Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 803: Calorie Consumption Huge After Meal Siege Exercise (Part 2)

Chapter 803 The Calorie-Consuming Siege Exercise After Meals (Second)
Chapter 812

"Come here, carefully collect these things, put them into wooden boxes and seal them, and then send them to Beijing together with the memorial written by me before, and give them to His Majesty."

"I hope His Majesty can understand that the Song Kingdom today is really different from the past."

Yelu and Luwo cheered up again: "General Mo'a, then prepare to adopt another plan. All the battalions have tried to dig a passage into the city. Let's see what the Song army has to do to deal with it."

"Obey!" General Mo'a respectfully took the order and left, and seeing General Mo'a's departure, Yelu and Luwo couldn't help feeling a little sad.

With an army of nearly 30, facing a small city of Youzhou, they were so helpless that they could only rack their brains to think about these extremely slow-acting methods. The confidence to take down Youzhou City is getting weaker and weaker within a short period of time.

As for Pochao Xinde, the deputy privy envoy who served as the communication and exchange between the Xia army and the Liao army, he has now become numb to the futile return of the daily siege.

The people of Song Dynasty have given more and more surprises, so much so that Pochao Xinde is increasingly worried about the fate of the Xia Dynasty.

Think about it, half a year ago, Song Guo's crossbows were also strong enough, but the number was definitely far from being as outrageous as it is today.In the past, among the seven or eight crossbows, there could only be one or two god arm crossbows at most.

But nowadays, the powerful crossbows with soft steel arms have penetration power and range that are not inferior to the divine arm crossbows. This is not surprising. What is surprising is that today's Song crossbows are almost all of this type. ?

The ordinary crossbow with insufficient range and penetrating power in the past has disappeared without a trace, and the only thing left is the Yuanyou crossbow with this steel arm.

In the same way, the Liao and Xia coalition forces suffered a lot in the confrontation with long-range weapons, which is why they can only attack the city at night or in the early morning under the cover of night.

Not only are they afraid of the Song Army's trebuchet, but another very important reason is that 150 steps away, the Song Army's Yuanyou Crossbow is definitely everyone's nightmare.

Only when you get close to 150 steps and reach the range of the bow and arrow, can you have the capital to suppress the opponent's long-range firepower.

Otherwise, you can only watch the other party's arrow rain pouring on your head and body, and you don't even have a chance to resist, so fucking aggrieved.

After leaving the camp, Pochao Xinde and Xiao Wuna walked side by side in the brightly lit camp. To the west, the lights flickered and the sound of fighting rang out.

But the two of them only looked over there a few times at most, and then looked away dully.Because of such a scene, I have seen too much and expected too much, but what is left to people in the end is only disappointment again and again.

"Youzhou is difficult to attack. I have prepared myself before I was dismissed, but I still didn't expect that the difficulty of attacking Youzhou is still far beyond my imagination." After Po Chao Xinde retracted his gaze, his face was full He sighed regretfully.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that after only a few dozen years of peace, the current state of Song has grown to such an extent. It really makes Xiao feel a sense of admiration in three days."

"Before, Xiao heard that Song State, which had been defeated by Xixia Tiger Ben for decades, suddenly became brave and almost brave, with a strong army. At that time, Xiao really thought it was a joke."

"But now I know that it's not that Xixia is getting weaker, but that Song is getting stronger."

"My lord, there is a saying that I don't know whether it should be said or not." Po Chao Xinde looked at Xiao Wuna and said.

Seeing Xiao Wuna's signal gaze, Po Chao Xinde decided to muster up the courage to continue talking. "Your Majesty would like to ask Mr. Xiao, can you tell His Highness that I, Daxia, may dispatch some soldiers and horses to assist the regions in Longzhou."

"What?" Xiao Wuna couldn't help being stunned for a moment, turned his head, raised his eyebrows and said to Po Chao Xin De with some displeasure. "Do you know that withdrawing troops before the battle is a taboo for military strategists?"

"Sir, I know that I know, but now, urgent reports have come from Longzhou, Yinzhou and the left wing Shenyong Military Division. A large number of Song troops have begun to advance towards them, and it is very likely that they will launch an attack in a short period of time. "

"If these three states are lost, then our situation will be in danger."

Xiao Wuna stroked his long beard, his face gradually became gloomy. "Is the information accurate?"

"Although I don't know how many Song troops there are, it is absolutely unmistakable that at least the Song troops have gathered in large numbers within the Song territory." Pochao Xinde assured.

"Don't these three states have the ability to protect themselves?"

"In order to cooperate with Daliao to help our Xia Kingdom capture the land of these three states, we have assembled nearly 6 troops this time. Now, the defenders of the Yinxia states range from no more than [-] to less than [-] to [-]. "

"If the army of the Song Dynasty came to attack in a big way, if there is a little carelessness, there will be a big problem. Please also, for the sake of our relationship in the past, please report the difficulties of my Daxia to His Highness, and speak on your behalf." Quite Chao Xinde begged him with a bitter face.

"You have already mentioned this point, then Xiao will go and tell His Highness for you. As for His Highness's permission, it depends on His Highness's intentions. The old man is just a deputy envoy to supervise the army, not to lead the army. coach."

"Besides, I don't think you need to be so worried. After all, our march is secretive and the Song Army doesn't have much defense. If the Song Army really had the strength to attack the three states, they should have sent troops long ago."

"It's better not to just put on a formation and stagnate. They did this because they wanted to carry out the act of besieging Wei and saving Zhao. You don't have to worry too much."

"Having said that, please ask Master Xiao to explain the situation to His Highness, so that His Highness can be prepared." Po Chao Xinde secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Just this morning, I received an urgent report from the land of dragon and silver, which shocked Xin De.But now after hearing Xiao Wuna's analysis, I feel quite relaxed in my heart.

Because what Xiao Wuna said is very reasonable, maybe it is very likely that the Song army deliberately let the Yinxia states find their traces, and wanted to use this to contain the Liaoxia coalition army that attacked Youzhou.

However, the important officials of Ziliao and Xia never imagined that Wang Yang Wang Wushan had already deduced from the movement of Liao's army that Liao's intention was to be in these three states.

Then he decided to use his body as bait, intending to use the land of the three states as a lure, and then planned a bigger game of chess.

After half an hour passed, the Liao-Xia coalition forces attacking the city once again returned in vain, exhausted, carrying arrows stuck diagonally in the gaps between their armors, and some unlucky ghosts exuding blood all over their bodies. Smelling the stench of feces, he returned to the camp to rest, which was equivalent to a post-dinner exercise that consumed a lot of calories.

(End of this chapter)

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