Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 833 Are you going to take off your vest and make up your old name? (Part 1)

Chapter 833 Ready to take off the vest and make up ordinary people? (first update)
Chapter 842

The Song soldiers who were still at the ferry were stunned for a moment, and quickly reacted. They untied their armors in a hurry, picked up their weapons cleverly, and cut off the tethers and belts of the armors. Soon more and more people follow suit.

Soon, these three or four hundred soldiers disarmed themselves in less than twenty breaths of effort, and after throwing all these weapons and armor into the river, they picked up the scattered weapons at the ferry. Plank, walk towards the river.

Although many soldiers did not understand the nature of water, there were also quite a few who did. They supported each other and swam towards the center of the river with all their strength.

And Liang Shou and his soldiers were the last batch of water, thanks to God, and also to themselves, the river water in the selected section of the river is very gentle, and it is hot summer now, the river water will not let people Hypothermia.

There are no big waves on the gentle river surface, so those landlubbers holding wooden boards or barrels will not panic, and coupled with the encouragement of the water-savvy robes around them, no one of the three or four hundred people is left behind miraculously. They all swam towards the center of the river at a slow but determined speed.

At this moment, countless Xixia cavalry rushed into the ferry like a torrent, but they were stopped by the horses abandoned by the Song army on the shore. The extremely enraged Xixia cavalry hacked and killed dozens of horses before they dispersed Get rid of these bastards blocking the way.

However, when they rushed to the pier, there was no one there, but soon some sharp-eyed people saw bodies floating on the river.

"Let the arrows, shoot them!" The leading general yelled loudly, picked up the hard bow, stretched the bow and set the arrow, and shot vigorously. The Xixia cavalry around him followed suit. Soon, the rain of arrows poured down like a torrential rain. On the surface of the river, there were ripples in the center of a circle.

And the most fortunate thing is that at this moment, because of Liang Shou's timely response, they have already swam quite a distance, and most of the arrows could only forcelessly plunge into the river.

Only the arrows thrown by a few hard bows will fall on their left and right.Even though there were not many people who could use hard bows, nearly a hundred sharp arrows still fell into the crowd.

There were muffled groans and screams, and at least a dozen soldiers were injured.And on the clear river water, flowers of blood appeared...

Fortunately, at this time, the ferry finally arrived to meet them, and the sailors in the ferry who were familiar with water jumped into the water one after another, and rescued the soldiers who were injured and nearly sank to the bottom of the river.

Ropes were thrown from the ferry, and as long as the soldiers floating on the water grabbed hold of the ropes, they would use the pull of the ropes to swim towards the ferry...

The second round of arrow rain landed again, but this time, only a few people were injured, and they were quickly rescued by the sailors onto the ferry.

"General, there is no need to shoot anymore... those Song dogs are out of our range..."

Leading the army, Mo Kun, who had been running around for days, put away the hard bow in his hand resentfully with a pale face.Thousands of war horses were scattered on the pier and the river beach, which must have been left by these Song people, but there was no ferry boat.

"Pass down the order to let them continue to go north to see where there are still boats that can cross the river. The Song army retreated in a panic, and all the horses were left here. As long as we can find boats, we can cross the river and kill these gangsters. Song thieves wiped out."

"In addition, immediately send news to the Xingqing Mansion and Weiming old general, saying that we have caught the tail of the Song Army's side division..."

After issuing a series of military orders, they ordered the soldiers to collect these horses. Even if they failed to kill these Song soldiers, they still had some spoils of war...

On the east bank of the Yellow River, Li Mao and Luo Ping stood anxiously on the bank, overlooking the middle of the river. When the smoke and dust billowed, the Xixia cavalry was about to show up, and the ferry was only halfway through. Both Luo Ping and Liang Shou thought that Liang Shou and the remaining three or four hundred soldiers of the Song Army were dying.

When I was in a mood of annoyance and remorse, I saw through the binoculars that the soldiers of the Song Army who were left on the pier threw away their helmets and armor one by one, and even threw their life-saving weapons into the river. .

Li Mao and Luo Ping were stunned on the spot, what the hell, what does Liang Shou want to do with this gang of Song and Tiger? Could it be that he wants to take off his vest before the Xixia army approaches? Make up ordinary people?

But the problem is that these people are all big Song tigers, few of them understand Dang Xiang's words, and they can't get along at all... Next, I saw those Song soldiers who had thrown away their helmets and armor and jumped into the river with wooden boards in their arms. , Li Mao and Luo Ping couldn't help showing joy on their faces.

They wished they could rush over to praise Liang Shou in person, but soon, the Xixia army rushed to the bank of the river, and when they shot arrows into the river, their hearts sank again.

They kept staring nervously at the river, watching the ferries parked on the river, and then began to slowly drive towards the east bank until they reached the bank, and saw the smiling faces of the dripping wet soldiers He jumped onto the shore, and then let out a sigh of relief.

"Where is General Liang? Why didn't you see him?" Li Mao searched for a long time, but he didn't see Liang Shou. He couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and asked a soldier who had just landed.

"General Li, Liang is here. His leg is injured and he cannot move. Please forgive me, General." At this time, Liang Shou walked out of the cabin with the support of his own soldiers.

It turned out that when the first batch of arrows rained down, Liang Shou took an arrow very hard and hit his calf. Fortunately, this man was very stubborn, holding the wooden board tightly, and under the protection of the soldiers around him, kept going. Insist on swimming to the side of the ferry.

In the end, when the points were picked up, except for two soldiers, one was shot in the neck, the other was shot in the waist and abdomen, and died before being treated, the injuries of the rest of the wounded were not considered serious.

"What should we do now? Our biggest problem now is that we don't have enough horses. There are only more than [-] horses, and we have a total of [-] soldiers. This means that some soldiers need to walk..."

"The Xixia people have already discovered our whereabouts. I believe that they will try to send troops to chase us in a short time." After putting on dry clothes, Liang Shou, Li Mao, Luo Ping, and the one who hurriedly chased us Zheng Tongzhi who came sat down together and began to discuss the next move.

"Why don't you rush back to the camp to report to the general and ask him to come over?" Zheng Tongzhi suggested.

"The support is certain, the sooner the better, as long as we can join forces, we can have enough mounts, and we can retreat to Baishi City at a faster speed." Li Mao nodded and replied.

"Then we'll just stay here and head south. Although the walk is slower, it's better than staying here."

(End of this chapter)

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