Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 847 Renta Zongbao, who is gearing up to go south (Part 1)

Chapter 847 Renta Zongbao, who is gearing up to go south (first update)
Chapter 856

Xiao Wuna looked at Yelu and Luwo expressionlessly, and her voice became more and more gloomy. "If he is determined not to obey His Highness's military order, it means that it is false that he surrendered to my Daliao in Western Xia, and it is true that he intends to trap our army in the Song Dynasty."

"Fortunately, Your Highness, you were able to detect the conspiracy between Xixia and Song Guoming in time, and make a decisive decision..."

Hearing these words, Yelu and Luwo were moved, and raised their heads to look at Xiao Wuna. Only at this moment did he really understand what it means to be scheming, and what it means to be non-toxic and not a husband.

Yelu and Luwo caressed their long beards and pondered, but it has to be said that although Xiao Wuna's idea, or this threat method is a bit harsh, it is definitely a trump card in the current situation.

Unless Naren Duo Zongbao really doesn't want to die, otherwise, he definitely dare not disobey.

"Even if he doesn't come immediately, for such a big matter, out of prudence, he will definitely send a letter to Xingqing Mansion to ask its lord to make a ruling, so..."

"Don't worry, my lord, Gu will not only write a letter to the Xixia coach, but also write a letter to the Xixia king Li Qianshun to let him know that since he is a subject of my Daliao, since he is begging I, Daliao, sent troops to seek justice for them. Then you should be honest and submit to my Daliao will."

After the two discussed and agreed, Yelu and Luwo immediately asked the soldiers to bring paper and pens, wrote a military order and a letter on the spot, and then sent a general to set off overnight and immediately rushed to Baishi After the letter was delivered in the city, there was no need to turn around, and went straight to Xingqing Mansion, the capital of the Xixia Kingdom, and handed that letter into the hands of the Xixia King.

After doing all this, the sky had already been slightly brightened, and at this moment, Xiao Wuna, whose face was already full of tiredness, breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Your Highness, so the old man can finally feel at ease."

"Thank you, my lord. Next time, if Gu Ruo has something inconsiderate, please let me know..." Yelu and Luwo were finally relieved. If it wasn't for the timely response of Xiao, When Na Renduo Zongbao went south, after the results were really achieved.

At that time, if I issue a military order to return him, it may be too late.Fortunately, the old driver reminded himself in time.

In the Xixia camp outside Baishi City, Ren Duo Zongbao, who had a good rest for a day, finally felt much refreshed, but the damn Baishi City still hadn't been completely cleaned up, which made Ren Duo Ningbo feel in a good mood In addition to being happy, I couldn't help but feel a little bit painful.

This gang of Song soldiers is too fucking disgusting, so disgusting that those Xixia elites who went to Baishi City to clean up the trap complained.

Even some Xixia officers wanted to put up a huge signboard on the city wall, which said that it was strictly forbidden to defecate anywhere in the city.

Due to the hot weather, there was a disgusting smell of excrement everywhere in Baishi City.Therefore, so far, the Xixia people can only garrison outside the city, and the two thousand soldiers who were assigned to clean up can only consider themselves unlucky and continue to work hard.

"Right now, Yelu and Luwo are leading an army that can't make an inch of progress under the city of Youzhou. Should we go directly south to attack the hinterland of these three states and disrupt the Song army's arrangement? And if there is a chance, maybe we can Soldiers push into Hongzhou, or from this area, push into Yanzhou..."

The advisers under Ren Duo Zongbao's account are standing in front of the huge map at the moment, making suggestions for Ren Duo Zongbao.

"This is also a way, but if we attack Yanzhou from this direction, then our army is equivalent to going deep behind the enemy's rear..."

"It doesn't matter. Now there are 30 people led by Yelu and Luwo in Youzhou. If the Song army wants to trap our tens of thousands of elites under the city of Yanzhou, then we will stick to it and wait for help. I believe that His Royal Highness the prince of Daliao, under the city of Yuzhou, has already suppressed his anger, and will definitely not let go of this opportunity to deal with the Song army in a field battle."

"That is, those Song people have always been timid. They are good at defending the city but not good at field battles. If they win a decisive victory on the battlefield, I, Da Xia Hu, will be afraid of who."

The generals spoke enthusiastically, while Ren Duo Zongbao was on top of the throne, carefully examining the huge map and calculating various possibilities.

"Forget it, the old man also thinks that instead of going to Yuzhou to meet up, it's better for me, Daxia Huben, to act on my own. With the hundreds of thousands of troops under the city of Yuzhou attracting the attention of the Song Army, we might be able to covertly march and go straight to the salt An important place in the state." After pondering for a long time, Ren Duo Zongbao finally made a decision.

Prepare to rest here for another day, and the next morning, the army will set off. Before that, let the soldiers who cleaned up and repaired Baishi City speed up, leaving 3000 troops to defend the city, and he will personally lead the army to the southeast direction.

However, at dusk that day, a general from Youzhou arrived in Youzhou, announcing that the commander of the Liaoxia coalition army, and the military orders signed by Yelu and Luwo, princes of the Liao Kingdom, would be handed over to Ren Duozongbao...

Nowadays, a strange situation has formed on the land of these three states among the Song Dynasty, Xixia, and Beiliao. The 30 troops gathered in the small Youzhou could not advance an inch.

The hinterland of Xixia was scratched by the Song army, while the eastern part was simply taken over by the Song state.At first, Xixia was very motivated and wanted to attack Yanzhou.

As a result, Yanzhou City was so frightfully invisible that they were stopped at the foot of the new city, a hundred miles north of Yanzhou City.

In the end, Song Guo voluntarily abandoned the small Baishi City, but Xixia suffered so much damage, so deep that now their leader Li Ganshun couldn't eat or sleep well for three days.

Shengsheng let the Song army rush under his nose, and at a place less than fifty miles away from Xingqing Mansion, he captured Xingqing warehouse and destroyed it as ruins.The ancestral tomb of the king was destroyed a lot.

It's just that now, in the Xingqing Mansion area, it is only known that the Xingqing warehouse was destroyed by fire because of the negligence of the general on duty. As for the destruction of the ancestral mausoleum by the Song army, they dare not make it public.

Even so, the leaders of many tribes in Xixia, as well as officials, are almost unknown to everyone. It can be said that the entire Xixia is immersed in a depressed mood.

No one expected that even the hinterland of Xingqing Mansion would allow Song people to come and go freely, and then they could retreat completely.And when the news that Yinzhou was captured by the Song people reached Xingqing Mansion.

Li Qianshun's eyelids just blinked a few more times, and the corners of his eyes twitched. It was rare that he didn't lose his temper. Maybe he had vented too much anger because of the matter of Xingqingcang and Zuling before. It looks like a group of barks.

Besides, jumping up and down all day long, crying ghosts and wolves and losing their temper, it is too detrimental to the majesty of the emperor and the image of the lord of the country.

(End of this chapter)

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