Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 858 Your Majesty Became the Hero of the Great Song Dynasty (Part 2)

Chapter 858 Your Majesty Became the Hero of the Great Song Dynasty (Second Update)

Chapter 867

Empress Meng looked at Emperor Zhao Xu with a puzzled expression. "Your Majesty, why do you always hide your words? What kind of means are you going to use, Your Majesty? Can't even your concubines say it?"

"If it's someone else, then of course I won't reveal a single word, but if it's Zitong's words, then of course I want to share it with you..." Zhao Xu raised his eyebrows and smiled triumphantly, and looked around first.

"You all retreat first..." So all the court ladies and eunuchs in the palace retreated.

"Your Majesty, what is it that makes it so mysterious?" Empress Mengshi fanned the fan with some anxiety, her eyes became more and more curious.

"A few days ago, didn't Wang Wushan send some foreign warriors from the female straight Wanyan tribe, and also presented his autographed letter?" Zhao Xu whispered in Queen Meng's ear.

After listening to this for a long time, Empress Meng finally understood, and looked at this smirking, very complacent husband, but there was an urge to laugh or cry in her heart.

"It turns out that after a long time, it was actually your Majesty who did it on purpose?"

"This really wasn't intentional. After all, this matter is secret, and I felt that we should act cautiously at the time. Therefore, only Zhang Xie of the Privy Council knew about it, and he was responsible. In addition, I did not hand over the letter to him, so he also I don’t know all the contents of the letter.”

"In the end, they made such a fuss in the courtroom today, which actually reminded me, but after that, the members of the new party also stood up and attacked Wang Wushan again and again. The words were so fierce that they felt painful, so I decided to let them take care of themselves." It’s time to see clearly.”

"However, in this way, the dissatisfaction of the ministers may be transferred from Mr. Wu Shan to your Majesty. This..." Empress Meng's expression did not improve, but she became more and more worried.

"The wise king of the ancient times can only convince the whole world if he can't help his ministers to be sincerely convinced..."

"Haha, Zi Tong, in this case, it is only suitable for those old scholars to use it to deceive children. As the saying goes, no one is a saint, and who can be without faults? However, there are mistakes in being able to do so. The person who changes, this is the real master of the world."

Hearing this, Queen Meng's eyes lit up. "It seems that these words are more reasonable, but the concubine remembers that people are not sages, who can do nothing? This sentence comes from "Zuo Zhuan", but the latter sentence..."

"The following words were said by Wang Wushan when he and I were discussing the Emperor Taizong Li Shiming of the Tang Dynasty. He told me that no one is perfect, and everyone will have their own desires. So, if you have desires, it may be because of Errors arise out of desire.”

"Even the lord of the world, whether it is a benevolent emperor like Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, or a heroic lord like Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, or a heroic lord like Emperor Taizong of Tang who subdued the world, all have their own character flaws. .”

"But it's not terrible to have flaws. What's terrible is knowing that you have flaws but not repenting. Such a king is just like Yang Guang of the former Sui Dynasty..."

"I, since I came to the throne, I have done my best and conscientiously, but how many civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty really think that I am a good emperor?"

"Even Emperor Han Jing, Emperor Wu of the Han, or Emperor Taizong of Tang, are they often impeached by his ministers? Hehe, the more outstanding a person is, the easier it is to be criticized by others. If this is the case, then I can't let Wang Wushan take his place." I have suffered." Zhao Xu took a deep breath and stood up, looking so high-spirited.

"I want to be Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. I can't bear such a small criticism. Then in the future, how can I work together with Wang Wushan to build a new and powerful Song Empire?"

Looking at the high-spirited husband in front of her, Queen Meng's eyes were filled with little stars. After thinking about it, she quickly put the cooling fan aside, straightened her clothes, and presented a serious gesture to the Emperor Zhao Xu. bow down.

On the contrary, Zhao Xu was confused, so he was startled and quickly reached out to support Queen Meng. "Zi Tong, what are you doing?"

"Your Majesty, please let go first, and report to Your Majesty after the courtiers and concubines salute..." Empress Meng said stubbornly.

Zhao Xu had no choice but to let go of his hand, watching Queen Meng slowly bow down with a look of unease, and then quickly supported her who was heavily pregnant.

"Your Majesty wants to be the hero of our Song Dynasty. So, I am not talented, but I am willing to follow the example of Empress Changsun, stand behind your Majesty, advance and retreat together and never leave each other..." After Empress Meng stood up, her beautiful eyes were staring at her with watery eyes. Said the heroic husband.

Looking at the Queen Meng who he knew by heart, Zhao Xu's heart was filled with tenderness and sweetness. "Zi Tong, it is the greatest blessing in my life for me to have a good spouse like you..."

The young couple was deeply affectionate in the hall, while a group of eunuchs and maids stood outside the hall, peeping at the scene from a distance, seeing such a scene, they couldn't help but click their tongues, the relationship between His Majesty and the Empress is still Really, it's like mixing oil with honey, I'm afraid it's hard to pierce even a needle.

Back then, before the emperor got married, he was not a good bird. Ma Shang knew this very well. After all, every time the emperor wanted to go out for a "walk", he would definitely take him with him.

But it seems that since he got acquainted with the Empress Meng, the Son of Heaven seemed to have changed his temper. He no longer went around looking for flowers and willows like in the past, but was so dedicated.

This made Ma Shang poke his own eyes and couldn't believe it. It was like a rooster suddenly transformed into a mandarin duck all its life. It was so unscientific.

However, the cruel reality is before our eyes. Even in the past half a year, Empress Mengshi has been pregnant with Liujia, and the emperor seldom let Queen Mengshi be alone.

It was early morning again, and the important officials in the court who had written letters yesterday criticizing the Three Prefectures' strategy to appease Wang Yang were in a relatively happy mood.

It's like a group of picky diners picking bones in eggs with chopsticks. They really found a piece of egg skin in ordinary scrambled eggs. They were so excited that their hands were shaking. They were so excited and happy that they finally picked out a piece of foreign object.

What?You say it's not a bone?Excuse me, what is the main component of bones?Calcium, right?What is the main ingredient of the egg slices?It's also calcium, right?

Well, since they are all composed of calcium, you can also call them egg slices, and naturally you can also call them bones. The names are just different. This explanation is perfect, hahahaha...

Hmm... This is probably the thoughts of these ministers who have submitted the impeachment memorial. In short, Wang Yang dared to give surnames to those generals of foreign races as a minister. The foundation of monarchs and ministers.

The old party members were very happy, and similarly, those members of the new party who had finally returned to the court naturally gathered into a small circle, discussing something in a low voice, and in their eyes, they were full of a kind of complacency color.

(End of this chapter)

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