Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 856 The important audience in front of the performance is actually distracted? (Part 2)

Chapter 856 The important audience in front of the performance is actually distracted? (Second more)
Chapter 865

In the early morning of the next day, the court meeting had just started, and then I asked all the ministers and workers if there was anything to report. Zhu Guangting, the old party leader and one of the main attackers, stepped out of the queue and bowed to the emperor. "Qi Zou Your Majesty, the minister has something to report."

After seeing Zhao Xu's approval, Zhu Guangting said. "I want to impeach Wang Yang, the Economic and Strategic Appeasement Envoy of the Three States of Shaanxi Road!"

"Huh...huh?" Zhao Xu didn't realize it for the first time, but when he came back to his senses, he raised his eyes immediately. "Zhu Qing's family, did I not hear clearly, or did you say something wrong in Zhu Qing's family? Please say it again..."

That's what I said, but the tone didn't seem like I couldn't understand the words, it was more like saying, you have the ability to say it again, try to see if I don't hit you, until you hit your shit, all the shit will come out posture.

But Zhu Guangting, facing the knife-like gaze and gloomy face of the young emperor Zhao Xu, remained unafraid, like a heroic warrior who was about to step onto the execution ground and wanted to sing for freedom.

After clearing his throat, he stood in the center of the hall full of spirit, and impeached Wang Yang, the governor of the three states, who disregarded the favor of the emperor, the great trust of the emperor and the high hopes of all the officials, and acted boldly, repeatedly making outrageous acts. behavior.

For example, privately granting officials and titles to foreign races has not been reported to the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Rites.In addition, Wang Yang dared to give his surname to a general of a foreign race without permission. This is definitely a crime of disrespect.

"It is the king's responsibility to bestow a surname on a foreign race, but he, Wang Yang, is only a mere courtier of the Song Dynasty, but he acted so boldly that he did not report it to His Majesty, so he made his own decisions. If we follow this example, then our Song Dynasty may suffer from the same problems as the previous Tang Dynasty..."

I have to say that Zhu Guangting's eloquence is indeed very good, and he is indeed very suitable to play the role of the main attacker. His words of impeachment, regardless of other things, only focus on Wang Wushan's fault, and it is the most critical mistake, which is his Wang Wushan's fault. Wu Shan surpassed the practice of being a courtier.

Zhao Xu sat behind the imperial court and wanted to interrupt Zhu Guangting several times from the beginning, but as he listened, he gradually calmed down.

Zhu Guangting and a group of old party bosses came on stage one after another, and even some new party officials actually jumped out to speak for the old party. On the contrary, most of the centrists remained silent.

As for the Shu Party group in the old party, although one or two of them looked anxious, there was nothing they could do. At most, they could only stand up and say a few words of "obedience to power in urgent matters," but it was of no use.

This made Zhao Xu feel more and more stable. Of course, it was not peaceful, just stable. He was thinking about what was the reason that made the old party bosses even join in the new party when they criticized Wang Yang. He Wang Yang It is true that Wushan offended old party bosses all over the dynasty.

However, he seems to have always had a good impression of the New Party. Besides, when he was last year, the members of the New Party were all in the north and south of the Song Dynasty, and there was no chance of entering the dynasty. Even if he wanted to offend those guys, he would There is no such opportunity.

Unknowingly, Zhao Xu thought of a topic he mentioned during a chat with Wang Yang, that is, everything in the world is for profit, and everything in the world is for profit.

The king of a thousand chariots, the lord of thousands of families, the king of a hundred families, still suffers from poverty, and what's more, an ordinary man... the morality of relatives and friends is lost due to wealth, and the affection of father and son is for profit.

In the past, Wang Anshi and Lu Huiqing were like father and son, and Wang Anshi was dismissed. He tried his best to exclude Wang Anshi, and even personally wrote a letter to slander Wang Anshi. How could the emperor Zhao Xu, who regarded Wang Anshi as an idol, not know these things?
And Wang Yang pointed out sharply why the two of them lost their friendship on the same journey. Speaking of it, it was Lu Huiqing who was too utilitarian. In order to become the leader of the new reform party, he suppressed and excluded his mentor. , the means are omnipotent.

Regardless of whether they are in the new or old parties, whether they are those who oppose the reform or those who support the reform, in fact, a considerable number of officials are not really engaged in a battle of ideas and morals, but a battle of interests...

That night, the two of them chatted all the way to the palace ban. After midnight, the emperor Zhao Xu returned to the palace with more than enough satisfaction.

It was also at that time that Emperor Zhao Xu understood Wang Yang's ambition. He was also an enterprising man determined to change the Song Dynasty. However, he was more rational than others. It can even be said that he His thinking mode was so calm that it left Zhao Xu speechless.

What he said about the redundant officials, waste, and soldiers of the Song Dynasty now made Zhao Xu understand more and more that the Song Dynasty had indeed reached a critical juncture where if it did not become stronger, it was very likely that it would lose its chance of becoming strong.

"If you want to benefit the people, you don't have to follow the ancients; if you want to do things well, you don't have to follow the customs..." Zhao Xu couldn't help but think of an ancient motto quoted by Wang Wushan when he talked to Wang Wushan about the urgency and necessity of reform not long ago.

This statement comes from "Huainan Zi Si Lun Xun". Although Huainan Zi was written in the Western Han Dynasty, what is recorded in the book is the story of the Spring and Autumn Period, more than 500 years away from the Song Dynasty.

Duke Zhao of Lu had a loving mother and loved her. He died and practiced crowns for her, so he was served by a loving mother.Marquis Yang killed Liaohou and stole his wife, so he feasted on the ceremony of abolishing his wife.The system of the first king, if it is not suitable, it will be abolished.

Things in the last days should be done well, so rituals and music have never begun.Therefore, sages make rites and music, not rites and music.Governing the country has permanence, and benefiting the people is the foundation; politics and religion have scriptures, and order behavior.If you want to benefit the people, you don't need to follow the old ways;

What these words mean is that Lu Zhaogong had a nanny, and Zhaogong respected and loved her very much. After the nanny passed away, Zhaogong made an exception to keep filial piety for her, so there is the etiquette of keeping filial piety for the nanny.

The Marquis of Yangling State killed Marquis Liao and took away his wife, so from then on the etiquette of having the wife hold the beans was abolished during the feast ceremony.

From this point of view, if the system of the previous kings is not suitable, it should be abolished; if the modern way of doing things is good, it should be inherited and carried forward.

So rituals and music are never static.The rites and music are formulated by the sages, not restricted by the rites and music; although there are routines in governing the country, they must be based on the convenience of the people; although there are routines in government orders, they must be effective.

If it is beneficial to the people, it is not necessary to follow the ancient system; if it is suitable for the actual situation, it is not necessary to follow the old law.

The courtiers below were incessant, impassioned, some were spitting, some were crying, some were beating their chests and feet, it was as lively as the arena of movie kings.

However, the important audience they were performing in front of: Zhao Xu, the Emperor of the Great Song Dynasty, actually sat there with his chin propped on his hands, his eyes were confused, his expression was confused, and he was obviously distracted...

Are you distracted?Just at this time, when everyone had already thought that Wang Yang's actions would be harmful and even destabilizing the country of the Song Dynasty, this guy actually got distracted...

All the ministers suddenly felt that they were acting like acting for the blind, and they felt as if they were being farted by Wang.

(End of this chapter)

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