Chapter 731 My Only Bet (Second)
Chapter 740

Xixia Xiangqing Army Commander, Commander Bona's Ranger General Ren Duoguangxian is riding his mount slowly forward. The [-] rangers he leads have already spread over ten miles in this area. Carefully searched for the traces of the two missing brothers on the broad surface.

After searching for nearly half a day, we were gradually leaving the border of Yaode City and entering the territory of Yanzhou controlled by the Song people, but still found nothing.

This made Ren Duoguang feel a little annoyed, but his face did not reveal anything, and he continued to slowly ride his horse towards the southeast, while sending people to warn the rangers to be vigilant. Do not touch, do not chase, and immediately retreat to the direction where you are.

After all, General Bona's orders, I can only honestly carry out.Otherwise, if something big happens, I'm afraid it won't be enough even if I use my head to fight it.

Slowly continue to search, the sun is getting westward gradually, and at the moment when Ren Duoguang is thinking about where he should camp tonight and wait for the search tomorrow.

Suddenly seeing a horse galloping towards this side, Ren Duo Guangxian's heart sank, he raised his hand to stop the horses behind him from moving forward, and he himself stopped the horse's head.

"General, five miles to the east, there are more than a hundred Song cavalry. The leader is Liang Shou, who used to be from our Prime Minister Liang's country. He said that our people are in his hands."

Hearing this, Ren Duo's bright pupils shrank suddenly. "Liang Shou! Are you sure?"

"I don't know much about the small ones, but those Song cavalry soldiers don't allow us to go further to the southeast, otherwise we will be killed."

Hearing this, several middle and lower rank officers behind Ren Duo Guangxian shouted and cursed.

"That's enough! Now is not the time to quarrel. Sound the trumpet and tell the brothers to gather in this direction. I'm going to see what he, Liang Shou, a perfidious traitor, wants to do..." Ren Duoguang shouted and stopped the side The general's drum noise gave an order, and soon, the low-pitched horns began to resound through the rolling hills.

Those Xixia rangers who heard the horn began to communicate with the horn, and soon more than 200 Xixia rangers gathered towards the location where Ren Duo Guangxian was. After meeting at one place, they galloped towards the southeast.

"General, is it too risky for us to do this?" Liu Tongzhi rubbed his calloused hands from time to time, full of uneasiness in his heart, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and walked towards the man standing on the top of the mound. Liang Shou, who was looking northwest, asked.

"Taking risks is a bit risky, but this is the only way now. If not, the Xixia people will become more and more suspicious. Instead, it is better to face them." Liang Shou was also very uneasy in his heart, but at this moment, he I can only bite the bullet and use this risky method to deal with it.

And on the grass not far away were two corpses of Xixia Rangers tightly wrapped in linen.Now, what they have to do is wait for the arrival of those Xixia soldiers and horses, and then return the two corpses to the Xixia people.

Just on this mound, there is an incomplete stone tablet, but at least the writing on it clearly shows that it is a boundary tablet. The southeast of the boundary tablet is Yanzhou, and the northwest belongs to the original Lingzhou. Today's Xixia Xiangqing Army.

Before, Liang Shou, who had been thinking hard, suddenly noticed this incomplete boundary marker, and suddenly he had a burst of inspiration, and got an extremely risky, but also very brilliant idea.

In the end, Liang Shou persuaded his subordinates to agree to his approach, so when a ranger from Xixia appeared, he contacted the other party and asked the other party's general to come and explain.

And now, just about a mile northwest of this hill, there are a large number of Western Xia rangers gathering, from the first few people to dozens of riders.

"General, look over there, their general should be coming..." At this moment, a cavalryman pointed to the west and shouted loudly.

Liang Shou looked up and saw nearly a hundred riders galloping towards this side. Liang Shou took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He had to be calm. Now, his bet was that the Xixia people would not Dare to speak war easily and be good at provocative frontiers.

As for myself, I need to play a good role as a militant who is eager to provoke the Song Xia dispute and avenges the blood hatred for his Liang clan.

Ren Duoguangxian rode his horse to a distance from the hill, packed up two hundred riders, looked towards the opposite side, saw the figure on the hill, and the more than one hundred riders gathered under the hill, and took a deep breath After taking a breath, he ordered most of the rangers to wait where they were, while he himself led twenty riders to gallop towards the location of the Song cavalry.

Gradually galloping forward, the more than one hundred Song soldiers on the opposite side seemed to have no reaction, but the general of the Song army standing on the hill yelled something, and soon, those soldiers of the Song army who were originally scattered around the hill Back away.

At this moment, Renduo Guangxian could already clearly see the face of the Song Army general who was standing on a hill that was only about ten steps above the gentle ground. "It really is him..."

Ren Duo Guangxian had seen that face when he was last year, because at that time, Ren Duo Guangxian was a member of the army going south.

It was only later that when Xiangguo Liang Yibu learned that Xiaoliang's army was besieged by the Song army and retreated to Hongzhou, he ordered some of the army to retreat to their respective stations, and he Ren Duoguang was one of them.

But now, Ren Duoguang is still the general of Xixia, while the son of Liang Xiangguo in front of him has defected with his father and has become a lackey of the Song Dynasty.

Ren Duoguang's eyes quickly noticed the two linen-wrapped objects at Liang Shou's feet. His eyes suddenly shrank, and undisguised anger gradually emerged on his face.

"The defense envoys of Luyan, You, and Hong in Shaanxi Province in the Song Dynasty, the commander Liang is here, and who are you waiting for?!" At this moment, seeing those subordinates reluctantly retreating to the two sides of the hill Liang Shou, who was behind him, took a deep breath, held the sword at his waist and shouted sharply.

"A certain person is Ren Duo Guangxian, the ranger commander under the command of Si Bo Na of the Xiangqing Army of Daxia. I really didn't expect to see the son of the former Liang Xiangguo here. It is really a pleasure to meet him." Ren Duo Guangxian was standing on the hill nearby. In the end, when there were still ten steps away, he stopped the horse's head, twitched the corner of his mouth with a fake smile.

"Benevolent?" Liang Shou squinted his eyes and looked at this person, he chuckled, stroked his short beard, and his voice suddenly turned sharp. "If you don't mention it, Liang will never dare to forget who he is in this life. His family has hundreds of people, all of whom were killed by Li Qianshun, who betrayed his trust and regarded his blood as a enemy."

(End of this chapter)

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