Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 810 The Wanyan Zhangdu Envoy Who Was Getting Cooler in His Heart (Part 1)

Chapter 810 Wanyan Jiedushi's Heart Is Getting Cooler (Part [-])
Chapter 819

With Wang Yang's handwritten letter in his arms and full of longing and joy for the future, Wanyan Agu led the two guards and quietly left the Youzhou City, heading towards the meeting point agreed with the guards in the distance.

However, when Wanyan Aguda arrived, he was surprised to find that there were several more people at the gathering point. "Second brother, third brother, and Xi Bushi, why are you all here?"

"Second brother, that old boy Xiao Wuna brought someone to find daddy, but the situation is not good, daddy told us to escape and wait for you here." The youngest Wanyan Wutao saw Wanyan Aguda, just like seeing the backbone. General, heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly explained the reason.

"What did you say?!" Wanyan Aguda felt a chill in his heart, his eyes turned black, and he almost fell off the horse.Fortunately, the guard next to him was very vigilant and helped him in time, so that the backbone who would create the future of the Dajin Dynasty did not fall into a concussion.

Wanyan Wu Qimai had to be much clearer-headed, and explained the matter in a clear and orderly manner. "We sneaked out from behind the big tent of the Chinese army, and my father repeatedly told us that if he didn't send someone to look for us after half an hour.

Or if there is any commotion in the big camp, please ask the second brother to make the decision..."

As for Wan Yan's practice of not losing, he said with a worried face. "Uncle deliberately asked me to look for you in front of Xiao Wuna. It seemed that he had already sensed what was going to happen, and when I left, after Xiao Wuna let us see your brothers again, he asked you to go to the Central Army The camp will participate in the military discussion."

"But I always feel that what he said is obviously malicious, and even if my uncle is not in danger of his life, I am afraid that he will be left in the Chinese army camp. In addition, when I sneaked out, people appeared outside our camp. Many soldiers of the Liao army were interrogated very strictly..."

Hearing this, Wanyan Aguda's hand could not help touching his chest subconsciously, there was hidden a silk book written by Wang Yang himself, which he would bring to the emperor of Song in the future.

"How long have you been here?" Wanyan Agu asked, but his voice suddenly became hoarse.

"We have been here for about a quarter of an hour, what should we do, second brother?" Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at the second brother who was half a head taller than himself and asked.

"Since Dad told us to wait for half an hour, let's wait for the full time first. In addition, Puton, Ye He, you guys spread out and watch for me if there is any change in the surrounding area. Let's get off the horse and have a good rest first. Rest." Wanyan Aguda took a deep breath, and finally decided to follow his father's advice and wait for a while.

Maybe things have turned around, or maybe I and my father guessed wrong.

Xiao Wuna and Wanyan Gailibo had already arrived outside the central tent of the Liao-Xia coalition forces. However, when Wanyan Gailibo was about to walk in, Xiao Wuna raised his hand to stop Wanyan Gailibo. Bo's footsteps.

"Lord Wanyan stay here, wait for the old man to enter the tent first to report to His Highness, you guys, don't wait too long, Lord Wanyan, do you understand?" Xiao Wuna first said to Wanyan with a smile, and then turned around. Come forward and shout to the elite guards outside the big tent.

Seeing that several guards almost surrounded him, and their vigilant and intimidating gazes fell on him, Wanyan impeached Libo, his heart became colder and colder, and he forced a smile. "It's okay for the lower officials to wait here, but why do your guards, my lord, stare at the lower officials so much?"

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Wuna seemed to have never heard it at all, and he opened the curtain and went straight into the Chinese army's tent.

"Mr. Xiao, why are you here? You're here just in time. How about taking a look at Gu's calligraphy?" Yelu and Lu We looked up and saw Xiao Wu entering the account. After putting down the brush in their hands, they took it. The towel handed by the soldier wiped his hands and laughed.

