Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 752: Great paper-making armor, defending the home and the country! (Part 1)

Chapter 752: Great paper-making armor, defending the home and the country! (first update)
Chapter 761

"I said General Zhong, are you kidding me?" Wang Yang rolled his eyes angrily, and almost took off his pair of stinky shoes that he had worn for three days. Dao's face was thrown.

"Wang Wushan, don't be anxious. Tell me about the way of teaching. What is the method?" Su Dongpo persuaded Wang Yang and then asked about the way of teaching.

"Paper armor and cloth armor!" Zhong Shidao rubbed his hands excitedly, and said loudly as if offering a treasure. "My lords may not know that when I was short of armor in the Song Dynasty, I used to use paper and linen as armor for soldiers to wear."

Wang Yang looked at Zhong Shidao very seriously, but his expression seemed to want to hit someone. "Dare to ask General Zhong, can these two armors have any effect?"

"Of course it works, and its defensive power is definitely not inferior to that of iron armor. The important thing is that it is cheap and convenient to make. The only problem is that these two kinds of armor can't withstand water and humidity. After they are made, if it encounters the rainy season, I'm afraid If it doesn't last for two or three months, it will rot or rot..."

This time, both Wang Yang and Su Dongpo's eyes lit up.Wang Yang even rushed to Zhong Shidao and asked. "Really or not, it doesn't matter whether it is rotten or rotten, but the important thing is that the soldiers can wear defensive armor and go to the battlefield to support them for a month or two."

"That's natural. By the way, I don't know if there is any stock in the treasury in Huanzhou. Chong remembered that two years ago, we made a batch of paper armor on Shaanxi Road, but it was almost consumed... "

"Hurry up and get someone to look for it. It would be great if you can see the samples." Wang Yang hurriedly urged.

However, even though a large number of people were used to search for it, it still took more than an hour of work. Only five pieces were found, three of which already exuded an unpleasant smell of decay and mildew, and the other two had to be put on the shelves. It's better, but the surface has also grown green hair.

"These are paper armors? Why are they rotten like this..." Wang Yang took a closer look and stepped back quickly, breathing in the fresh air. The smell was really unpleasant.

"Because this thing is easy to decay, presumably those who take care of it are not dedicated, but it's good to have a sample." Zhong Shidao said with a helpless smile.

Wang Yang looked at these rotten paper armors in detail, and listened carefully to Zhong Shidao's explanation. The weight of these paper armors can be said to be extremely light, and the weight will not exceed fifteen catties.

However, its defensive power is not inferior to that of iron armor. However, because it is made of paper pulp hammered and bonded, it cannot withstand moisture and rain and is very easily damaged.

Therefore, generally speaking, it can only be used as an emergency.

But for Wang Yang today, it's just that there is nowhere to look for, and it doesn't take much effort to get it.After all, all Wang Yang needs is armor that can play a defensive role, no matter what material he is made of.

The manufacturing process of this paper armor is extremely simple, but there is a big problem that it needs paper, and a lot of paper is needed.

"In the past, when we made paper armor, we mostly used scrap paper and old books collected from us. After all, it was cheap. If we used new paper, it would cost nearly a hundred renminbi a catty, and five catties would cost a penny. "

"That's much cheaper than leather armor and iron armor. The important thing is that General Zhong said that the manufacturing process of this armor is simple, so that's fine. Paper, does Shaanxi or Jingzhao Prefecture have a paper mill?" Wang Yang just thought about it for a while. After thinking about it for a while, I made up my mind.

Isn't it just money?As long as a large amount of paper armor can be produced, as long as it can provide enough protection for the soldiers, it is better than no armor.

"Of course there are. In Jingzhao Prefecture alone, there are nearly ten paper mills. You don't really want to use new paper to make them?" Su Dongpo said with a slap in the face.It's all money. Besides, in this era, the main function of paper is to record words, which is one of the four treasures of the study.

Really want Wang Yang to tinker with tens of thousands of pieces of paper armor, uh... Su Dongpo always feels uncomfortable.

But right now there was no other way to think about it. In the end, Su Dongpo could only bite the bullet and agreed to Wang Yang, and helped him collect paper to make paper armor to the greatest extent.

Official Wang then breathed a sigh of relief. After resting in Huanzhou for a night, he rushed straight to Yanzhou at dawn.

On the other hand, Su Dongpo began to buy paper from various places on Shaanxi Road on the second day. No matter it was in kilograms or sheets, in short, all the paper that could be collected was shipped to Yanzhou.

And the tens of thousands of soldiers staying in Yanzhou are waiting for the arrival of these papers with big wooden hammers and puffing their chest muscles. Defend the country.

There are several ways to make paper armor. The most durable one is to cut the paper into one-inch squares, hammer it into shape and fix it with nails.

The simplest kind is to mix the paper with paste and other adhesives, hammer it with a sledgehammer, and then hang it in the sun to dry.

But this kind of simple paper armor, its defensive effect is naturally inferior to the scale-like paper armor with cumbersome craftsmanship, but it can definitely defend against arrows, but its defense against weapons such as knives and axes is weak, but It is more suitable for large-scale rapid manufacturing.

Both body armor and arm armor can be made in this way, and two people can make at least five sets in one day.What's more, according to Wang Yang's plan, these armors were originally meant to be used by the Xiang army. As for dealing with the enemies who climbed onto the city wall, they still had to rely on the elite frontier troops.

It is precisely because Wang Yang doesn't pay attention to the shape and the main function is to defend against arrows and crossbows. This kind of paper armor, which is light and easy to produce in large quantities, is being produced at a speed that surpasses Britain and the United States.

What is even more fortunate is that this is the northwestern frontier of the Great Song Dynasty. It was originally dry, with little rain and plenty of sunshine. Therefore, making paper armor is almost unaffected by the weather.

In addition, we also need to thank the hard work of those Xixia prisoners of war who are physically strong. It is because of their overtime and hard work that the cement straight road from Yanzhou to Huanzhou has been completed and opened to pass before the end of April.

This allows a large amount of materials to travel quickly between Yanzhou and Huanzhou along this road. Carloads of paper are delivered to Yanzhou. After being unloaded, they are sent directly to the armor-making factory outside the city. Place.

Hmm... The so-called armor factory is just a bunch of bosses carrying big wooden hammers, and you come and go like smashing rice cakes, hammering the paper soaked in paste with all your might.

After hammering them tightly, hang them to dry, wait until they are almost dry, then start cutting, and finally made pieces of Song paper armor with simple structure and very light weight.

Although the paper armor looks a bit ugly, it has been tested and can completely defend against shooting from bows and crossbows. This makes both Wang Yang and those Xiang troops who will wear this kind of paper armor to defend the city in the future all smile.

Although it's not quite clear why Wang Jinglue made almost all the Xiang troops in Yanzhou participate in the armor-making work like a chicken blood injection, but it's better to have a piece of armor than nothing.

However, it didn't take long for the news of the large-scale production of paper armor in Yanzhou to reach the capital and reach the ears of the big shots and important ministers in the court.

(End of this chapter)

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