yinzhou was lost, Longzhou fell behind the Song army and was almost turned into mincemeat. Renduo Zongbao wanted to rescue him, but most of the Xia army in the east was already among the coalition forces, and there were no spare soldiers and horses. give him?
Before, the seemingly powerful Liaoxia coalition army seemed to have loopholes and problems everywhere in the blink of an eye...

"Speaking of it, alas, it's all because His Highness didn't know it. It was obvious that Youzhou couldn't take it, so he trapped Youzhou with partial defense, and the army went directly south. I'm afraid that he had taken the ancient city of Wuyan and Hongzhou long ago. How can it be like today that we are at a loss?"

The words of a general really expressed the aspirations of everyone present. As for why no one made this suggestion at that time, that is already a thing of the past, and who would care about it.

Regarding this matter, another official stood up and told him that there was not much food and grass left in the army, and it could only last for eight days at most.

"What's going on?" Xiao Shen couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and his eyes fell on Po Chao Xinde next to him. "It stands to reason that the next batch of food and supplies should arrive when there are still ten days left of food and grass. Why is it so slow this time?"

Seeing Xiao Shen's arrogant questioning, he felt quite uncomfortable in his super-faithful heart, but he had no choice but to answer in a low voice. "The lower officials have already sent people to urge them before. I think it's been raining a lot these days, so the schedule has been slightly delayed."

"No matter what, I will give you another three days. Within three days, I will see the food and supplies arrive at the camp. The time is so generous, you shouldn't find it embarrassing, right?" Xiao Shen stroked Brows, without losing majesty and authenticity.

As soon as he heard that there were still three days to go, Chao Xinde felt relieved, and hurriedly said to Xiao Shen. "Don't worry, Marshal, the lower officials will pick up competent people to rush to Xiazhou to urge them. Within three days, the food, grass and supplies will definitely arrive at the ancient city of Wuyan."

"Well, well, generals, I, Daliao, can't let the Song Kingdom take the initiative, and attack the Song Army's position at [-]:[-] tomorrow, catching them by surprise."

A group of civil and military personnel promised loudly one after another, gearing up their fists and looking forward to the big battle early in the morning.

In the upper capital of Daliao, in the Palace of the King of Song, Yelu and Luwo were having dinner, cups of fine wine poured down their throats, he didn't seem to notice it.

Thinking of the indifference of emperor Yelu Hongji and the ridicule of those ministers of civil and military affairs when I returned to Beijing to report on my duties yesterday, Yelu and Luwo became more and more angry.

(End of this chapter)

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