Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 761 As the saying goes, sharpen your guns in front of the battle, and you will be happy if y

Chapter 761 As the saying goes, sharpen your guns in front of the battle, and you will be happy if you are unhappy (first update)
Chapter 770

The largest medical clinic was set up by Wang Yang in the center of the city, less than a hundred steps away from the state government office. There is a huge space there, and nearly a thousand hospital beds have already been purchased, and hundreds of hospital beds are still in the warehouse. Among them as a backup.

Wang Yang estimated that he would need to recruit nearly a thousand young men to take care of them, and hundreds of women to wash clothes, sheets and other items.

Fortunately, Wang Yang is also a person who can play strategy games anyway, and he is very open-minded and good at accepting advice. He asked Zhe Keshi, Zhong Shihe and other military generals a long time ago to ask about the various things that need to be done for combat preparations. kind of work.

So far, both the planter and himself feel that it is too amazing. The soldiers seem to only be responsible for facing the enemy, and all the rest of the work has been arranged in an orderly manner, and there is no need for them to do anything at all Idle mind.

In the Chengbei Medical Center, a group of medical officers and practitioners had already had a hasty lunch after receiving the order, and waited here full of anxiety.

After all, the reputation of this young and promising Wang Da Jinglue, who has won the favor of the emperor, is definitely a person who can stop children from crying at night in these three states. Some people don't quite understand. What is the reason for calling here.

Without making them wait too long, Wang Yang walked into the Beimen Medical Center surrounded by a group of civil and military officials.With his gentle yet graceful smile, he expressed condolences to the group of doctors and medical officers one by one.

"It's not a big place here, so let's all make do with it, sit down, sit down..." Soon, Wang Yang was the first to sit on the steps after the hair of these medical officers and doctors was pressed into small mats. .Seeing that Wang Yang and a group of civil and military officials also sat down, these medical officers and doctors sat down one after another, waiting for Wang Yang to speak.

"You are all the elites in the medical field of Shanxi Road in the Song Dynasty. It is our fate to be able to meet you here today. I am very grateful that you can come here. However, there are also a few requests. Now Speaking out, I hope you can agree with my point of view..."

Wang Yang didn't have that much time to show emotion and reason, but decided to use the most brutal and savage way to arouse these guys' competitive spirit and fighting spirit.

That is to spend money. Wang Yang told them directly and frankly that as long as they can teach a beginner how to clean the contaminated wound, how to apply medicine to stop bleeding, how to wrap bandages and a series of primary treatment methods, then The rewards are consistent.

As soon as this remark came out, all the medical officers and practitioners present brightened their eyes and said, what the hell, is this money too easy to earn?These primary means, to be honest, are not too difficult.

"My lord, although the young ones are willing to teach, but we don't have so many wounded, so there is no way to guide them..." One of the old doctors stood up and put forward his opinion.

"Won't you use people to pretend to be wounded?" Wang Yang was really convinced by these doctors. Why was his brain so solid? He waved Wu Qilang forward, and then asked someone to bring him a pen and ink.He asked Wu Qilang to roll up his sleeves, and then drew a stroke on his arm with his pen. "Did you see that? This means his arm was slashed. How should such an injury be treated?"

Under the stimulation of money, both medical officers and doctors can benefit from it. Naturally, one or two people expressed to Mr. Wang like a shot of chicken blood that they would be able to teach a large number of qualified junior medical staff.

After getting rid of the money-seeking gangsters, Wang Yang climbed to the top of the city and inspected the frontier soldiers and Xiang army soldiers on the city again.

The soldiers of the Xiang Army wore the light but highly defensive paper armor transported from Yanzhou.After the paper armor arrived in Yuzhou, many Xiang soldiers had a skeptical attitude towards the defensive power of this thing.

In order to dispel their wariness, Wang Yang asked the planter to hold armor defense demonstrations for many times, so that the soldiers of the Xiang army finally understood that this kind of armor made of paper was not used to fool their own people. of.

And its extremely light weight, as well as its defensive power that is not inferior to the iron armor, also made the soldiers of the Xiang army very excited.Although a considerable number of Xiang soldiers had never been on the battlefield, they also understood that armor was the guarantee of their lives.

Although the shape of this kind of paper armor is ugly and frustrating, its defensive power is extremely amazing. It can protect the vital points of their bodies from being damaged by the enemy's long-range weapons and melee weapons, so there is no need to ask too much.

In addition, a large amount of weapons and equipment have been piled up in Yuzhou. The Xiang army who originally had no farts except for a spear is now wearing light and strong paper armor. In addition to using bows and arrows, the remaining [-] Xiang troops, almost all armed with crossbows, practice crossbow shooting inside and outside the city every day.

After Wang Yang boarded the top of the city, he saw the officers blowing whistles and waving the pennants in their hands. Immediately, a whole line of paper armored shooters strode to the front of the city wall, raised their crossbows, aimed downwards, and then struck Pull the trigger and step back.

Following the whistle, another row of paper armored shooters stood up, aiming and shooting.Wang Yang looked in the direction these paper-armored shooters were aiming at. On the ground outside the city, about a hundred and fifty steps away from the city wall, there was a row of straw targets, and most of the crossbow bolts shot down were concentrated. in that position.

Looking at the densely packed tail feathers, it looked like a low black and white forest. Each test shot was shot in three columns, and each shooter took turns shooting three times.

After the shooting, an officer would stand up and point out some of the soldiers' mistakes in aiming, the raised position of their arms, and the downward angle of the crossbow placed on the parapet.

Looking at those officers who were swearing while teaching shooting experience, and those officers and soldiers of the Xiang Army who were obediently blinking and listening to the officers' lectures, Wang Yang finally showed a look of relief on his face.

"After training in this way, although the shooting skills of these Xiang army bastards have been trained very quickly, the wear and tear of our crossbow arrows is not small. After all, those arrow tails can only be used up to three or five times..." Zhong Shi and With a full face of regret.

"It doesn't matter, as long as they are willing, it doesn't matter even if they practice all the arrows and tails. We don't have so much time to hone them slowly, we can only rely on this kind of strengthening I’ve practiced..." Wang Yang said helplessly.

As the saying goes, sharpen your guns before the battle, and you will be happy if you are unhappy.Fortunately, I collected a large number of feathers from Scholar Su Dongpo. Although these feathers are not the best flight feathers, they are better than nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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