Chapter 839 How Long Can I Damn Last (Part [-])
Chapter 848

"I didn't expect that this old man who has always written poems and books would actually come to the battlefield in person." Su Dongpo stroked his long beard and felt a little bit. Arrived, and also brought the will of the emperor.

Su Dashi, who was a little carried away by the flattering words in the young emperor's letter, immediately felt his head heat up, and decided to rush over to command the battle in person.

Well, now I finally have this opportunity. The problem is, I am really a civil servant. I have never commanded a battle as a civil servant. What should I do now?
After thinking about it for a long time outside Yinzhou City, the painfully painful Bachelor Su University decided to hand over the command to the experienced drivers.

"Generals, this battle is up to you all. Now that Yinzhou is empty, it is a good opportunity for us, Song Dynasty, to regain the old land. Even if we can't take it, it can also make those Liaoxia coalition forces who are attacking Youzhou feel the same. The pressure, in this way, can give Mr. Xiao Wang more breathing space..."

"Don't worry, my lord, I will fight with all my strength." Whether it was the generals of the imperial army who came from the capital, or the generals of the western army, when they faced Su Dongpo, they were respectful and respectful.

Even if the Su University scholar is not very familiar with military affairs, but this well-known Su University scholar has many advantages.

That is to never do things beyond the scope of his ability, and he will ask relevant professionals for everything. He just makes a decision, and then leaves professional issues to professionals to complete.

What's more, with this old driver in charge, even the appointed military supervisors have no room to dictate what he agrees to.

After all, the prestige of Su University, which is both civilized and military, is almost unrivaled in the Song Dynasty. How can you, a small military supervisor, be as awesome as Su University, a scholar of Su University?
Therefore, with Su Xueshi leading the army, the Song Dynasty generals not only did not have the feeling of being led by laymen but were experts, they felt that under Su Xueshi's command, they could better demonstrate their talents.

This time, a total of [-] elite troops from the Forbidden Army and the Great Song Frontier Army gathered here, and they also prepared a lot of siege weapons. The defense of Yinzhou City today is at most similar to that of Youzhou Prefecture in the past. The city is almost the same, not even comparable to the old Yanzhou before.

Even before, the Xixia people were determined to jointly attack the land of the three states with the Liao state, and for this reason they once again strengthened the cities of the states near the Song Dynasty.

However, although the city was reinforced, part of the troops had to be transferred to join forces with the Liao army, which caused the troops in the border towns to become weaker and weaker.

In order for the Liao-Xia coalition forces to retake the land of the three states with overwhelming force, Xixia specially transferred 5 troops from the eastern region. This made the Xixia states, which had suffered heavy losses of their main elites, increasingly lacking in troops.

However, in the previous prediction, it should be to strive to seize the land of Yuzhou within ten days, and the Liaoxia army will continue to move south to Hongzhou. In this way, if the Song army does not want to lose all the territory, it will inevitably gather The main force started to stalemate with the Liao-Xia coalition forces in the Hongzhou area.

In this way, how could the Song army have the spare power to attack the states of Xia.

But such a long time has passed, Youzhou is like a lighthouse that seems to be crumbling in the super typhoon, but still stands firm.

It was this lighthouse that greatly delayed the offensive of the Liaoxia coalition forces, making it difficult to achieve the previous strategy. Yinzhou is coming.

A posture of hitting a snake and wanting to hit its middle.If it was normal, more than 1 soldiers guarding the city would be enough, but the problem is now in wartime, and now [-] Song troops are besieging the city, and Xifeng Zhenlie's heart is really gone It's over.

And Xifeng Zhenlie's worries soon became reality. After the [-] troops of the Song Army entered Yinzhou, they fought like crazy, and all kinds of siege weapons cost nothing. Like, if you can go up, go up.

The Yinzhou City, which was made of rammed soil and was in disrepair for a long time, coupled with the lack of defenders in the city, and the young and strong party recruits who were temporarily recruited were quite brave, but they lacked armor and sharp blades.

On the fifth day, only five days later, more than half of the soldiers in the city were killed or injured. The Song army attacked the city several times. Although the defenders fought back with all their might, they paid a heavy price.

Five full days passed, Xifeng Zhenlie, but he couldn't wait for half of the reinforcements, but the messenger he sent to Shizhou to ask for help was waiting. In a word, Shizhou has no extra soldiers and horses to rescue.

You can only stand firm and wait for reinforcements, but don't worry, this commander has sent a messenger to the Liao-Xia Allied Forces to ask for reinforcements. I believe it won't be long before reinforcements will be sent.

"Reinforcements will definitely be sent, and it won't be long? How long can I fucking last?" The right arm was pierced by the crossbow of the Song Army, and he could only use his left hand to shake the letter of Shizhou Commander in the house and angrily lowered his head Roar.

"General, what should we do now?" The general next to him couldn't help being a little dumbfounded, looking at the robes that almost everyone was wounded around him, he couldn't help being a little confused. "The current situation, we simply can't last long."

"If you can't hold on, you have to hold on. Go Liyan and you are a douchebag. If I, Xifeng Zhenlie, can survive this catastrophe, I will definitely not spare you." The letter was photographed on the desk.

"General, nearly half of our soldiers have been injured or killed. Should we allocate some young men from the city to help defend the city?"

"No, how useful those young and strong people can be. Without armor, in front of the Song Army's crossbow, they are completely dead."

Xifeng Zhenlie thought for a while, then nodded slowly. "Give over the armors of the soldiers who died in battle to those young and strong men, and let them stand up. It will last for a day. After all, the messengers I will send should have already arrived at the city of Youzhou. As long as they can send a If we only need reinforcements, Yinzhou will not be lost."

Seeing that Xi Feng Zhenlie was so stubborn, the generals also knew that there was no other good way. Even if the Song army was currently in a three-to-one formation, leaving the north gate unattacked, who would dare to predict the problem accurately? Will there be an ambush by the Song army here?

Compared with the gloom and gloom in Yinzhou City, the Song Army camp outside the city seemed to be full of excitement. Although the soldiers also suffered a lot of casualties, seeing the enemy army on the head of Yinzhou City weakening day by day, victory was in sight. Already in sight, naturally excited.

And Xueshi Su has been in a good mood these past few days, why, isn't it because the soldiers are working hard and seeing victory is in sight?Previously, as the appeasement envoy of the Shaanxi Road Economic Strategy, the Su University scholar had already experienced the defensive battle around the state, the Hongdezhai blocking battle, and the battle to capture the three states.

(End of this chapter)

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