Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 890 The fate of the failure of the coalition forces under the city of Youzhou is doomed (Par

Chapter 890 The failure of the coalition forces under Youzhou City is doomed (second update)
Chapter 899

"Everyone, the reinforcements from General Zhong Shidao and General Zhe Keshi have arrived and are attacking the Liao army's western camp outside the city of Youzhou. Tell the soldiers that as long as we can hold on, we, the Song Dynasty, will win the battle of Youzhou! "When he said the last sentence, Zhong Shihe had already pulled out the sword at his waist and roared with all his strength.

"The Song Dynasty will definitely win, the Song Dynasty will be victorious!" The soldiers who were inspired by their masters pointed their weapons at the sky and let out a roar that shook the sky.

"The Great Song Dynasty will win?! Haha... I will tell you to howl in hell and order the front army to start the assault!" Yelu Jinping gave the order to attack when he watched the front army was less than a hundred steps away from the Song army.

Soon, [-] forwards, encouraged by the officers, roared, roared, and beat their shields, and began to attack the Song Army's tight battle formation.

On the top of the city, Xu Zhao, who had become the commander-in-chief of Yuanyou's trebuchet, closely watched the movements of the enemy troops. He saw that the originally tight group gradually began to loosen due to running, and moved towards The location where the red brick debris was scattered is approaching the past tense.

Xu Zhao put down the telescope in front of him and roared sternly. "emission!"

Following his roar, sixteen small flags were waved down in unison. After a breath, countless black balls as dense as rain suddenly rose from the city more than twenty feet away, and then crossed the city wall and The city tower flew towards the outside of the city.

Compared with the scene during the test firing last night, at this moment, each trebuchet is no longer loaded with five stone bombs, but a full 25 stone bombs...

Sixteen, that is, a full four hundred round cement bombs weighing five kilograms were thrown into the sky, and then smashed towards the heads of the Liao-Xia coalition forces that were attacking forward.

They were running wildly, and when they saw that they were only ten feet away from the Song people, and could kill them with just a few breaths, the whimpering sound above their heads made all the soldiers of the Liao-Xia coalition who were running wildly raise their heads subconsciously. Head up.

Then he saw the dense black dots in the sky slowly getting bigger, getting bigger, and then falling down.

Standing at the front with shields in hand, Yuanyou's armored soldiers saw that the soldiers of the Liao-Xia coalition who were no more than ten feet away from them were knocked out of formation by a dense and heavy rain of stones. They even saw a Pengpeng's blood mist sprayed towards the sky, and severed limbs and arms were flying horizontally.

The fallen cement and stone bullets continued to bounce and fly out, causing huge trauma to the new unlucky guy.

The rain of hundreds of stone bullets directly halted the attack momentum of the Liao-Xia coalition forces. At this moment, they were less than ten feet away from the Song people.

At this distance, it is impossible to reorganize the team, because in the Song army's formation, powerful crossbow arrows are already shooting towards them...

"Charge me, let them charge forward, beat the drum, let them continue to attack, don't give the Song people a chance!" Yelu Jinping shouted loudly with a livid face.

At this time, there were actually soldiers and horses appearing in the barbican city again. This time, there were actually five thousand cavalry.The appearance of five thousand elite cavalry made Yelu Jinping almost so angry that he bled from all his orifices.

But at this time, the heroic elite cavalry of the Liao Kingdom had no way to retreat. In other words, at this time, they could only continue to advance and never retreat. Otherwise, once their morale was exhausted, it would be difficult to boost their morale.

Yelu Jinping issued military orders repeatedly, and the [-]-strong army rushed like wolves and tigers towards the more than [-] Song troops, while the Song army's cavalry moved towards the central part of the Liao cavalry.

To the west, when the infantry of the Song Army were less than two miles away from the Ximen Camp, Zhong Shidao finally led [-] elite cavalry who were ready to go out.

However, his goal was no longer the Ximen Camp that he had agreed with Zhe Keshi before, but headed straight for the Beida Camp.

Zhe Ke was stunned when he got there. He yelled at Zhong Shidao, an old gangster, for being unloyal, and encouraged the soldiers to continue to advance towards the west camp.

At this moment, Wang Daguan, who was standing in the west city wall, was a little stunned at first, but after he came to his senses, he had to secretly praise Zhong Shidao for his shrewd calculation.

The [-] foot soldiers, facing the Xi Camp, which only has more than [-] soldiers and horses, cannot be attacked, but they can definitely hold back the Xi Camp and the soldiers and horses coming to help from various sects.

At this time, the [-] elite cavalry of Zhongshi Dao became the most powerful and decisive armed force on the battlefield outside Yuzhou City.

At this moment, the North Camp has dispatched 1 troops to aid the East Camp, and then another 3000 troops to aid the West Camp. The remaining soldiers and horses are only a few thousand infantry, trying to withstand the [-] elite Song Dynasty soldiers. Cavalry?Hehe, unless they are all Sagittarius who are both humans and horses.

Wang Yang took a deep breath, turned around, and looked behind him at the [-] Xiang troops equipped with paper armor but with high morale.

A month ago, Wang Yang didn't dare to do this at all, but now, he dared to stand here and shout loudly. "Beat the drum and open the city. It's our turn. Let's go out and kill the enemy!!"

When Zhong Shidao's [-] cavalry broke into the Beida Camp with ease, Wang Yang led [-] brave Xiang soldiers to rush out of Youzhou and move towards the West Camp to outflank them.

The defeat of the coalition forces under the city of Youzhou is already doomed...

The 4 Liao-Xia coalition forces would have been defeated long ago if Yelu Jinping hadn't been a seasoned veteran. But even so, he could only lead [-] troops and fled towards the south. .

If he were not worried about the remaining remaining soldiers, the safety of Youzhou City, and the possible counterattack of the Liao army heading south, Wang Yang would really want to lead the army to pursue it in person.

Zhongshidao led 4 elite cavalry and pursued them for about ten miles. Because Yelu Jinping had always taken the lead and led the elites regardless of their own casualties, and used a mountain ridge to block Zhongshidao's pursuit. I am afraid that these [-] horses can It's not bad to escape half.

Zhong Shi Dao is not a person who is greedy for merit. After confirming that the opponent is indeed a hard nut to crack, he left a small number of cavalry to harass the opponent's back. Fifteen thousand cavalry returned to the outside of Youzhou City to attack the remaining troops. The remnants of the Liao-Xia Allied Forces mopped up.

In the end, more than [-] enemies were captured, more than [-] were wiped out, and the rest fled in all directions.And the crisis of Yuzhou being trapped for more than a month has been temporarily lifted.After Wang Yang started, the most depressing thing was that he could not hold back Yelu Jinping and capture the Liao general alive.

Otherwise, he really wanted to prepare a whole jar of pickles, pickled radishes and other things for Yelu Jinping, so that this guy could have a taste of eating this crap for a month.

As soon as the siege of the city was lifted, Wang Yang sent a team of people to the fruit forest south of Yuzhou City and asked them to pick some ripe fruits to improve people's livelihood.

Inside and outside the city, there were cheers from the soldiers. Youzhou City almost turned into a sea of ​​joy. The captured baggage of the Liao-Xia coalition naturally became a generous gift to reward the soldiers and the people.

At this time, Wang Yang, Zhong Shihe and Zhe Keshi were riding horses slowly outside Youzhou City.

(End of this chapter)

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