Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 788 Let Them Celebrate Well, Add Food Today (Part 2)

Chapter 788 Let Them Celebrate Well, Add Food Today (Second Change)
Chapter 797

It wasn't until a quarter of an hour ago that the bloody riot was completely suppressed. However, the entire army was already in a mess, panting and suspicious of each other. The troops continued to attack and had to withdraw to the camp.

Then, as the commander-in-chief of Ximen, Wu Chuntuo rushed over to report the situation in disgrace, and also pleaded guilty to the coach Yelu and Luwo.

Yelu and Luwo's ​​eyelids twitched when they heard this, the big hand holding the sharp knife at the waist hesitated, the knife came out nearly an inch, but he finally returned it to the sheath.

Can this be blamed on Wu Chuntuo's lax military management?Of course not. Those tribes were not affiliated with each other. The fact that Wuchun Tuotuo was able to stop the riot in time and finally allowed the army to withdraw to the camp and settle down shows that he is quite capable.

"Supervisor Xiao, it seems that I need to trouble you this time." Yelu and Luwo glanced at the officials beside them, finally landed on Xiao Shen and said in a deep voice. "I would like to trouble Supervisor Xiao, go to the Ximen Camp to see what is going on, and by the way, station troops there to supervise the troops of the Ximen Camp."

Xiao Shen was a little dazed at first, and it took him a long time to react, a look of ecstasy flashed in his eyes, he quickly stepped forward, and bowed deeply to Yelu and Luwo. "Don't worry, Your Highness, I will definitely not disappoint Your Highness."

Waiting for Xiao Shen to hurry over to rectify the soldiers and horses, ready to go with Wuchun Tuotuo, Xiao Wuna couldn't help but shook his head and stomped. "Your Highness, you are simply fooling around. That Xiao Shen is a villain. Now that he is suddenly in power, he might use a chicken feather as an arrow."

"There is nothing I can do about it. I need an old man to sit by my side. These northern tribes are all rebellious people. Those tribes in Ximen are too outrageous, just let Xiao Shen, a cruel and merciless person, go and make a fuss. Their prestige saves us Daliao from relying on them. How dare we act so recklessly in front of the battle? If we don't deal with it severely, who can guarantee that they won't do it again?"

Hearing Yelu and Luwo's ​​words, Xiao Wuna couldn't refute except sighing, after all, he Xiao Shen was originally a military supervisor, on behalf of the emperor to assist in military affairs, inspecting generals in charge of meritorious crimes.

It is reasonable to let him go to Governor Ximen's army and severely punish the perpetrators.But what makes people worry is that Xiao Shen's character is too scheming, not afraid of ten thousand, but afraid that if this guy wants to show off too much and oppresses too much, it will cause discord in the army, it will be a lot of fun.

Turning his head and looking towards Youzhou City, the sound of fighting is still going on, but at this moment, the two rushing cars have become a raging pile of firewood, and one of the other three has become precarious. Although the two planes are still complete, the situation is not much better.

The eyes of Yelu and Luwo who were originally full of expectation have gradually turned cold, like a fire that is dying out.

When the sun had jumped over the horizon and began to radiate heat recklessly, spreading the bright summer light to the earth, the Liaoxia coalition forces finally blew the horn to retreat.

The three rushing chariots were retreating slowly and hard towards the rear, and from time to time they had to endure the baptism of arrows from the Song army who burst into cheers from time to time.

When they finally retreated completely out of the Song Army's long-range weapon attack range, Wang Yang finally took off his helmet and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Looking at the ground spreading out in all directions with the city gate on the north side as the center, the pure green that I saw in the past is no longer there. Fragments of rotten siege weapons, and various banners.

The Song army on the top of the city, as if they had won the final victory, cheered bursts of cheers from time to time.

One car was still burning like a huge bonfire, and the other car had turned into a pile of broken wood, reminding Wang Yang of the shantytowns that the urban management demolition team passed by later.

The other three rams were staggeringly retreating towards the rear. Judging by the speed, it was three points faster than the previous attack. It seemed that the gang of militiamen and soldiers who pushed these rams to move had quite good physical strength. .

It was already quiet at dawn on the west gate side, and military reports from the other three gates would reach Wang Yang's ears almost every quarter of an hour, so that he, the coach of Youzhou City, could grasp the overall situation.

Regarding the expressions of those Liaoxia allied forces in Ximen, Mr. Wang really wanted to send them a pennant to reward their cannibalism. This is the rhythm of trying not to cause trouble to others.

It would be even better if we could do it a few more times, but unfortunately, this situation should only happen once, unless the Liaoxia coalition forces really regard the attack on Youzhou as a game rather than a war.

As for the seed division and the other side, there was also good news. Of the five rushing cars, only two escaped back, and the record was better than their own.

As for the south gate, it was similar to the north gate. However, since the northern tribes under the command of the Bahei Department preferred to fight on their own, it did not put much pressure on the Song army defenders on the top of the city.

The ones under the greatest pressure were the east gate, where Yelu and Lu Wo, the coaches of the Liao and Xia coalition forces, presided over the offensive, and the north gate, where the Xia army mainly attacked.

After the battle, not many soldiers were killed, but there were quite a few wounded. The medical center and medical soldiers at the North Gate alone cleaned and bandaged the wounds of more than [-] wounded.

The vast majority of them were arrow wounds, and only a small number of the wounded were smashed or penetrated.In addition, although the enemy used a large number of siege weapons, they failed to pose much threat to the walls of Youzhou City.

Especially those cars that hit the city and smashed into the city can't move the base of the city wall whose footing is specially reinforced with a large amount of concrete mixed with stones.On the contrary, it cracked the bronze head of the crashing car, or let the buttocks of the smashing car fiddle with it for a long time, but it didn't even dig a foot.

"Let them celebrate well. Let's add more vegetables at noon today, and each person will add two taels of dried meat. Tell Tang Xuncheng not to be short of catty or less, or I will cause trouble for him." Wang Yang turned to Ling Zong and instructed.

"Okay, master, don't worry, I will definitely bring your words to you." After Ling Zong promised loudly, he quickly sprinted down the tower and rode straight towards the city, looking like a hungry man. It's like a dead ghost stealing a fetus.

After Wang Yang put his helmet back on, he walked into the middle of the soldiers, and began to fulfill his duty as the guard of Youzhou, praising the many Xiang soldiers who participated in the war for the first time, as well as those elite frontier soldiers, It is also important to pay high-profile praise to the actions of those warriors who returned to combat positions after minor injuries.

Of course, I also have to tell those soldiers, don’t be overwhelmed by the blood. If you are injured, you must heal your wounds. The war will not end in a day or two. Our heroic soldiers in the Song Dynasty must fight for a long time. mental preparation.

(End of this chapter)

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