"Your Highness is indeed a rare man in Daliao who has both civil and military skills. This calligraphy is written with silver hooks and iron strokes, and it penetrates the back of the paper. It is indeed a rare masterpiece..." Xiao Wuna walked to the table and took a closer look at it. He couldn't help but sigh with appreciation.

"Haha, it's so rare that Gu's calligraphy can be praised like this by the boss." Yelu and Lu We couldn't help but smile.

"However, Your Highness, the old man didn't want to disturb His Highness's elegant mood, but there is something that I'm afraid must be decided by you..." There was no smile on Xiao Wuna's face.

"Oh? What's the matter, the old laborer came to look for orphans late at night?" Yelu and Lu Wo asked inquiringly after they sat down.

"Amin, come here and tell His Highness everything you know." Xiao Wuna turned his head and ordered to the subordinate who followed him into the central army tent .

Yelu and Luo looked relaxed at first, but as Amin spoke more, Yelu and Luo's expressions became more and more gloomy.

"Last night, the spy sent by the lower official followed Wanyan Aguda all the time. He and several archers from the Wanyan tribe shot several arrows towards the city, but the target was not aimed at the top of the city, but thrown. At that time The officer was rather strange. In the end, luckily, the spies, after spending a whole day, finally picked up such a feathered arrow..."

Speaking of this, Amin reached into his bosom, and took out a broken arrow, leaving only the arrow shaft and arrow feathers, and on the arrow shaft, there was a piece of color almost the same color as the arrow shaft, and it was tied to it with a hemp rope of parchment.

"...Do they, do they want to be exterminated?" Yelu and Luo roughly took the arrow shaft and tore off the parchment. After seeing the content on the paper clearly, even the words were obscure. , but with the brains of Yelu and Lu Wo, coupled with the strange way Wanyan Agu beat his father and son mentioned before, it is not difficult to guess the result.

"Tonight, the spies dispatched by Amin have already seen the sons of Wanyan Libo enter his big tent, but when the old man went, he talked about him from left to right, claiming that his sons were all Went out to camp for a safari."

"At this point, the old man has already figured out that this Wanyan impeachment libo may really have a different intention for me, Daliao. Therefore, the old man specially invited Wanyan Jiedu to come over for the reason of discussing military affairs, and let His Highness make a decision. .”

"Brother Rong!" Yelu and Luwo shouted after carefully putting down the parchment with their hands. "Beat the drum and summon the generals to discuss matters."

"Your Highness, what are you doing..." Xiao Wuna raised his head and looked at the Prince with some confusion.

"Kill the chicken and respect the monkey!" Yelu and Luwo's ​​thick lips spit out these four words slowly.Only then did Xiao Wuna suddenly realize, and he couldn't help saluting to Yelu and Luwo subconsciously. "Your Highness is wise!"

Surrounded by a group of murderous guards outside the large tent of the Chinese army, Wanyan Libo waited anxiously for a long time, and then saw all the generals rushing over in a daze. Li Bo was familiar with him and greeted him before he entered the account.

However, there were also many people who noticed the strangeness of Wanyan Libo, muttering something in a low voice and talking to each other. There were even some tribes who were at odds with Wanyan's tribe. After seeing this scene, they showed full of malice. smile.

Wanyan impeached Libo to maintain the pride of the female straight military governor, and the reservedness of the female straight Wanyan clan chief, and continued to stand in place, but his heart was getting colder and colder.

"I invite Wanyan Jiedushi..."

Finally, he saw that the curtain was lifted again, revealing Yelu and His Royal Highness Luwo's ​​side brother Rong's expressionless face.

"Lord Wanyan, my Highness invites you..." The voice was calm and the eyes were dark, like a vulture looking at an injured lone wolf that was struggling to its death.

"Did you hear that? Get out of the way!" At this moment, in front of the Liao people, Wanyan, who had been licking Libo carefully all his life, took a deep breath, straightened his spine, and strode forward without fear. Knock away the two guards standing in front of you.

(End of this chapter)

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