Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 805 Wanyan Aguda, Your Great Jin Dynasty, hehe... (Part 2)

Chapter 805 Wanyan Aguda, Your Great Jin Dynasty, hehe... (Second update)
Chapter 814

After the Jin Dynasty destroyed the Liao Dynasty, it intended to go south to destroy the Song Dynasty.Jin Taizong Wanyan Aguda's fourth brother Jin Taizong Wanyan Wu Qingbuy launched the Jin war to destroy the Song Dynasty in [-] on the grounds that the Song Dynasty took in the Liao general Zhang Jue during the Pingzhou Rebellion and violated the previous agreement between the Song Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty.

He sent Bo Jilie Wanyan Xie also as the Marshal of the capital, and divided his troops into two groups from Shanxi and Hebei to the south, and finally joined forces in Kaifeng, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty.With Song General Li Gang defending Kaifeng, the two sides announced a peace agreement.

In 1126, Jin Taizong again sent Wanyan Zongwang and Wanyan Zonghan troops to attack Kaifeng in two ways on the grounds that the Song court broke the contract. In the following year, Song Huizong, Song Qinzong and other Song Dynasty royal families were captured and returned to the north.

However, Zhao Gou, King Kang of the Song Dynasty, escaped by chance and proclaimed himself emperor in Guide Mansion in Nanjing (now Shangqiu, Henan Province) in the Song Dynasty to rebuild the Song Dynasty. He was named Song Gaozong, known as the Southern Song Dynasty in history.

In Wang Yang's mind, he quickly went through the history of the early founding of the Jin Dynasty that he was familiar with, Wanyan Aguda, hehe...

After Wang Daguan walked down the tower, he let out a meaningful laugh, but he heard Wanyan Agu who was not far behind him shudder, and subconsciously shuddered.

"May I ask Wang Jinglue why you are laughing?" Wanyan Aguda asked loudly through those elite Song soldiers.

Wang Yang stopped in his tracks, turned his head, and showed eight neat front teeth towards Wanyan Aguda. "This officer is very happy. I didn't expect that in the Liaoxia Allied Forces, there are heroes like your father who are in Cao Ying and their hearts are in Han."

"???" What the hell is this in Cao Ying and in Han?Although very smart, Wanyan Aguda, who was obviously not well-educated, looked at Wang Yang in a daze for a long time without understanding what he meant.

Fortunately, Wang Yang has always liked preaching and teaching, and soon Wanyan Aguda understood the origin of this allusion.

Wanyan Agu smashed his mouth, always felt that this metaphor was not appropriate, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he shook his head helplessly, followed Wang Yang's footsteps, and walked into a room that had already opened the door. Brightly lit house.

In the courtyard, Wang Yang and Wanyan Agu sat separately as guest and host. This time, there was still wine and meat on the table in front of them.It's just that this time, Wanyan Aguda's eating seems to be much more refined, but no matter how gentle he is, he is good at picking up food and stuffing it into his mouth.

However, after seeing Wang Yang nimbly picking up the dishes and delivering them to his mouth with chopsticks, he decided to stop eating, probably because he felt that Wang Yang, a Song official who used tools to eat, was good at it. Maybe it's because it's not elegant to grab something to eat.

It seems that no matter how barbarous the nation is, they also have a heart yearning for elegance and civilization, although most of the time they yearn for the wrong way and method.

They prefer to use force to plunder and obtain. Their greed is more similar to the nature of beasts.

After Wang Yang took a few chopsticks and vegetables, he put down the chopsticks and looked at Wanyan Aguda. "I don't know what is the purpose of your visit, General Wanyan?"

"My daughter-in-law is not willing to be an enemy of the Song Dynasty, but the Liao Kingdom is so powerful. If we don't submit to its despotic power, I am afraid that the old and weak of the clan will be slaughtered by him..."

Wanyan Agu spat and spit, sometimes with a sad face, sometimes with a high-spirited anger, his mouth opened and closed, and Wang Daguan was full of emotions, as if his emotions changed with his words.

In fact, I just sneered in my heart, I just watch you act, see what you can perform, Wanyan Aguda, your golden dynasty, hehe...

In short, their daughters have always been oppressed by the Liao State, and now it is even more excessive, and they were forced to come here and let them attack the Song Dynasty.

And these northern female straight barbarians, in fact, have always yearned for and admired the prosperous Song Dynasty, the prosperous Song Dynasty, and the Song Dynasty where singing and dancing are peaceful.

But, damn it, the Liao Kingdom, which likes to be treacherous, stands between us, making us miss the Song Dynasty so much that we almost become ill.

If it wasn't for the wrong time and place, Wanyan Aguda would have wanted to sing a unique bald song of the female straight tribe, ah was a song of longing, to express their female straight tribe's love for happiness, peace and tranquility Song's yearning.

"Unexpectedly, my Da Song is actually in the north thousands of miles away, and I still have such a prestige." Wang Yang smiled and looked at this Wanyan Aguda who had been squatting for a long time, and his mouth was foaming.Yes, I didn't expect that this guy is not only physically strong, but also quite smart and clever. More importantly, he is also a good talker, and he can fool people quite well.

No wonder he will become the founding king of the Great Jin Dynasty in the future, but what a pity, your Great Jin Dynasty?Hehe... Wang Daguan once again let out a meaningful smile, and A Guda couldn't help shivering again after laughing so hard.

The main reason is that Wang Jinglue's smile and eyes are too ghostly. It feels like an owl hovering over a cemetery in the wilderness, sizing up a prey that is about to fall into its sharp claws. Jie's strange cry.

But after blinking, Wang Jinglue's expression didn't seem to change at all, his smile was still so friendly, and his eyes were so warm.

Wanyan Aguda shook his head, put aside his discomfort and continued to flatter him. "Song State is a state of brothers shoulder to shoulder with Liao State. Its national power is as strong as Liao State. Now, Liao State has sent hundreds of thousands of troops to the south, but your lord is just relying on this city. The tens of thousands of troops blocking the way are enough to show the strength of Song’s soldiers, their abundant military equipment, and the strong defense of the city..."

Wang Yang raised his hand, "Okay, General Wanyan, after talking so much, Wang will naturally think about it later, and after thinking twice, ask General Wanyan what you mean.

Then you will tell Wang with an obligatory appearance, you warriors of hundreds of thousands of female straight tribes have decided to resist the injustice of the Liao Kingdom.
Or do you want to cooperate with Song Dynasty, let us support your weapons, armor, food, salt and iron, and then let you develop for 20 years, and then stab Liao in the back? "

Wanyan Aguda looked at the sipping wine in front of him with a dazed expression, and said all the rhetoric he had prepared in a calm manner.

What the hell, what the hell are you going to let me do?Why don't you Wang Dacai don't like to follow the original?

"The rule of the Liao Kingdom has long been unpopular, but many people and tribes dare not speak out because of the strength of their soldiers, waiting for the opportunity."

"And when one day, you and the Song Dynasty, whose strength is similar to that of the Liao Kingdom, join forces to defeat the Liao Kingdom, you will definitely think, oh, even the Liao Kingdom is not our opponent, so what about the Song Kingdom? Since the combat effectiveness of our female straights If he is so strong, then he will also take down the Song Dynasty. In this way, the unification of the world is not far away, and the opportunity for us straight women to become masters has finally come..."

(End of this chapter)

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