Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 816 The guilty ones are Wanyan, Libo and his son (Part 1)

Chapter 816 The ones who are guilty are Wanyan, Libo and his son (first update)
Chapter 825

"Don't be afraid, Wanyan Aguda, we Da Song will stand behind you and support you!" Xu Zhao roared out the cry of parents remarrying.

At this moment, Xu Zhao's words were like a signal, and the dozens of Song Army warriors around him roared in unison and righteously.

"Brothers of the Wanyan Clan, stop working for Liaogou, put down your weapons, and defect to Song Dynasty like your patriarch Wanyan Libo and his son. This is your only way of life!"

"!!!!!!" Above and below the city, those Liao and Xia allied forces who could understand Chinese were completely shocked.The saber in Wanyan Aguda's hand almost fell to the ground.

The brothers behind him and the dozen or so Wanyan guards were completely thrown into disarray by the wind.

And the officers and soldiers of the Liaoxia coalition army under the city finally realized suddenly, oh... look, look, sure enough, the f*cking female straight Wanyan tribe is really not a good bird, their patriarch and sons are really not only with Song Jun Fornication, even betrayal.

Wanyan Agu's venomous gaze swept over the upright Xu Zhao, as well as the dozens of Song army warriors behind him wearing Yuanyou heavy armor, with bright red blood hanging on the sabers in their hands. , and farther away, the countless bows and crossbows that were faintly aiming in this direction.

Dad, I'm sorry... Wanyan Aguda took a deep breath before roaring. "The injustice of the Liao Kingdom killed my father and son. Brothers of the Wanyan clan, whoever puts down their weapons will be killed. Let us fight against the injustice of the Liao Kingdom together with our brothers."

"I'm going to kill you, you traitor!" The general of the Wanyan clan roared, brandishing his sword, and leaping onto the city wall.

At this moment, Xu Zhao stopped the elite Song army who were about to rush forward. "General Wanyan, next, it's time to see if you are loyal enough to Da Song..."

Looking at the former comrade who was fiercely rushing towards him, Wanyan Aguda swung the saber in his hand sideways with a livid face, his gaze was full of determination.

Hearing such a clear-cut answer, not far away, Zhong Shihe, who was standing on the gate tower directing the battle, showed a relieved smile on his face.

It seems that Wang Yang is right. Wanyan Aguda is indeed a hero who can afford to let go. It's a pity that since you have fallen into Mr. Wang's circle, you can only be obedient in this life. He worked hard for me, Da Song.

There were not many Wanyan clan warriors who rushed to the top of the city, and after this general of the Wanyan clan was beaten three times, five times, two times, and his head was chopped off by Wanyan Agu, the demoralized Wanyan clan warriors rushed to the city. Under the attack of the soldiers Yuanyou of the Song Army who rushed to the ground, they were defeated and retreated from the top of the city.

But no matter what, the news that Wanyan Aguda and his son betrayed the Liao Kingdom, betrayed their promises, and became the lackeys of the Song Dynasty has already spread among the Liaoxia coalition forces.

"During the first battle, swinging knives at your compatriots, you must feel very uncomfortable in such a situation." After confirming that the Xixia soldiers and horses at the north gate had retreated, Wang Yang rushed to the east gate immediately , met Wanyan Aguda and his group, and began to give a sweet date with a stick... Well, it should be a psychological counseling work.

Wanyan Aguda took a deep breath, showed an extremely ugly smile with difficulty, and was about to say that since he had pledged allegiance to Da Song, he should perform his duty with all his heart.

"You don't need to say anything. I can understand this kind of mood. How about this? I allow you to leave this city wall and go to the north gate. How about following me to the north gate?"

"Thank you sir for understanding me." What else could Wanyan Aguda say, he could only smile wryly and lead a group of Wanyan warriors who were bathed in the blood of their own people to express their gratitude to Wang Yang.

Soon, Wang Yang made a special wartime appointment, appointing Wanyan Aguda as a battalion commander. Although his official position is not high, it means that he has officially become a soldier of the Song Dynasty.

"Are you sure it was Wanyan Agu who beat them?" Yelu and Lu Wo asked in a deep voice as they sat firmly in the big tent of the Chinese army.

But at this moment, Wanyan impeached Libo with a haggard look and a slumped face, and was detained in the central army tent by two powerful Liao army elites.

"Report to Your Highness, it is the three sons of Wanyan Libo, and his nephew Wanyan Xibushi are also in the city. They all wear the Song Army's standard Yuanyou armor, and the Wanyan clan General Morun was personally killed by Wanyan Aguda, and a dozen warriors from the Wanyan clan and several warriors from other clans who were present also witnessed it with their own eyes..." A general reported respectfully.

"Your Highness, please Your Highness, you must make the decision for my daughter's Wanyan family. It is the fault of their Wanyan impeachment Libo father and son, who made my daughter's Wanyan family wronged!" Wanyan Womouhan fell to the ground and kowtowed repeatedly , His face was full of grief and indignation.

Yelu and Lu Wo bypassed the case and walked up to Wanyan Wo Mohan, and helped him up personally, and then they spoke sincerely.

"Okay, General Wanyan please hurry up. I already know that the guilty ones are relatives of Wanyan and Libo's father and son, and have nothing to do with you. I will explain this point emphatically when I play the Son of Heaven, so as not to It hurt many Wanyan clan warriors who were loyal to our Daliao."

"As for you, Wanyan impeaches Libo, what else do you have to say now?" Yelu and Luwo turned their heads, looked at the chief of the Wanyan tribe who was standing in the big tent with his hands bound road.

"You want to trap me in the unrighteousness of Wanyan, so naturally you can say whatever you want, thinking that I, Wanyan, have groveled all my life, and in the end, I only got this kind of end, it's really sad, lamentable... "Wanyan Xie Libo raised his head helplessly, and sighed desolately.

"Take him down. Don't let him have a chance to commit suicide. After all, he is the head of the clan. Don't make things difficult for him. Xie Kun, escort him to Shangjing immediately, and hand over all the evidence and the lonely memorial to him." Your Majesty will decide." Yelu and Luwo no longer looked at him, but directed to a general.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Wuna let out a long breath and clenched the big hands full of veins and wrinkles hidden in his sleeves into fists.At this moment, it was as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his heart. Wanyan Libo and his son made him feel like a cunning old wolf, leading a group of hungry beasts, shrewd and cunning.

It made Xiao Wuna very uncomfortable, but today, after finally seeing that Wanyan Xilibo and his son had been nailed to the pillar of shame for betraying Daliao, he was a little relieved. Liao relieved a trouble.

Even if this future trouble is not revealed to the world now, Xiao Wuna understands an old saying that it is better to kill a thousand mistakes than to let one go.Facts have proved that Wanyan's impeachment of Libo and his son really harbored evil intentions, which further proves the justice of his actions.

"Next, I hope that all the lords will unite as one and take down Youzhou City to prove your bravery and your loyalty to Daliao!" Yelu and Luwo's ​​majestic eyes swept over the many generals in the big tent They, roared sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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