Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 744 The Xiang army doesn't even have leather armor? (Part 1)

Chapter 744 The Xiang army doesn't even have leather armor? (First update)
Chapter 753

When I came to the place close to Hongzhou City, I already felt that Hongzhou City was very different from what I saw a few months ago. The original Hongzhou City, except for the four gate towers built with green bricks, The surrounding walls are all made of rammed clay.

But now, the city gate tower originally built with blue bricks has turned red. This is based on the original foundation and has been heightened and reinforced with red bricks. Raised and reinforced.Its city is much taller and majestic than the original Hongzhou city.

The streets and houses in the city have also been repaired, and they appear to be more orderly and regular, especially the streets rebuilt by Yuanyou Cement, which are much more comfortable than the original yellow mud roads. Dusty, but as long as there is rain, it will still look as clean as ever.

Hongzhou seemed very crowded, mainly because of the arrival of the [-] Xiangjun and their families, which made this city, which was originally not very big, suddenly feel more pressure.

In the end, Dong Qun moved more than [-] households of Xiangjun families to Naiwangjing and the newly renovated Wuyan Ancient City. After all, Wuyan Ancient City is a rare good wharf on the west bank of the turbulent Wuding River.

This is also where the Xixia garrison and others originally evacuated. If the Xixia soldiers and horses want to attack Hongzhou, they must first capture the ancient city of Wuyan, or they can only cross the river from Xiazhou downstream. , and then seize the Sanchakou belonging to Youzhou, and then be able to advance to the ancient city of Wuyan.

Wang Yang and Zhe Keshi stayed in Hongzhou for three days, and then continued northward to the ancient city of Wuyan, inspecting the ancient city of Wuyan that had been destroyed by the elites of the Song Dynasty led by him in the past.

But now, the city wall has been repaired, and nearly half of the buildings in the city have been repaired, enough for the people who migrated to live.

Even the farmland near the ancient city of Wuyan is gradually turning green at this moment, and the faces of the migrating people are filled with indescribable satisfaction and smiles.

But Wang Yang saw all this, but his heart became more and more heavy.People became more and more silent. Zhe Keshi, a companion who had been working with Wang Yang for a long time, naturally noticed something strange about Wang Yang. However, every time he asked, he was brushed off by this guy, and he could only feel resentful. Give up.

He didn't want to say it, because he was afraid that no one would be able to force him to say it. If he wanted to say it, he would tell himself even if he didn't ask.

"It's not enough, it's not enough. It's not enough to repair the walls of Wuyan ancient city like this. It's too low. Let the guards continue to raise the walls. Song’s standard city wall reconstruction, adding female walls, and adding archery towers at the four corners..."

"Wang Jinglue, this ancient city of Wuyan is just a fort rebuilt from an ancient city. If it is built according to your request, my lord, it will cost a lot." Huang Shouxin who accompanied him couldn't help showing embarrassment, and looked at Wang Yang past.

"It's okay, but I ask you, from now on, put down everything you are doing and repair it as quickly as possible. Before the end of May, I want to see Wuyan Ancient City fully meet my requirements. Do you understand?" Wang Yang was unusual. Resolute, or stubborn.

And these few subconsciously cast their gazes on Zhe Keshi. Zhe Keshi glanced at Wang Yang, who had almost no expression on his face, and shrugged his shoulders: "Zhe Mou also agrees with Wang Jinglue's meaning. All of you must work together and live up to the instructions of Mr. Zhe and Mr. Wang."

Seeing the unity of opinion of the two senior officials, Huang Shouxin and Dong Qun, the civil and military leaders of Hongzhou, had no choice but to take orders.

Not only the ancient city of Wuyan, but even the city defense of Naiwangjing put forward higher requirements. After Hongzhou's disposal was completed, Wang Yang and Zhe Keshi continued to ride northward, heading towards Youzhou.

At this moment, five days had passed. When he saw Youzhou, who was armed to the teeth, Wang Daguan was quite satisfied. Even though he was in a state of shock, his eyes could not help but turn slightly red.

"Hey, this **** doesn't look like a city, it's just like a formidable giant beast." Looking at the towering arrow tower on the city wall.There is also the thick and tall city wall, as well as the same strong but like a beast's mouth with fangs, Zhe Keshi was very moved.

"That's natural. The cost of repairing and transforming Youzhou alone has cost nearly 50 yuan. If it weren't for Wang Jinglue's full support, this Youzhou would not be like this."

"How about the [-] troops who moved here?" Wang Yang nodded with satisfaction. This is what he imagined the military fortress should look like.

"Although this Wanxiang army is not comparable to our frontier army, it is not too far behind. After all, it has been stationed in the border area between the Great Song Dynasty and the Northern Liao Dynasty for a long time, and many of them even retired from the frontier army. Veterans..." Zhongshi and Dao are much younger than Zhongshi.

Moreover, his personality is not as steady and calm as that of a teacher. Instead, he has the vitality of a lot of passionate soldiers. He and Zhe Keshi are old acquaintances, and they were laughing and joking when they first met.

"With the support of this Youzhou city, how many enemies do you think you can block?" After entering the city, Wang Yang dismounted at the city gate, climbed the towering city wall, and inspected the Wengcheng in front of him, overlooking the distance. Going to the northeast direction, he asked leisurely.

"If nothing else, I am confident that 20 enemies can last for a month." Zhong Shihe did not agree rashly, but gave his answer after thinking about it. "However, in terms of the current strength of the city, I am afraid that the loss will not be small."

Wang Yang turned his head, as if he wanted to hear more details from him.Zhong Shihe did not disappoint Wang Yang, but continued to analyze the pros and cons of Youzhou today.

"If there are really 20 troops to attack, it will be a bit reluctant to be able to defend for a month... After all, there are not many young people in Youzhou City, even with the support of these [-] troops. But these [-] troops , There is not enough military equipment, there are only [-] spears, [-] bows, and less than [-] pieces of leather armor."

"Today, the defenders of Youzhou City have five thousand Yuanyou crossbows, three thousand bows, and five hundred Yuanyou armors. The rest of the defenders are all armored, but their defense power is naturally not as strong as Yuanyou armors. As exaggerated, as for the 1000 pawns, there are [-] Yuan Youjiaqi and [-] Yuanzijiaqi, which can be regarded as a hole card and a reliance of my Yuzhou."

"But if an army of 20 soldiers really invades, these three thousand armored cavalry will not be of much use. They can only defend the city with the infantry, and occasionally take advantage of the enemy's carelessness or weakness to make surprise attacks. , mainly to harass the enemy."

"Most of the Xiang army don't even have a piece of leather armor?" Wang Yang couldn't help but sucked in a toothache.

(End of this chapter)

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