Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 893 Will the Liaoxia army want to fight with my Song Dynasty? (Part 1)

Chapter 893 Will the Liaoxia army want to fight with my Song Dynasty? (first update)
Chapter 902

Instead, Wang Guo led 200 people to be transferred to Zhe Keshi's command, Wang Zhong became a subordinate of Zhong Shidao, Wang Bao was handed over to Zhong Shihe, Wang Jing was unwilling to leave Wang Yang anyway, and would rather be with him. As a guard under his command, seeing that this Wanyan Aguda is so loyal, it is really difficult for Wang Daguan to drive him away, so he can only keep him.

However, he naturally didn't need to keep so many troops under his command, just kept fifty, and the rest were given to the other three brothers, and in this battle, the four brothers fought the enemy bravely and captured a lot.

Finally, it was time for a promotion, and the four brothers all succeeded in becoming deputy commanders.That is to say, the deputies of battalion control each receive two hundred and five, which is quite appropriate.

The four brothers Jingzhong Baoguo all had joyful expressions on their faces, and bowed down to Wang Yang with tears of gratitude on their faces.However, a group of civil and military soldiers from the Song Army had also seen the scene where the four brothers and the Wanyan clan fought bravely against the enemy. After some congratulations, the four brothers Jingzhong Baoguo rushed to gather the old department happily.

However, the question raised by Wang Jing about those prisoners of war still weighed down like a dark cloud in the hearts of all Song civil and military officials.

It is absolutely impossible to let go. After all, these guys are enemies. Once let go, it is very likely that they will be armed again and become Da Song's rivals again.

And if they stay, after the war is over, except for those who are disabled and can be considered for repatriation, the remaining ones are all high-quality labor. The rapid construction work on Shaanxi Road requires strong labor.

There are more than 2 prisoners of war, that is more than 2 strong laborers, and more than 2 laborers work together to build a [-]-mile long cement straight road. It can be done in half a month at most. The cement straight road on the two thousand li road can play an excellent role in promoting the economic take-off and trade exchanges of the Song Dynasty.

Well, but the question is now, what to do?Youzhou City is really not that big, and now, with so many soldiers and horses in the city, even after a large number of people are persuaded to leave, there is not enough space.

The main concern is that the number of prisoners of war has already reached one-third of the Xiang army in the city and the frontier army.With so many prisoners of war, if any more demon moths come out of trouble, it will be too late for Wang Daguan to cry.

"Among these prisoners of war, there are many injured, at least nearly 5000, almost all of them are injured, and nearly [-] of them are seriously injured and have difficulty moving..." Gao Shize has been in charge of the medical team and hospital, so, When counting prisoners of war, the wounded among the prisoners of war were naturally classified.

"Otherwise, let's divide these prisoners of war into four battalions for guarding. Each camp will arrange 1000, [-] to [-] seriously wounded, and the lightly wounded will be evenly distributed, and then those prisoners who are not injured will be in charge. take care of.

It is best to distribute them according to tribe members. In this way, those prisoners of war, even if they want to cause trouble, have to think carefully about their injured robes. I wonder what do you think? "

"This is a way..." Wang Yang smacked his mouth, letting the prisoners take care of the prisoners, it can reduce the pressure on the side, and it can win people's hearts. The important thing is that even if the other side really wants to do something, Anyway, I will also consider those wounded comrades around me.

"If we really want to do this, then we need to provide a lot of medical supplies, as well as gauze and other things..."

"How long will the inventory last?"

"If these prisoners of war are supplied in sufficient quantities, the remaining wound medicine and other items may only last for another month at most..." Gao Shi gave the answer after making some calculations.

"Here! As long as I can appease these prisoners of war, it doesn't matter if I pay more supplies, but remember, we must vigorously promote the benevolence and righteousness of my Song Dynasty, and let them understand that if one person betrays, then don't blame me for being ruthless." If you want to blame them, blame their own people for implicating them."

All civil and military officials agreed with Wang Yang's words.After the military meeting was over, Zhe Keshi said goodbye to Zhong Shidao and Wang Yang, and rushed to join the soldiers to repair. After nightfall, they immediately set off to kill Sanchakou and Wanjingkou.

Su Dongpo was not very happy these few days. Looking at the bloody military newspaper every day, he felt as if he had knocked over a five-flavored bottle.

Nearly a thousand soldiers died here every day. Even if the tigers of the Great Song Dynasty brought the same casualties to the enemy, they fought to the death and never retreated, which is enough to show the courage of the soldiers of the Great Song Dynasty. However, such a bloody war still made Su Dongpo Very uncomfortable.

But fortunately, the morale of the army is very good. Every day when the soldiers are counting, what they discuss is not when the reinforcements will arrive, but what kind of battle formation or how to deal with the attack of the Liao army today.

But even though the morale of the soldiers was high, Su Dongpo still kept asking about the movement of the army on the Shaanxi Road every day. He had assembled [-] troops from Jingzhao Mansion and the middle of Shaanxi Road, and was heading north, day and night. It will take at least five or six days to reach Hongzhou.

In other words, Su Dongpo had to rely on the troops and horses in his hands to continue to resist the crazy attack of the Liao-Xia coalition forces.

Just as Su Dongpo was sitting in the tent of the Chinese army, looking at the huge military map frowningly, a fast boat from the north had already moored at the wharf of the ancient city of Wuyan, and then The scout who jumped off the boat handed over the information to the scout who was already waiting on the pier.

Detective Cavalry immediately galloped towards the city at the fastest speed, but within half a stick of incense, the information obtained from the clipper had already been delivered to Su Dongpo's desk.

"What? There are at least tens of thousands of horses coming towards the south. Could it be that those Liaoxia troops are going to fight with my Song Dynasty?" Su Dongpo jumped up before reading the information, quite angry He drank dejectedly.

Zong Ze next to him copied the information, and after looking at it for a long time, he pursed his lips and raised his brows. "My lord, don't worry, I'm afraid there is something strange here."

"In the city of Youzhou, there are tens of thousands of troops, and two generals, Zhe Keshi and Zhong Shidao, lead [-] tiger soldiers to roam around Youzhou. At this time, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses are sent south, unless the remaining troops of Liao Xia Lianjun has no intention of taking it at all."

After listening to Zong Ze's analysis, the old driver Su Dongpo quickly calmed down. "Ru Lin's words are reasonable. It seems that the old man has lost his composure...Let them investigate again, they must find out the news, and also, the origin of the tens of thousands of horses must be found out..."

After Su Dongpo's military order was sent back to the pier, the clipper sailed towards the north again, but not long after, another clipper from the north also moored on the pier, bringing Su Dongpo and Zongze, who were in a disturbed mood, couldn't help but be overjoyed by the news...

(End of this chapter)

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