Chapter 8 How about hiring me?
Chapter 8

"Then what do you mean, he really has this ability?" Wang Po squinted her eyes, her eyes flickering unsteadily. She has been in the market all her life. Wang Po's tricks can be said to be vicious, but it took decades to practice. ability.

And Wang Yang, a young man who seems to be in his twenties, is sometimes dumbfounded, and sometimes slippery, sometimes he is shrewd, and sometimes makes people think that this guy is cheeky. Made of iron.

"My daughter thinks that if he really has this ability, maybe he can make some suggestions for us in Yihonglou..." The mother and daughter pondered for a while, and then began to count together in a low voice. Wang Yang, who was dozing off, sneezed and woke himself up.

Damn, what the hell, dozing off will make your nose itchy?Wang Yang rubbed his nose and looked around to make sure no one was plotting against him, then rolled his eyelids and continued to doze off.

It wasn't until midnight that the high-quality customer who was over forty years old looked about to collapse, and slowly walked out of the door, and Wang Po, who had been staring at the room, rushed over, quietly Looking at the guest officer's expression, he said flattering words while flattering him.

"Hold it..." The customer slowly took out a gold ingot weighing about five or six taels from his sleeve, and threw it into Wang Po's hands, so excited that the fat on Wang Po's face was shaking. Trembling, but I haven't said a few words of thanks.

A word from this middle-aged man with a calm expression and an extraordinary bearing made Wang Po's whole body icy cold. "If there is any leakage of the... old man's coming here, there will be no Yihonglou in Tokyo Bianliang, understand?"

Seeing this man who is not angry and arrogant, although his tone is gentle, but there is an irresistible and powerful man, no matter how stupid Wang Po is, she understands that this man is probably a very special person. This noble person is definitely not a noble person who can't be offended by a small Yihonglou, or even a first-class brothel.

"Guest officer, what are you talking about, old lady, my eyes are dizzy, I only know that you are a distinguished guest, if there is any little hoof in the building who dares to open her mouth indiscriminately, the old lady will tear her mouth off first... ..."

"If you don't tear it up, I'll destroy your Yihonglou..." The honored guest looked back at the private room with nostalgia on his face, and walked out of Yihonglou after his face regained his composure.

The mother-in-law, whose back was drenched in cold sweat, saw this person go out, and a group of people rushed over from the street corner with a soft sedan chair. After the distinguished guest entered the sedan chair, the whole team soon Quietly and quickly submerged into the mottled night.

Moreover, among those who ran out, many of them clearly had weapons hanging from their waists.Wang Po slowly withdrew her head from the door, and patted her heart with lingering fear, God, what kind of noble person is being received by my mother's Yihonglou, maybe one day it will become a vicious and vicious murderer.

When I came to the private room on the second floor, I asked the girl who was still tidying up the room. At this moment, Wang Po really believed that Wang Yang really had a pair of extraordinary moves, and his keen judgment Strength, even an old driver like myself can't compare.

It seems that what my daughter said is right, I really should have a good chat with that guy.

" is it? The old man's conditions are quite generous." Wang Po smiled and looked at Wang Yang who was sitting opposite her, and asked slowly, taking a sip of tea.

Wang Yang was so angry that he almost laughed, picked up the tea in front of him and took a sip, damn it, the weird smell in it almost made the guy spray the tea on Po Wang's chubby old face.

Seeing that the tea was poured by Liu Damei himself, Wang Yang suppressed his nausea and swallowed it. "It's only twice a month, can this be called rich? I said Wang Po, even if you sell melons, you are not as boastful as you are. You really treat my uncle Wang as free labor? Do you know if I have an idea? It can save a company, and a single idea can make a company... ahem, in short, the price is too low, so let's not do it!"

"You don't want to do two rounds, why, too little?" Wang Po's face was full of pain, as if the two rounds of money seemed to be killing her. "You know, in the Song Dynasty, two pennies are enough for a family to live for a month. You are just a bachelor, eating, drinking, and worrying about nothing..."

"First, the house price in Bianliang, Tokyo, even for the smallest two-room house, is at least two thousand. Could it be that after working for you for several years, I am so lonely and living on the street?" Wang Yang snorted and said disdainfully.

I have been here for nearly half a month, and I am very familiar with the prices of Bianliang in Tokyo. Although the prices of other things are acceptable, this house price is like the house price of the capital in the 21st century. flap.

Many migrants, apart from staying in hotels, can only live in rented houses. Naturally, Wang Yang doesn't want his future to be driven around by landlords like he was in the 21st century.So his greatest and most lofty ideal and goal at this stage is to try to scrape together the money to buy a set of his own real estate in the past few years.

"Oh boy, do you still want my old lady to buy you a house?" Wang Po rolled her eyes and snorted coldly.

Wang Yang's eyeballs turned ghostly. "If it's not like this, why don't you simply end the prostitution contract and hire me to be your Xi Yiou in Yihonglou... well, how about being a special consultant?"

"Don't even think about it, are you really stupid as an old lady? You slippery boy, I really let you let go of this rope. I'm afraid I won't be able to see you that day." Wang Po laughed angrily. He slapped his palm on the desk and said viciously.

"Stop talking nonsense, is my character, Mr. Wang, so unbearable?" Wang Yang was furious, not to be outdone, and responded a few times.

"Stop!" Liu Yiyi went crazy immediately, and couldn't help but slap on the table with her slender hands. "Can you guys talk properly?!"

"Hmph, who made that brat push his feet." Wang Po snorted, raised the corners of her eyes, and looked at Wang Yang with disdain, and Wang Yang also rolled her eyes.

In the end, Liu Yiyi simply reconciled and, as an excellent referee, evaluated the appeals of both parties. In the end, both parties finally reluctantly agreed that the monthly salary would be twice a month. However, once Wang Yang proposed to For Yihonglou's helpful suggestions, according to the degree of help to Yihonglou, a minimum of ten guan and a maximum of [-] guan will be awarded.

Seeing that Wang Po, an old woman with a bad temper, always kept her word, after careful consideration, Wang Yang finally signed his name on the contract.

PS: Thank you book friend book friend 20170720003917746 for your support. Your support, um, will make me have a strong creative impulse. Yes, I am very impulsive in the code now
 Thank you book friend book friend 20170720003917746 for your support, your support, um, will make me have a strong creative impulse, yes, now I am very impulsive in the code words
(End of this chapter)

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