Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 865 What We Care About is Attitude (Part 2)

Chapter 865 What We Care About is Attitude (Second)

Chapter 874

"My minister, Ren Duo Zongbao, I have seen His Highness..." Ren Duo Zongbao, who was wearing armor and armor, strided into the large tent of the Chinese army, and walked towards Liao, who was at the top with a gloomy expression. Yelu and Luwo, Xia Dajun's coaches, saluted respectfully and said loudly.

In the big tent, all the civil and military generals of the Liaoxia coalition army gathered, the army supervisor Xiao Shen and the army supervisor's deputy Xiao Wuna were all present.Naturally, the privy envoy who is the representative of the Xixia Kingdom is also very trustworthy.

"General Ren Duo came late, but I made me wait so long..." Yelu and Lu Wo twitched the corners of their mouths with a half-smile, and said plainly.

Renduo Zongbao raised his head and replied in a neither humble nor arrogant manner. "Come back to the commander-in-chief, the soldiers and horses of the Song Dynasty invaded our hinterland of Great Xia, harmed my people, and destroyed my granaries. I am following the orders of my lord to clear out the remnants of the soldiers and horses of the Song Dynasty. I am late, so I ask the commander-in-chief to investigate..."

After the eyes of Yelu and Lu We met with Xiao Wuna, they moved away and fell back on Renduo Zongbao. "It doesn't matter. When your country is in danger, as a minister, you should do your best to solve it. I, the commander-in-chief, have no reason to blame."

"It is precisely because Song State violated Ru Xia State for no reason. Therefore, I commanded an army of 30 people to come south at the will of my Emperor Daliao, just to seek justice for Ru State."

"Now that I have heard about the brutal actions of the Song Dynasty, it shows how vicious and cunning the Song court is. We, the Liao Dynasty, will definitely not sit idly by and ignore it. General Renduo will recover soon. Being able to have you, the No. 1 general of Xixia, to help me is like having an arm. ." Having said this, Yelu and Lu We walked around the desk, walked to Renduo Zongbao, and lifted up Renduo Zongbao, who was saluting.

"Thank you, Marshal, for your thoughtfulness." Renduo Zongbao still had a respectful look on his face, but he was cursing in his heart. You are simply taking advantage of me and still acting like a good boy.

"By the way, General Renduo, I wonder what happened to the Song army stationed in Wuchi?" After Renduo Zongbao sat down, Yelu and Lu We asked with great concern.

"Coming back to the commander-in-chief, there are about [-] Song troops gathered at the end, and they are eyeing our Baishi City and Xiangqing Army Division in Daxia. Now that all our troops in Daxia have gathered in the three states, the hinterland is empty, and the general is very worried. …”

At this time, Xiao Wuna cleared his throat and stood up to analyze. "It doesn't matter. The reason why the Song army stationed in Wuchi is for two reasons. One is to make a gesture of threatening the hinterland of Xia Kingdom, and the other is to make my army have some scruples when attacking Youzhou."

"I know some of the situation of the Xia Kingdom to some extent. Although your country currently has insufficient troops, the Xiangqing Army has high walls and thick walls, and no one can stop it. If the Song Army wants to penetrate deep into the Xingqing Mansion area, it must Cross the river and attack..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Wuna deliberately paused before continuing. "The old man believes that as long as Xia Guojun and his ministers can pay attention to strictly guarding the banks of the Yellow River, the same mistakes will not happen again."

What he said made Ren Duo Zongbao blush. Indeed, it is to blame. It is because he was too panicked and at a loss what to do, so that the people of Song Dynasty found a good opportunity to sneak across the Yellow River and destroy the royal tomb. Burn Xingqing warehouse.

"If the Song Army really dares to raise troops to invade Xingqing Mansion again, you only need Xixia to hold the Song Army for three to five days, and then the main force will be able to wipe out the Song Army with the soldiers of Ru State."

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao, for your reminder. It seems that the lower officials care about it and cause chaos." Ren Duo Zongbao stood up and bowed to Xiao Wuna. "When the time comes, the next official will be the forerunner."

"It's natural. It's getting late now. After the general arranges the soldiers and horses, we will discuss how to capture the strong city of Yuzhou." Yelu and Lu Wo nodded and smiled.

This time, although Ren Duo Zongbao only led 3 soldiers and horses, he left [-] troops in Baishi City.However, Yelu, Luwo and Xiao Wuna didn't care about this, the important thing was the attitude.

"Well, that's right. It seems that the soldiers have been well taken care of in these places. The wounds are almost not inflamed. Remember, as long as the wound has not healed, it is necessary to clean the wound with strong salt water every day. Don't be afraid of not having enough water. , not enough salt.”

"In addition, the nutrition of the soldiers must be guaranteed, but it should not be too much. I see that many soldiers are getting fat here, which is not good."

"Good sir, for those soldiers whose injuries are difficult to move and can only rest, how about reducing their food by [-]%? After all, I am worried that the soldiers will have opinions."

"Well, yes, let me take a look. There are quite a lot of people discharged from the East Hospital so far. The records are very detailed. Thanks to you, Mr. Gao." Wang Yang nodded with great satisfaction and put down the list of discharged patients. register.

There will be a roster for all admissions, treatments, and discharges. In addition, a wooden sign will be hung in front of each hospital bed. The wooden sign records the soldiers' injuries, names, ages, and which military camp they belong to.

In this way, the nursing staff on shift can easily understand the status of the injured patient on the bed without being confused.

Gao Shi said with a worried expression. "However, my lord, these hospitals of ours are almost full, and those nursing staff are working at full capacity."

"Then find a way to clear out the surrounding houses. The injured must be concentrated so that they can be cared for and treated easily. In addition, if there are not enough nursing staff, then recruit them from among the people. If not, then let those who have minor injuries be treated. If there's nothing serious, please help me and take care of me."

"They are all Paoze who were born and died, and they certainly won't mind."

Wang Yang quickly expressed his suggestion, and several scribes around him quickly recorded Wang Yang's words with charcoal pens.And Gao Shi also kept it in his heart, and he will implement it when the time comes.

"The wounded soldiers are in good condition, and their morale is high. That's good, as long as there is no war weariness. In addition, the emotions of the people in the city must be calmed down. Don't let the outside come in. Instead, it was messed up."

"Don't worry, my lord. Most of the people in the city are family members of the Xiang army, and the former Youzhou aborigines, and most of them are Han Chinese who have been oppressed by the party members. They hate the Xixia people to the bone."

"Nowadays, many people in the city have come to help. If it weren't for them, they would have been too busy..."

Wang Yang nodded, "Xing, the people are suffering, death, the people are suffering, the war is chaotic, and the people are displaced. The people can be regarded as the largest group most vulnerable to various factors in this world.

"If there is anyone in the army who harasses the people, or if there is anyone in the government who messes around, remember to report it to me. My officer, but I have always been looking forward to the opportunity to kill chickens and respect monkeys." Wang Yang Youyou After the land chief sighed, he spoke in a deep voice.

Hearing this remark, Gao Shize's heart shuddered, and he nodded heavily. "Don't worry, my lord. Before the Liaoxia coalition forces attacked the city, we have announced various guidelines many times, and General Zhong has also repeatedly ordered that the soldiers in the army should not disturb the people."

"My lord, my lord, there are about [-] Xia troops coming from the west. They are currently stationed outside the north gate." At this time, a messenger hurried over and reported to Wang Yang.

Hearing these words, Wang Yang didn't feel worried at all, but showed a smile with a smile on his face. "It seems that the lord of the Western Xia Kingdom may not be able to withstand the pressure of the Prince of Liao after all."

(End of this chapter)

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