Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 868 Chen Wangwei, who is concerned about the country, the people and the society, is named W

Chapter 868 Chen Wangwei, who is concerned about the country, the people and the society, is named Yedang (first update)
Chapter 877

He was low-key and cautious. When Li Liangzuo was in power, he saw Liang's monopoly, so he resigned angrily and became an idle prince. Afterwards, Liang was in charge of Xixia's great politics for decades.

Wei Ming Yedang was born at this time. Now he is exactly 30 years old. He is in the prime of life, and he has also seen the scene of Liang's domineering when he was in power.

However, he also knew very well that if he wanted to eradicate Liang's disaster, he had to be careful and not rashly.At that time, at the beginning of Li Qianshun's pro-government, when some officials proposed to punish Liang, he stood up and expressed his opposition.

They think that the Liang family has been a disaster for a long time, and it can be said to be deeply rooted in the territory of Daxia. If they want to get rid of it, they have to take it slowly. For wrong.

At that time, although Ren Duo Zongbao strongly advocated that Li Qianshun be in charge, he also believed that punishing the Liang family at this time would not change Da Xia's current predicament.

It is a pity that no one is willing to listen to his opinion. The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty and many tribes already hate the Liang family deeply. In addition, Li Qianshun is already full of hatred for the Liang family's control of Daxia. dissatisfied.

Therefore, Li Qianshun's will soon became a practical action. Almost all the members of the Liang family were imprisoned within a few days, and hundreds of members of the Liang family were also imprisoned in other courtyards outside the city, waiting for Liang Yibu to return. After the division Xingqing Mansion, the butcher's knife raised high will fall down.

But at this time, Li Qianshun seemed to have recovered a little bit, and strictly blocked the news that Xingqing Mansion was locking up Liang's party members, and sent an envoy to urge Liang Yibu to return to Xingqing Mansion.

It's a pity that Liang's news channel, which has been in Xixia and has been in charge of the court for decades, can't be blocked so easily.

Soon, Liang Yibu, who was far away in Hongzhou, received the news. Seeing the urging every day, Liang Yibu refused to move his troops. In desperation, Li Qianshun specially selected Liang Yibu's youngest son to deliver the message.

Afterwards, he arranged for a second hand and asked Sa Chen to lead his army into Yanzhou.As a result, hehe...

Hongzhou and Youzhou, together with an army of [-], were all sacrificed to Song Ting by Liang Yibu.Yanzhou was attacked by the shameless Song people. The result was that Daxia, who was already weak, was stabbed in the heart by Song Ting.

After that, although the Song Court did not say to stop the war, judging from the behavior of the Song people, it seemed that they were going to work hard to manage the newly occupied land of the three states. Without a firm foothold, take back the land of the three states.

Daxia no longer has this ability and ability, it doesn't matter, we turn to Daliao for help.

And Weiming Yedang once again put forward the opinion that Daxia should insist on seeking peace in order to gain buffering time and opportunities, even if it means suffering some losses, it doesn't matter.

If you want Daliao to help, isn't it true that Liao is a kind person who helps others without asking for anything in return?Daxia really couldn't bear the trouble.

It's a pity that my opinion was once again ignored by the emperor.Now, hundreds of thousands of Liaoxia troops seem to be extremely powerful, but there is nothing they can do with a small Youzhou.

On the contrary, the Song Army sent a partial division to sneak into the hinterland of Xingqing Mansion to burn, kill and loot, and took advantage of the opportunity of the troops being transferred and the defense not complete, and captured Yinzhou in the east.

Everything has proved Weiming Yedang's foresight and his correctness again and again, and it has also gathered a group of civil and military people around him.

It's just that their faction is too weak to stop the mainstream faction.

Now, the consequences of the war have begun to show. Arms, equipment, and even food and grass have gradually become insufficient. At this time, Li Qianshun has not felt the slightest sense of guilt or repentance. He actually raised it in the court and prepared to send troops to the Western Regions. All countries collect this year's annual tribute in advance to continue to support the continuation of the war.

The most important thing is that it has won the approval of many ministers.Such a situation once again made Wei Ming Yedang's heart surprisingly angry.

Hurry up and get out of the crowd, bow down and say loudly. "Your Majesty, you must not do it, you must not do it. Such a move will definitely make the countries in the Western Regions dissatisfied. What's more, the war is still undecided and the outcome is unknown. If something unexpected happens, I am afraid that the countries in the Western Regions will definitely be dissatisfied. Sheng Yi Zhi..."

"Master Shangshu, what do you mean by this? Could it be that you look down on the hundreds of thousands of tigers in my Great Xia and Beiliao, and even a small corner of the Great Song Dynasty can't match it?" A minister asked beside him. Said yin and yang.

"Your Majesty, I absolutely don't have such thoughts, but you should think carefully before everything, so that you won't be at a loss when you encounter the worst result, and you will not be at a loss. Your Majesty asks you to investigate the words of sincerity!"

Seeing the uncle prostrating at the foot of the steps, Li Qianshun narrowed his eyes slightly, tried hard to control his emotions, and then said slowly.

"Qing's words are also old-fashioned seeking for the country, but the current crisis in our Great Xia cannot be resolved with a few words."

"Even if this war ends as soon as possible, can we, Daxia, ignore the border troubles in the north just because of the lack of armament and supplies and food and see if they can succeed?"

"Besides, I sent envoys to collect this year's annual tribute. Although the time is a bit early, but if they pay it, then they can enjoy peace and contentment in the second half of this year. Why do you complain?"

"In addition, the taxes of our Daxia clan this year..."

"Your Majesty, absolutely not. The people of the Great Xia are the foundation of my Great Xia. Don't do that thing." Wei Mingye was so anxious that his eyeballs tended to turn green.

"Okay, okay, I understand. Please step back. I'm a little tired too..." Li Qianshun waved his hand as if to shoo away flies, and then Shi Shiran stood up and left.

Surrounded by flattering voices sending off His Majesty, Wei Ming Yedang raised his head, his face full of dullness and deep depression.

I was obviously thinking about Daxia, why did the emperor turn a blind eye to my loyal words every time.Could it be that God wants to kill me in Daxia?

After walking out of the main hall slowly with heavy steps, Wei Mingye couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, looking to the north, where less than a hundred miles away was his father, his grandfather, and his uncle. The tombs of the former emperors of Xia are located.

Whether it is Emperor Taizu Li Jiqian, Emperor Taizong Li Deming, or Emperor Jingzong Li Yuanhao, who has a very bad reputation, or even Xia Yizong Li Liangzuo, they can all be regarded as heroes.

A wise monarch who mounts a horse to conquer the world and dismounts to rule the country. But look at Li Qianshun and his father Xia Huizong and Li Bingchang. They are both of the Liang family's blood. Wen can't write a pen, and Wu can't mount a horse and carry a sword. How can such a king be saved? Daxia was at such a critical juncture.

I don't know how the spirits of the late emperors will feel when they see the miserable appearance of Da Xia now...

Perhaps in their hearts, they must want to take matters into their own hands, grab the bastard Li Qianshun by the neck, and personally shake out all the unrealistic ideas in his stupid head and knock them to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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