Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 763 Just after being slapped on the left cheek, he will be slapped on the right cheek (Part

Chapter 763 After being slapped on the left cheek just now, he will be slapped on the right cheek again (first update)
Chapter 772

But I could guess what this guy was thinking, so I didn't bother to bother with him. After handing this letter to a messenger, he wrote another letter to the emperor in Bianliang, Tokyo, and of course there was another letter to hand over. Give an appropriate discount.

After writing several letters in succession, Gao Shi cleared his throat and said to Wang Yang after the letters were taken away one by one by the messenger. "Sir Wang, I don't know what the official's mission is. Please tell me."

"Is your leg okay?" Wang Yang said angrily.

"It's almost there, but I don't know if it will happen again." After Gao Shi thought about it seriously, he decided not to take the risk, so as not to let Wang Yang, an old driver, pinch him.

"Well, you will preside over the various matters of the five medical centers. Remember, all the materials and manpower can only be prepared more, not less, but all the soldiers who have been rescued in the battlefield, the official They all hope that they can live until the time when I, Da Song, win the final victory. Do you understand?" Wang Yang looked at Gao Shize with burning eyes, looking very solemn.

"The lower officials will definitely do their best." Gao Shi didn't dare to be negligent, so he got up quickly, saluted Wang Yang solemnly, and then walked out quickly.

"Master Gao, don't go so fast, don't pretend to be real." Seeing this guy's brisk walk, Mr. Wang couldn't help but utter a joke, but unfortunately, Gao pretended to be deaf and dumb and went straight He ran out the door and disappeared.Depend on!

Wang Yang shook his head dumbfounded, sat back behind the case table, and took another look at the extremely important information.Liao Guo Xingshi's 30 crimes, the so-called 30, is definitely an imaginary number, but 20 should be possible.

If you add those old, weak and disabled soldiers of Xia Kingdom together, 30 is barely enough.Thinking that the 30 troops might show up at the city of Youzhou in two days, Wang Yang was really looking forward to it.

However, Wang Yang is not afraid, but a kind of excited expectation, isn't it 30?In the first battle on Huanqing Road, there were nearly 20 soldiers and horses besieging Huanzhou City.

At that time, the city defense of Huanzhou was not as strong as that of Youzhou, which had been reinforced and repaired for several months.So what if the Liaoxia coalition forces built a large number of siege weapons?

You have siege weapons, we have defensive weapons, there are many large ballistas, or catapults. In addition, five Yuanyou catapults have been assembled and tested, and the test results have met expectations.

Everything is waiting for the arrival of the Liaoxia Allied Forces. I believe this battle is definitely the strongest prelude to a new round of fierce collision between the Song Dynasty and the Northern Liao Dynasty since Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty.

After waiting for so long and racking his brains and doing so much preparation work, Wang Yang really wanted to weigh the weight of the Northern Liao army and the weight of the tribes on the northern border of the Liao Kingdom to see if they were really awesome. If there are less than ten thousand straight women, they will be invincible.

Wait until brother beats all your shit out, so what if you can fight ten thousand?Grandpa Wang thought viciously.

After a short time, the gate of Youzhou City opened slowly, and dozens of riders galloped out of the city. After passing the lowered suspension bridge, they headed in all directions, and the gate was tightly locked again.

Outside the city, there are still more than 2 Dangxiang and people of various ethnic groups scattered in various places outside the city of Youzhou, and among the crowd, there are also many unfamiliar faces, and their eyes are on those fast-moving people who are galloping away. on the horse.

Soon, they also understood that the other party's departure was not something that ordinary people who pretended to be ordinary party members could use their legs to catch up with. As a unit, patrol cavalry with armor on top and sharp blades on the waist.

They are walking around these Dangxiang people living around the city of Yuzhou. Once they intend to leave, they will be driven back. Anyone who intends to force the intruder will be killed!

In short, the rest of the party and the people of various ethnic groups who have been hovering around Youzhou have not left before, so now they have lost the opportunity to leave.

Anyway, every day, there will be corresponding food piled up outside the residential area for these people to take back, but no one is allowed to leave.If you want to leave quietly, you only have a chance to wait until it is dark and late at night, and take the opportunity to walk quietly.

This made many Xixia spies who sneaked here feel deeply pained. Unexpectedly, the Song people, who had previously ignored the life and death of these party members, suddenly sent additional patrols a few days ago, and strictly controlled them. After leaving, the rest of the party members who hadn't had time to leave couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

After all, they were just common people, not soldiers, so they had no choice but to squat outside the city of Yuzhou honestly.But the spies also lost the opportunity to sneak back to Xiazhou to report.

However, the spies were naturally able to realize that Song Jun's unusual behavior meant that the chance of Yuzhou's approaching battle was getting closer and closer.It's a pity that I have never had the opportunity to sneak into the city to find out if there is that terrible weapon that destroyed the ancient city of Wuyan.

In the early morning, the Bianliang morning court meeting in Tokyo was still held on time. Zhao Xu, the emperor of the Song Dynasty, was listening to the reports on government affairs from the important officials in the court behind the imperial case. After crossing the threshold of the main hall, he quickly walked around the courtiers and rushed towards Zhao Xu's place.

Ma Shang hurriedly signaled the other eunuchs around him to go forward, and soon, the expedited [-] miles from Youzhou passed through Ma Shang and was submitted to Zhao Xu's imperial case.

The hall, which seemed a little noisy at first, gradually became quiet. Everyone stretched their necks subconsciously, and looked at the emperor Zhao Xu who frowns like a river after opening the emergency report.

After a long time, the Son of Heaven, Zhao Xu, slowly raised his head and looked at these ministers, with a strange and dangerous smile on his face. "My lords, I think you must be very curious about what I have received..."

30 troops from the Liao Kingdom arrived in Xiazhou. The Xixia people in Xiazhou were building siege weapons on a large scale.

Hearing this news, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, who were still in a very relaxed mood, couldn't help but feel a sinking heart, and even some ministers cried out in surprise.

"My dear families, before, you all told me with one voice that the Liao Kingdom and our Great Song Dynasty have been at peace for a long time, and we should not speak war, and we must not lightly use troops to cause Liao's misunderstanding. Then, I invite you all to come Explain to me, what's going on now?" Emperor Zhao Xu glanced gloomyly at the court's civil and military officials, and said calmly.

But at this moment, these ministers and workers fell into an unspeakable silence, their faces were hot, as if someone had just slapped the left cheek and was about to slap the right cheek.Too fucking slapped in the face, too fucking embarrassing.

And Zhao Xu's next words made them look like nobles, just like the official robes on them. "Everyone, why don't you talk, you will make me feel very embarrassed. No one in the civil and military courts is standing up to face this issue."

(End of this chapter)

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