Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 821 The Depressed Wanyan Four Brothers (Part 4 of 3)

Chapter 821 The Depressed Wanyan Four Brothers (Part [-])
Chapter 830

If they don't see the slightest hope of successfully breaking the city, or even winning the city, they will probably retreat and return.

The problem is that nowadays, Zhong Shidao can't do this, because he dare not let these Xixia soldiers retreat, because of Zhe Keshi's daring and reckless plan that is extremely painful.

Attacking the Xixia Emperor's Mausoleum and burning the Xingqing warehouse, these two strategies, no matter which one is completed, will definitely shake the entire Xixia government and even make them mad with anger.

If the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses led by Renduo Zongbao returned to Xingqing Mansion at this time, wouldn't they be face to face with the more than ten thousand fine cavalry of Zhe Keshi who were roaming around Xingqing Mansion?
In front of tens of thousands of furious Xixia soldiers and horses, Zhe Keshi has no chance to get out of the sky. In this way, even if he has done the above two major events, then the ten thousand Song soldiers His death in battle would make him a sinner of the Song Dynasty.

"Have you not heard back from the people we sent to Baishi City yet?" Zhong Shidao looked at the Xixia Camp for a long time, then turned his head and asked with a look of resentment.

"There has been no news yet. What happened in Baishi City that made you so worried, General?" The generals around were all curious.

A few days ago, a messenger from Baishi City entered the city and handed a letter written by Zhe Keshi to the coach Zhong Shidao.

The No. 1 general of the Western Army of the Song Dynasty, Zhong Shidao, who was known to remain calm despite the collapse of Mount Tai, jumped up from his chair and eventually drove everyone out of the room.

However, there were still a few words from the guards waiting outside. Although they didn't know what their general was doing in the house, it was rare for their general to yell at him for half a stick of incense in the house.

Specifically how he scolded, who he scolded, um... there is no need to guess at all, it seems to have a lot to do with Zhe Keshi's old driver who also belonged to the famous general of the Northwest Frontier Army of the Song Dynasty.

It's just that everyone doesn't understand that the personal friendship between Zhe Keshi and Zhong Shidao has always been very good, and they are often called brothers. In addition, the Zhong family and the Zhe family have frequent contacts. Before the founding of the Song Dynasty, they depended on each other. It can be regarded as a family friend among family friends.

However, under such circumstances, Zhong Shidao actually jumped up and scolded his mother angrily after receiving Zhe Keshi's letter, this gossip is really not small.

Some generals are already gossiping in private about whether it is Zhe Keshi, the old driver took a certain young woman whom General Zhong liked as his concubine, or did something to hold onto Zhong's teacher's handle and Sore feet.

It has to be said that apart from being brave in battle, these frontier warriors of the Great Song Dynasty were not inferior to the eight women on the streets in the direction of gossip.

"Hey... hey, why are you looking at me so ghostly?" The sobbing Zhong Shidao turned his head, and saw the gossiping eyes and strange expressions of the generals under his command, and couldn't help but asked.

"It's okay, the general and others are just curious. If you don't want to tell us, forget it. We are not gossipers."

"???" Master Zhong was confused for a long time. "You guys, in short, I have some unavoidable reasons. When I get the news about the battle with the harness, you will naturally understand my painstaking efforts."

Sure enough, there was something fishy, ​​and the gossipy generals who thought they had guessed the truth looked at each other with more and more gossipy eyes.

If Zhong Shidao understands what these gangsters are thinking, I believe that this famous general of the Great Song and Western Army will definitely risk his family and extermination, and peel off all the gangsters with dirty thoughts and hang them on the city gate to dry. Wait for the New Year.

Finally, there is a general who is not so gossip, who finally puts the military and state affairs in the first place, and stands up to make suggestions.

"However, general, you have difficulties, and we can naturally understand. However, it is not appropriate for us to defend the city and adopt such a fueling tactic? Why not let the soldiers gather on the city? Second, it can boost the morale of our Song soldiers."

"Do you think I don't want to? But if that's the case, if Ren Duo Zongbao and his party are scared away, or if he understands that we can't take down our strong city and withdraws his troops voluntarily, who will bear the series of consequences caused?" Mr. Zhong Dao glanced at the general beside him and said angrily.

Now, it's the turn of the generals present to be confused, big brother, can you stop being so righteous, making it seem that the private affairs between you and Na Zhe Keshi have a lot to do with military affairs.

"Hey, what are you guys thinking about?" Zhong Shidao finally noticed the strangeness of the generals under his command, and his expression became more and more unfriendly.

And these guys hurriedly found excuses to disperse, leaving Zhong Shidao stunned on the spot with a puzzled expression.

"These bastards must have misunderstood something." Zhong Shidao shook his head helplessly, ignored it, and concentrated on thinking about what kind of offensive the enemy will face tomorrow.

At the same time, because he was trapped in the city of Yuzhou, Wang Daguan, who almost knew nothing about what happened outside, was still at ease at this moment.After all, after a long period of preparation, there are sufficient armors, soldiers and horses, and heavy long-range weapons like Yuanyou catapults.

Even though Youzhou City has been subjected to indiscriminate bombing by the Liaoxia Allied Forces, it is still able to stand tall.The important thing is that the soldiers are now full of confidence in being able to defend Youzhou City.

As for the four Wanyan brothers, they had been depressed for several days since they were prominently beaten on top of the city, and Wanyan Aguda even beheaded a general of the Wanyan tribe with his own hands.

Today, three days have passed. During these three days, Wang Daguan was very considerate, allowing them to move freely and guaranteeing the supply of wine and meat.

"Didn't they continue to ask for wine today like the previous two days?" Wang Yang, who was dealing with military affairs, put down the brush in his hand after hearing Ling Zong's report, and asked curiously.

"Well, I won't continue to ask my brothers for wine or meat anymore, but having said that, the yard has been completely ruined by them in the past two days, and it's full of vomit inside and out..." Ling Zong turned away with disgust. pouted.

"Don't be so disgusting, can you?" Mr. Wang glared angrily at this guy who likes to tell the truth. "Then they asked you to come, are they ready to cheer up? Or do they have other requirements."

"They want to participate in the defense of the city and make contributions to our Song Dynasty." Ling Zong replied with a nod.

"It seems that they have already figured it out." Hearing Ling Zong's answer, Wang Yang had a relieved smile on his face. This is right, this is the decision that a hero should have.

"Originally, Wang thought that they would have at least three to five days to think clearly, but he didn't expect them to understand things so quickly. It's okay, you go and invite them over, and I can have a good time with them. Let's talk about it."

(End of this chapter)

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