Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 873 The Daliao Emperor in an Unpleasant Mood (Part 1)

Chapter 873 The Daliao Emperor in an Unpleasant Mood (Part [-])
Chapter 882

"My lord, what do you mean..." Pochao Xinde looked at Ren Duo Zongbao's calculating expression, a little confused.

"Since the Liao Kingdom has already started thinking about changing coaches, at this time, it is very likely that my Daxia's opinion is the last straw that breaks the camel's back." Ren Duo Zongbao explained sitting next to Po Chao Xinde.

"You mean, let His Majesty revise the national book and go to Beijing?" Pochao Xinde suddenly realized.

Ren Duozong nodded solemnly. "That's right, since this Yelu and Luwo are mediocre talents, but only by virtue of their own blood, they were able to occupy such a high position. Now, more than a month has passed, and he still has no achievements, and he should be replaced by a talented Liang." That’s why I’m here to take on this heavy responsibility.”

"It's a pity that Beiliao, I will definitely not let me, Daxia Caijun, take on this important task." Pochao Xinde nodded, and couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

"Yeah, there's no way around this. I'm stronger than others. At most, I, Daxia, can only affect their coaching change. However, it's not me, Daxia, who will be replaced. Calculated."

When the two were sighing endlessly, they received information that Xiao Wuna, the deputy supervising officer, went to meet Po Chao Xinde in person, Xiao Shen, who left with a satisfied expression, couldn't help but his face darkened.

"At this time, he still has the leisure and elegance to go and drink tea with officials of the Xia Kingdom? It's really weird..." The counselor next to Xiao Shen stroked his goatee, his narrowed eyes were full of calculations.

"It is very possible that he is not as simple as going to drink tea and chat."

"what do you mean……"

"Maybe, this is because they want to start from Xia Guo, and want to get a helping hand for our Highness from Xia Guo."

"Hiss... Mr. Xiao's method is really..."

"It's okay..." Xiao Shen narrowed his eyes with a cold light. "Ye Luxiong, you go there yourself, and invite that super-faithful and Ren Duo Zongbao to gather in the official tent. Well, you can go after nightfall, remember, be respectful, don't Do you understand the airs?"

"Your Excellency is wise, I know what to do now." Ye Luxiong couldn't help but his eyes lit up and he nodded heavily.

In Shangjing of the Liao Kingdom, in the imperial garden, an arrow with carved feathers accurately shot a beautiful bird that landed on a branch, nailing the bird to the tree trunk, convulsing a few times, and then died.

In the distance, there was loud applause, but the superior man in the bright yellow silk robe threw the carved bow in his hand to the eunuch beside him with a look of emptiness and loneliness.

Then he cast a disgusted glance at Wen Wu beside him and let out a muffled snort. "Such a small bird, how can it compare to an eagle soaring in the sky, what are you happy about shooting such a bird?"

"Your Majesty, the eagle soars in the sky. It has a very large body. Although this bird is weak, it has a very small body. Even such a bird, Your Majesty can hit an arrow with one arrow. The eagle, seeing His Majesty's majesty, must run away..." A minister didn't take it seriously, he leaned forward with a smile and praised him.

These words made Daliao Emperor Yelu Hongji finally show a little smile, raised his finger and pointed at the minister with a smile and cursed. "With a good mouth, you know how to make me happy."

Another person stood up next to him and said. "No way, Mr. Xiao's words are from the bottom of his heart. It's a pity that I have a clumsy tongue. There is really no way to please His Majesty like Mr. Xiao..."

"Okay, okay, I know the loyalty of Qing and others. Alas, it's a pity that I have been trapped in Shangjing for a long time now, and I rarely even ride horses. If this continues, people will soon get rusty." Yelu Hongji was very melancholy and depressed.

My favorite life is still leading the big tented army, chasing aquatic plants and hunting, living in the big tent when I am tired, enjoying the prey and wild game I personally hunted, this kind of life is what I pursue most of.

But now, Xing Dajun is fighting outside, and as the emperor of Daliao, he naturally wants to sit in the center to facilitate the remote control of the army thousands of miles away, but this approach is really too boring.

The battle reports are only received every two or three days. The question is, if those battle reports are a little new, that’s fine, but what about the result?After more than [-] troops went south, they acted like weather forecasters every day.

The weather is good, the army is attacking Yuzhou, killing more than a thousand enemies, the enemy of Song Dynasty is frightened, and Li Li can't come out to meet them.

The weather is not so good, the army is still fighting bloody battles under the city of Yuzhou, killing more than a thousand enemies, the enemy of Song Dynasty lost the enemy, defending the city to the death, retreating and defending, the morale of our army is greatly boosted.

The weather... Well, it's still the same. Our Daliao soldiers and horses are still fighting bloody battles, killing the enemy XX, and the people of Song Dynasty are terrified and defend the city wall...

Well, more than 40 troops joined forces from Xixia, and there are [-] people. Youzhou, this city, is a small border city that Yelu Hongji has never heard of before.

Thousands of soldiers were massacred by the army every day, and after a month, they were still standing. This really made Yelu Hongji wonder if what he saw was a fake military report. The one he sent was really a warrior from Daliao ?
And those stubborn and tenacious soldiers and horses of the barbarian tribes who were unable to win after several crusades in the Daliao Dynasty became paper-stuffed after arriving in the south?
Little Yuzhou, hundreds of thousands of troops have spent more than a month and still haven't been able to take it down, not to mention Yelu Hongji himself can't believe it, even the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty in Shangjing are all picky .

Yelu Hongji issued decrees many times, and his tone became more and more severe, but the problem is that every time the military bulletin he receives is still like a fucking copy, you don’t need to read it to know that it is very similar to the previous one, almost the same, At most, there have been some changes in the terms used.

This made Yelu Hongji admire the civilian official who wrote the military newspaper more and more. The same content can be written so brilliantly and in such a different way.

This made Yelu Hongji, who had always liked the culture of the Han family, in a mood of being blessed with good talents, and felt deeply pained because the soldiers and horses of Daliao had been unable to capture a small city of Youzhou for a long time.

My dear brother, the brother of a compatriot, the brother I trust the most (except for those favorite ministers), leads so many soldiers and horses, he can't even handle a small city of Youzhou.

In the end, all the impatience and upset were gradually transferred to Yelu and Luwo, and the words of the will became more and more severe.

But the question is, what are you waiting for?What waited was that there were some more news in the military newspaper that made him, and even the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, feel extremely black.

Under the pressure of more than [-] elite troops from Daliao, the people of Song went to the hinterland of Xingqing Mansion in Xia State, burned, killed and looted, burned Xixia's Xingqing warehouse, and ran away again. When the tombs of Xixia kings were destroyed, Shi Shiran fled away unscathed.

(End of this chapter)

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