Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 863 I'm really heartbroken... (Part 2)

Chapter 863 I'm really heartbroken... (Second update)
Chapter 872

"!!!!!!" Liu Zhi looked at the letter, which was complete and unobstructed, without any trace of addition or modification, and thought of the actions of the emperor Zhao Xu just now.

Hearing the son of heaven, Zhao Xu, who seemed to be blaming himself, but was actually Chi Guoguo's heart-piercing, piercing, scratching, and heart-digging words, Liu Zhi's expression instantly became like that of the noble purple on his body. gown.

The ministers and workers seemed to have finally sensed something was wrong, because, as a prime minister, he was very scheming, and Liu Zhi, an old driver who would not show his face when Mount Tai collapsed, had an expression of shame, shame, annoyance, and resentment.

Hmm... The complex expression on his face is probably comparable to that of the Emperor Zhao Xu two quarters of an hour ago.What exactly happened here?Such doubts arose in everyone's hearts.

Zhao Xu himself was taken aback, even though these old gangsters are disgusting, he often disgusts them, besides, it is interesting to play with old opponents.

Newcomers generally don't understand, so Zhao Xu expressed his concern sincerely. "Old Liu Aiqing, what's the matter with you? Don't worry about it, I, Song Dynasty, just need a heavy-handed official like you to preside over the court..."

"Thank you for your majesty's concern, old minister, minister, I have committed the crime of negligence, please punish me severely..." Liu Zhi's face gradually regained his composure. After he returned the letter to Ma Shang, he made a decisive decision and bowed down. Plead guilty before the stage.

"Liu Xiang, what are you doing?" The faces of the old party bosses were full of bewilderment. They couldn't figure out what kind of demon moth the emperor and Liu Xiang were messing with.

Following the gaze of the emperor Zhao Xu, Ma Shang handed the letter to another old party boss again, and then, with a very superior, hidden smile full of malice, he looked at this The confusion and anger of the old party bosses at the beginning turned into surprise, then into embarrassment and anger, and in the end, into a sense of aggrieved shame.

In the end, he also bowed down like Liu Zhi... Oh yeah, another one was turned over. Ma Shang quietly turned his head and looked at the emperor Zhao Xu. Although the emperor Zhao Xu tried his best to maintain his emperor's majesty, but He, who has been with the emperor since he was a child, can still see that the heart of the emperor Zhao Xu is so refreshing that he is about to explode.

Next, the entire court hall was deathly silent. At this moment, Zhao Ji quietly said to Li Gefei who had been standing by his side and refused to leave, but looked extremely confused at this moment.

"Lord Li, have you seen it? I'm not lying to you. Your Majesty just hopes that no one can imagine this ending..."

"Holy shit, oh no, I can't even imagine what the hell is going on here?" Li Gefei almost swore in an ungentlemanly manner.

"Master Li, please be patient, just keep watching..." At this moment, Zhao Ji finally took a breath, and became a qualified melon-eating crowd with great interest, watching the play happily.

Li Gefei slammed his mouth. He also really wanted to see what the letter was about. Why were the court officials who had impeached Wang Yang up and down in a turbulent mood before reading the memorial to Wang Yang? After the letter, just one or two expressions seemed to have been secreted for three to five years.

And they were all coy, prostrating in front of the steps in shame, what happened?Li Gefei felt like an ant in a hot pot was crawling in his heart, and wished he could snatch that letter over to see the truth.

What the hell is this young emperor doing? Could it be said that all of this was designed by His Majesty the Emperor of the Song Dynasty?

Right in front of Li Gefei's eyes, the ministers prostrated themselves one after another to plead guilty, especially those ministers and workers who criticized Wang Wushan the most, and they were the first to see this letter.

After passing for about two quarters of an hour, the letter finally fell into Li Gefei's hands, and he was finally able to reveal the truth.But in Wang Yang's letters, he reported to His Majesty the battle situation in Youzhou during this period, and there was a piece of letter paper that was folded so badly that it seemed that there were footprints of the emperor on it, and one thing was mentioned.

This is the reason why the civil and military ministers are jumping up and down to criticize.In this page of the letter, Wang Yang mentioned that several generals from the Wanyan tribe wanted to return to the Han Dynasty and change their surnames to Han Dynasties, and asked Wang Yang to give them their names.

Wang Yang wanted to decline politely, but he was afraid of hurting his heart, so he finally let these people have the same surname as himself, and pleaded guilty to the emperor in the letter...

Look, the reason has been clearly stated in the letter, but the problem is that the emperor has never mentioned it. As a result, this has become a heavy cannon for Manchu civil and military attacks on Wang Yang.

As a result, the emperor now "found" this piece of letter paper, so this big problem has naturally become something out of nothing.

"Zhen, I'm really heartbroken... I never thought that such a thing would happen. I have always trusted you all from the bottom of my heart. Because of this, I have been shaken and I am going to severely punish Wang Wushan. result……"

"It's my fault. It's almost because of you that I wrongly blamed Zhongliang. If you do this, it is tantamount to injuring me..." Zhao Xu stood behind the case, with a heartbroken expression on his face, and repeatedly criticized those who criticized him before. Wang Yang's ministers and workers lashed out.

A group of ministers and workers who bowed to their subordinates and pleaded guilty were so overwhelmed in their hearts, filled with shame and anger.Can we really blame us for this?Didn't you do it yourself?Who the hell told you to throw away a letter from Wang Wushan.

Besides, you didn't tell us, why should we take this responsibility?However, can these words be used to refute the emperor who is aloof?
But today's court meeting, the first half was criticizing Wang Yang, and the second half was the young emperor Zhao Xu criticizing Sang Huai, making all the officials red-faced, ashamed and indignant.

The Son of Heaven also blamed himself, but he blamed the courtiers for deliberately leading him astray.

The ministers had no choice but to plead guilty to the emperor, saying that they and others should not have accused the loyal officials of the court indiscriminately without grasping the facts and evidence, and almost framed Zhongliang.

Seeing the resentment and embarrassment on the faces of these ministers and workers, the emperor Zhao Xu, who was sitting firmly behind the imperial case, felt as if he had been poured with sour plum soup in the dog days, extremely sour.

Da Song's court meeting today ended hastily like a farce, and looked at the young emperor Zhao Xu who was still full of ideas, refreshed and radiant.

Then he looked at the resentful, resentful, helpless Duan Wang Zhao Ji beside him, who was dumbfounded. Although Li Gefei was loyal and straightforward, he was not the kind of stunned young man with a little IQ.

Finally, I understand that this young man's tricks are too deceitful, even his own brother, but in this way, those ministers who have always been displeased with Wang Wushan have been dealt with severely. a meal.

At least these guys have to rest and recuperate anyway, to be honest, it's been a while.

(End of this chapter)

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